3. baby food, milk and water, milk mixture; special diet, diet.
4. religious doctrine, discipline, creed, credo, canon,
formulate, v. 1. state, state clearly, define, articulate; particularize, specify, itemize, indicate, designate; determine, denote, systematize, formularize.
2. devise, conceive, think of, think up, excogitate; create, invent, originate, hit upon, coin; compose, make up, dream up, imagine, improvise, plot out, draw up; plan, design, map out, block out, plan, prepare,
fornication, n. 1. copulation, coition. See - coitus.
2. Bible, adultery, infidelity, unfaithfulness, cuckold-ry.
3. Bible, idolatry, idol worship, worship of false gods, worship of graven images.
forsake, v. 1. desert, abandon, quit, leave in the lurch, Inf leave flat, jilt, throw over, Inf give [s.o.] the air; flee, depart, vacate; reject, cast off, discard, dispose of, jettison, fling away; isolate, maroon.
2. renounce, repudiate, disown; resign, abdicate; revoke, recant, forswear, disclaim, disavow, deny, go back on, go back on one's word; yield, surrender, waive, forgo, relinquish, give up.
forsaken, adj. deserted, abandoned, neglected; cast off, rejected, shunned, ignored, outcast; forlorn, Poetic. lorn, desperate, wretched, woeful, unfortunate, friendless; lonely, alone, solitary, godforsaken, isolated, marooned, derelict; destitute, bereft, bereaved,
forswear, v. 1. reject, renounce, (usu. under oath) abjure; forgo, sacrifice, go or do without, quit, relinquish, give up, Inf swear off, Inf. cut out; avoid, shun, eschew; forsake, abandon, desert.
2. deny, retract, take back; recant, disavow, disclaim, renege; repudiate, disown.
3. perjure oneself, lie under oath, swear falsely,
fort, n. 1. fortress, citadel, stronghold, defense,
fastness, garrison, acropolis; castle, tower, donjon, keep, turret, hold; refuge, shelter, safeguard, palladium.
2. fortification, battlement. See - fortification (def. 2).
3. hold the fort a. defend, uphold, make a stand for, stand by, stand up for.
b. carry on, maintain, maintain the status quo, Inf. keep things going or moving, keep things on an even keel.
forte, n. strong point, specialty, long suit, technique; talent, skill, metier, aptitude, faculty; gift, genius, endowment; bent, turn, Inf. baby, Inf. cup of tea, SI. bag, SI. thing.
forth, adv. 1. forward, forwards, outward, outwards, onward, onwards, ahead, along.
2. hence, thence, whence; on, out, onward, therefrom, thereof.
3. out, into view, into the open, into notice, into prominence, Inf. on the table, Inf. out of the bag.
4. away, abroad, from home, off, yonder,
forthright, adj. 1. outspoken, free-spoken, freespeaking, free, unreticent, bold, unreserved, unrestrained, unconstrained, unchecked, unabashed, uninhibited, unshrinking; blunt, bluff, brusque, tactless.
2. frank, candid, direct, straightforward, straight-from-the-shoulder, man-to-man, heart-to-heart; plain, plain-spoken, plain-speaking, downright, outright, explicit, unequivocal, unambiguous, undisguised, Inf. flat-footed.
3. direct, straight, straightforward, straightaway; unswerving, unveering, undeviating, unstraying.