expostulation, n. remonstration, remonstrance, objection, protest, complaint, argument; admonition, warning, caution, exhortation; advice, counsel, Archaic. dissuasion, Archaic, dehortation; reproach, rebuke; disapproval, disapprobation, deprecation, exposure, n. 1. disclosure, revelation, exposd, uncovering, unmasking, unveiling, baring, laying open; airing, publication, broadcast, report, communication; divulgement, leak, admission, confession, avowal.
2. endangerment, jeopardy, hazard, risk, openness to danger, subjection to peril; vulnerability, vulnerableness, susceptibility, liability.
3. exposition, turning out, abandonment, desertion, forsaking.
4. frontage, facing, setting, location; aspect, direction, view, outlook. expound, v. 1. discourse, discuss, descant, make a statement regarding; remark, touch upon, say a word about, say something about; teach, instruct, inform; editorialize, opine, comment, commentate, express one's views, give one's reaction to, give one's observations on, review, criticize, critique.
2. explain, define, interpret, explicate, comment on, point out; delineate, put across, spell out, get across; clarify, elucidate, clear up; solve, resolve, unriddle, reveal. express, v. 1. verbalize, put into words, word, say, utter, voice, give voice to, breathe, give vent to, enunciate, come out with, blurt out; announce, proclaim, declare, herald, pronounce, set forth, put forth; communicate, inform, tell, speak, give word, mention, point out, bring to [s.o.'s] attention, let [s.o.] know, have one know, give one to understand; explain, define, explicate, comment on; describe, account for, give the facts.
2. state, assert, discourse, discuss, descant, make a statement regarding; remark, say a word about, say something about; editorialize, opine, express one's views, interpret, give one's reaction to, give one's observations on, review, criticize.
3. show, manifest, make manifest, demonstrate, exhibit, evidence, evince, embody; reveal, expose, bare, make known; present, set forth, offer; illustrate, throw or shed light on.
4. symbolize, stand for, represent; designate, signify, indicate, delineate, depict.
5. press out, squeeze out, extract.
6. emit, emanate, send forth, give out, exude.
7. express oneself air one's views or opinions, speak one's mind or piece, Sl. put in one's two-cents worth; do one's thing, let it all hang out, let it happen, be oneself, be true to oneself.
-adj. 8. explicit, clear, crystal-clear, manifest, plain, obvious, unmistakable, distinct, well-defined; specific, definite, precise, positive, pointed; unequivocal, unambiguous, unqualified, downright, outright, out-and-out, Sl. no-nonsense; categorical, unconditional, absolute, fixed, peremptory.
9. duly or exactly formed, vivid; accurate, precise, exact, true; faithful, close.
10. quick, fast, direct, summary; rapid, fleet, meteoric, swift, brisk; expeditious, prompt, immediate, instant, instantaneous.
-n. 11. direct train, nonstop train; courier, carri er, runner; dispatch, telex, telegram, expression, n. 1. verbalization, utterance, enunciation; announcement, proclamation, declaration, pronouncement; communication, informing, mentioning, telling; explanation, definition, explication, description.
2. statement, assertion, discourse, discussion, descant; remark, comment, opinion, editorial, interpretation, observation, criticism.
3. word, term, saying, turn of speech; phrase, idiom, locution, metaphor, simile, Rhet. trope; wording, phrasing, phraseology, choice of words; language, diction, style.