-adj. 4. short, stubby, stubbed, stumpy, dumpy, squabbish, squabby, squatty; chunky, thick, thickset, broad, stocky, stout, stodgy; fleshy, filled-out, plump, chubby, tubby, pudgy; fat, portly, pursy.
5. crouching, stooping, bending, hunching,
squawk, v. 1. cry, call, cackle, screech, screak,
shriek, scream, scold, hoot, ululate, whoop, yawp.
2. Slang, complain, grouse, yowl, howl, yap, Sl. bellyache, Sl. bitch; bellow, roar, Sl. holler.
-n. 3. cry, call, screech, screak, shriek, scream, hoot, ululation, stridor, squall, caterwaul, blare, keen.
4. Slang, complaint, protest, whine, wail, howl, outcry, yammer, Sl. beef, Sl. kick, Sl. gripe, Sl. bellyache.
squeak, n. 1. creak, scrape, screech, twang, whine;
squeal, shriek, screak, scream, yelp, yip, yowl.
-v. 2. squeal, shriek, screak, scream, yelp, yip, yowl; pule, whine, whimper, squall, cry, cry out.
3. squeak by squeeze by, just make it. have a near miss, graze or brush by, scrape by, have a close call, escape by the skin of one's teeth.
squeal, n. 1. See squeak (def. 1).
-v. 2. See squeak (def. 2).
3. Slang, inform, tell on, tell tales, Inf. tell tales out of school, Inf. snitch, Inf. blow the whistle on, Inf. shoot one's mouth off, Inf. let the cat out of the bag, blab; Inf. turn in; All Sl. fink, peach, stool, rat, rat on, put the finger on, finger, name names, sell [s.o.] down the river, sing, weasel, squeamish, adj. 1. prudish, modest, overmodest, coy, demure, shy, reserved; prim, proper, priggish, old-maidish, Inf., Derog. nunny.
2. dainty, delicate, finical, finicky, fussy, Inf. fuddy-duddy, Inf pernickety; particular, overparticular, picky, Inf. choosy; fastidious, hard to please, critical, demanding, exacting, difficult; overcritical, hypercritical, overdemanding, overexacting; meticulous, careful, painstaking, minute, detailed, circumstantial, fine, nice, thorough.
3. easily nauseated or disgusted, queasy, qualmish, squeeze, v. 1. compress, pinch, tweak, crush, squash, Dial, squish; compact, press together, force together, constrict, constringe, astringe, tighten, contract, condense, concentrate, consolidate; shorten, reduce, retrench, curtail, cut down, cut back, cut off, cut short; decrease, diminish, subtract, subduct, narrow, bridge; abbreviate, abridge, abstract, summarize, digest, epitomize, brief, synopsize.