chamber, burial pit, mausoleum; last home, long home, low house, wooden house, narrow house; coffin, casket, SI. wooden kimono or overcoat.
2. death, decease, demise, expiration, end, rest, eternal rest.
3. have one foot in the grave dying, expiring, going, slipping, sinking, fading or fading fast; near death, at death's door, knocking on heaven's door, on one's deathbed, Inf. on one's last legs, Latin, in extremis.
grave2, adj. 1. sedate, staid, sober, solemn, serious, somber; thoughtful, earnest, pensive, preoccupied; grim, grim-faced, grim-visaged, stone-faced, frowning, unsmiling.
2. weighty, momentous, important, all-important, essential, of the essence, vital, Inf. gut; critical, crucial, pivotal, eventful, climacteric; dangerous, hazardous, perilous.
graveclothes, n. cerements, cerecloth, shroud, winding sheet.
gravelly, adj. 1. rocky, stony, pebbly, shingly; sandy, gritty, granular, grainy, granulated.
2. guttural, throaty, thick, croaking; harsh, raspy, rasping, hoarse, gruff, raucous, roupy, grating,
graveyard, n. cemetery, burial ground or place, necropolis, city of the dead, golgotha, Western U.S. boot hill; churchyard, potter's field, memorial park, God's acre; charnel house, ossuary, (of wild animals) boneyard.
gravitate, v. 1. sink, fall, drop, descend, precipitate, settle.
2. be attracted to, incline to, lean toward, head toward, have a proclivity for, feel for.
gravitation, n. 1. sinking, falling, drop, descent. 2. pull, drift, move, trend; tendency, disposition, inclination, magnetism, bent; proclivity, propensity, proneness, leaning, penchant,
gravity, n. 1. dignity, solemnity, soberness, dour-ness, grimness, gloominess; austerity, asceticism, severity.
2. seriousness, significance, importance, import, full meaning; momentousness, magnitude, enormity, weight, ponderousness, gray, adj. 1. ashen, pale, pallid, colorless, bloodless; pearly, pearl-gray, griseous, silvery, dove-gray, gun-metal gray; smoky, sooty, fuliginous, tattletale gray.
2. gloomy, dismal, dreary, somber; misty, cloudy, overcast; darkening, foreboding, threatening.
3. old, ancient, venerable, over-the-hill; gray-haired, silver-haired, with silver threads among the gold, hoary, grizzled.
graybeard, n. old man, old-timer, venerable, patriarch, grandfather, golden-ager; gaffer, codger, SI. geezer.
2. sage, solon, Solomon, philosopher, thinker.
graze1, v. 1. feed, browse, crop, ruminate, forage,
roam, range over.
2. pasture, turn out to pasture.
graze2, v. 1. brush, brush against, glance off, shave, rub or touch lightly, sweep past; skim, sweep over, run over or through.
2. scrape, abrade, scratch, chafe, irritate, rub, redden, grate; scuff, bark, bruise, contuse.
-n. 3. scrape, abrasion, scratch, striation, bruise,
grease, n. 1. lard, bacon fat, drippings, tallow, but
ter; oil, Relig. unction.
-v. 2. lard, butter, dress, smear, daub; oil, lubri