evasive, adj. prevaricative, quibbling, equivocating, shuffling; tergiversating, vacillating, wavering; ambiguous, amphibolic, elusive, slippery, evanescent, fleeting; misleading, roundabout, circuitous, ambagious, hedging, weasel-worded, double-tongued; shifty, deceptive, deceitful, duplicitous, tricky, eve, n. 1. vigil, night before, day before, time or period before.
2. verge, point, brink, edge; threshold, Psychol, li-men, doorsill, doorstep, even, adj. 1. level, plane, flat, smooth, complan-ate; horizontal, linear, rectilinear; flush, straight, true, plumb; balanced, right, equalized; symmetrical, proportionate, proportional, commensurate, correlative.
2. parallel, collateral, coextensive, equidistant, paral-lelistic, parallelogrammatical; abreast, alongside, Inf. neck and neck, tie.
3. regular, equable, orderly, systematic, methodical; stable, steady, unchanging, constant, set; harmonious, rhythmical, measured, metrical, consistent; monotonous, unbroken, unvaried, uniform; uninterrupted, swerving, unfluctuating, unvarying, in step, in line.
4. equal, same, all one, like, identical, similar; coordinate, coequal, to the same degree, of the same rank; on an equal footing, equally advantaged, evenly matched, on even terms, Inf. even-steven; on a par, as good as, the same as.
5. square, paid, quits, equal, adjusted, on par, clear, Inf. clean.
6. calm, placid, serene, tranquil; unexcitable, imperturbable, undisturbable; unruffled, even-tempered, composed, cool; calm, cool, and collected.
7. equitable, impartial, fair, just, honest, upright, reputable, fair and square; aboveboard, straightforward, on the level, SI. on the up and up; disinterested, unbiased, unprejudiced, unbigoted, dispassionate. -adv. 8. evenly, regularly, equably, uniformly, smoothly; uninterruptedly, unbrokenly, monotonously, like clockwork.
9. still, yet, notwithstanding, nonetheless, albeit; but, all the same, however, nevertheless, be that as it may, even so, however that may be, whatever.
10. directly, exactly, squarely, square, expressly; straight, just, right, dead, point-blank, plumb.
11. indeed, yea, ever so, more than ever, all the more.
12. at all, hardly, scarcely, barely, not quite, so much as, no more than.
13. break even neither gain nor lose, Inf. come out O.K; win a few, lose a few.
14. get even avenge, revenge, pay back, repay, reciprocate; retaliate, bear malice, strike back; give tit for tat, give an eye for an eye, give quid pro quo, return like for like.
-v. 15. level, smooth, equalize, align, flush; flat
ten, lay level, plane, planish. 16. make uniform, balance, equilibrize, proportion; harmonize, symmetrize, regulate, coordinate, even-handed, adj. impartial, equitable, neutral, taking no sides; scrupulous, honorable, incorrupt. See even (def. 7). evening, n. 1. even, eventide, close of day, fall of day, decline of day, Archaic, vesper, Archaic, evensong; sunset, sundown, nightfall, shank of the evening, Brit. Dial, cockshut; twilight, crepuscule, dusk, grayness, Literary, duskingtide, Archaic, gloam, Archaic. gloaming, Dial, cocklight, Dial, owllight; curfew, bedtime, taps, lights out.