Synonyms Dictionary
3. mold, cast, matrix, shaper; pattern, prototype, guide, model; manikin, mannequin, dummy.
4. format, setup, layout, blueprint, outline, sketch, adumbration, Inf. getup; design, plan, scheme, idea.
5. species, breed, brood, order, class, genus; type, kind, genre, sort, kidney, variety; stamp, designation, denomination, name, suit; description, grain, feather, fabric, texture, tone, color, stripe; make, cast, cut, style, manner, nature; character, make-up, idiosyncrasy, Archaic, crasis.
6. method, formula, formulary, set order, system, manner, mode; formality, ceremony, rite, ritual, Eccles. ordinance; procedure, motions, steps.
7. blank, questionnaire, questionary, application or entry blank; document, paper.
8. etiquette, protocol, decorum, propriety, properness, punctilio, conventionality; deportment, conduct, behavior, Inf. what's expected.
9. condition, state, fettle, Inf. kilter; fitness, physical fitness, health, well-being.
-v. 10. make, fabricate, manufacture, produce, mint, turn out, put out; construct, build, assemble, set up, put together; erect, elevate, raise, rear, put up.
11. formulate, frame, forge, devise, contrive, think up; conceive, visualize, envision, imagine, image, Inf dream up, Inf. hatch; design, pattern, outline, sketch, trace, adumbrate, draw, delineate, limn; create, compose, invent, coin, originate, start, engender, incept, beget, innovate, initiate, inaugurate; institute, found, establish, generate, bring about.
12. constitute, comprise, make up, go into the making of, be a part or portion of, be an integral part of, be an element or ingredient or component of, be a constituent of.
13. organize, systematize, coordinate, correlate, collate, group, assemble; order, rank, grade, range, graduate; arrange, array, dispose, align, line up, adjust, collocate, place, position.
14. contract, acquire, incur, get; develop, grow into, pick up.
15. shape, fashion, mold, model, knead; cast, stamp, block, block out, hammer, chisel, hew, roughhew, sculpture.
16. discipline, drill, exercise, shape up; train, coach, get in shape; teach, instruct, educate, school.
17. materialize, take shape or form, come into being or existence, appear, show up.
18. dovetail, fall or settle into place, fit together, make a design or pattern. formal, adj. 1. conventional, standard, regular, customary; proper, seemly, decorous; ceremonial, ritual, solemn; observant, strict, rigid, inflexible, uncompromising; set, fixed, exact, precise, punctilious; stiff, stilted, prim, stuffy, stand-offish, reserved, aloof; starched, strait-laced, prudish, puritanical.
2. ceremonious, elaborate, Sl. veddy-veddy proper, fancy, elegant; bombastic, overblown, pretentious, pompous.
3. perfunctory, routine, indifferent; unspontaneous, methodical, orderly; nominal, apparent, external, superficial, Latin, proforma. formality, n. 1. convention, form, observance; usage, practice, custom, wont, Inf the way it's done, protocol, Inf. S.O.P.; ceremony, ritual, rite, service, liturgy.
2. rigidity, inflexibility, stiffness; strictness, exactness, punctilio, precision.
3. ceremoniousness, excessiveness, overinflation; red tape, Inf fiddle-faddle.
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