2. support, back, second, uphold, maintain, sustain, endorse, smile upon, Inf.go to bat for, Inf.stick up for, Inf.stick by, stand by; promote, further, advance, forward, advocate, cultivate, favor.
3. facilitate, ease, make easier, expedite, cut through red tape; speed, speed up, accelerate, hasten, quicken; intercede, pave the way, clear the way, open the way, run interference for, Fig.
block for; disburden, disencumber, rid, disembarrass, deobstruct, lighten the load; bolster, elevate, prop up, enhance, tide over, put on one's feet, set up, set going.
4. meliorate, ameliorate, improve, better, profit, prosper, benefit, avail, advantage; subserve, stand in good stead, be useful orprofitable to, Inf.come in handy; relieve, alleviate, mitigate, palliate, salve; comfort, sooth, solace, console, succor. -n. 5. help, assistance, benefit, avail; service, subvention, use, utility; facilitation, helping hand, lift, boost; relief, succor, protection, care, friendship; support, patronage, championship, backing, promotion, advocacy, countenance, upholding, sustenance, favor, blessing, grace, sponsorship, auspices orauspice, good offices, kind regard; fosterage, furtherance, advancement, advance, advantage, welfare; maintenance, ministry, ministration, restoration.
6. gift, subsidy, contribution, donation; kindness, beneficence, benevolence, benefaction, humanitarian-ism, altruism, philanthropy, charity, almsgiving; alms, dole, handout, allowance.
7. helper, aider, assistant, attendant, subsidiary, adjutant, coadjutant, coadjutor, coadjutress orcoad-jutrix,- adjunct, adjuvant, adjutator, Obs.adjutor; acolyte, deputy, auxilliary, ancilla; second, man Friday, gal Friday, henchman, right hand, right-hand man, SI. gopher; nurse's aid oraide, paramedic, orderly, paraprofessional, paralegal; partner, ally, comrade, colleague, associate, consociate; companion, helpmate, helpmeet, yokefellow oryokemate, Obs.helpfel-low; co-worker, co-aid, co-partner, consort, confrere, sidekick, crony, Inf.buddy, Chiefly Brit,
mate; satellite, sycophant, toady, yes-man, parasite; cooperator, collaborator, contributor, participant, participator; confederate, conniver, abettor, accomplice, accessory or Chiefly Law.
accessary, Law.principal, Law.accessory before orafter the fact, Law.particeps criminis, SI. gun moll ormoll, partner in crime.
8. supporter, advocate, adviser, patron, patronizer; sympathizer, backer, champion, endorser, upholder, sanctioner, approver; follower, partisan, disciple, adherent, devotee, sectary, votary; agent, promoter, furtherer, advancer, favorer; subsidizer, underwriter, financier, funder, angel, Inf.staker, Inf.grubstaker, SI. meal ticket; maintainer, sustainer, benefactor, benefactress, benefiter, Inf.fairy godmother, sugar daddy; comforter, succorer, good Samaritan, ministering angel, friend in need. aide-de-camp, n.attache, Mil.
adjutant, adjutant general, deputy, aide, staff orsubordinate officer, camp assistant, Chiefly U.S. aid-de-camp, ADC. ail, v. 1. pain, inflict pain, hurt, wound; bother, annoy, trouble, irritate; upset, worry, disturb; sicken, make [s.o.] ill, afflict, distress; attack, lay hold of, (of pain, disease, etc.)