promise, n. 1. pledge, assurance, word, solemn word, word of honor, parole, Archaic, troth; vow, oath, sworn statement or declaration, testimony; endorsement, signature, written statement, testimonial; attestation, affirmation, profession, avowal, asseveration, avouchment; engagement, betrothal, Archaic. plight; marriage contract, marriage bond, marriage vow; obligation, bond, agreement, contract, compact, covenant, pact, Rare, paction, treaty; gentleman's agreement, unwritten agreement, understanding; guarantee, guaranty, warrant, warranty, Law. covenant of warranty, Law. warranty deed, Obs. vouch.
2. potential, potency, ability, capacity, capability.
-v. 3. pledge, give one's word or solemn word, give one's word of honor, give one's parole, Inf. cross one's heart and hope to die; vow, solemnly swear, state on one's honor, swear to, declare or state under oath, Law. testify; assure, offer assurance, aver, asseverate, affirm, avouch, declare, state, profess; guarantee, warrant, vouch for, attest to, bear witness to, testify to; engage, oblige, obligate, contract, covenant, enter an agreement, make a bargain or deal, shake on it; endorse, sign, Inf. sign on the dotted line.
4. give hope of, look like, show signs of, seem likely to, be in the cards; indicate, denote, bespeak, signify; betoken, portend, foreshadow, foretoken, augur, presage.
5. plight, affiance, betroth, become engaged, pledge to marry.
promising, adj. 1. full of promise, favorable, auspicious, propitious, bright, sunny, rosy, roseate, inviting; hopeful, positive, optimistic, Inf. upbeat, Inf. looking up; good, encouraging, enheartening, heartening, reassuring, assuring, cheering, cheerful; happy, fortunate, lucky, prosperous, halcyon.
2. probable, likely, most likely, liable, apt, possible, presumable.
promontory, n. headland, foreland, head, point, Archaic, ness; bluff, cliff, precipice, overhang, projection; hill, height; spit, tongue, cape, isthmus, peninsula, chersonese.
promote, v. 1. encourage, inspirit, hearten; boost, build up, raise, lift; support, patronize, sanction, back, sustain, uphold, hold up, maintain; improve, strengthen, amend, make better, upgrade, help develop, ameliorate; enrich, enhance, fatten, add to, increase, augment, contribute to, conduce to.
2. help, aid, abet, succor; assist, lend a hand, give a leg up, do a good turn; facilitate, enable, make easy for, clear the way for; benefit, be good to, be of service to; foster, cultivate, nourish, nurture, care for, nurse along, minister.
3. advance, work up to, move up, pass, graduate; improve in rank or standing, rise to a higher position, Inf. kick upstairs.
4. present, propose, submit, recommend, advocate, speak for; advance, bring up, introduce; call attention to, bring to mind, bring into consideration or notice.
5. advertise, publicize, talk up, bill, subserve; announce, blurb, broadcast, make known, publish; declare openly, promulgate, proclaim, herald, trumpet, ballyhoo, beat the drum; push, Inf. plug, Inf. hype, puff, vaunt; post, display, blazon, placard, circularize; circulate, distribute, propagate, propagandize, spread, disseminate, disperse, scatter.
promoter, n. publicist, publicity man or agent, press agent, public relations man, P.R. man, Inf. flak, spokesman; advertiser, adman, ad writer, copy writer; announcer, broadcaster, blurbist, Inf. plugger, pusher, ballyhooer, propagandist; backer, supporter, advocate, proponent, patron; distributer, salesman, saleswoman.
promotion, n. 1. advance, advancement, improvement; graduation, rise, move up, elevation; enhancement, ennoblement, aggrandizement, exaltation; honor, dignity.