effectual, adj. 1. adequate, competent, able, capable, qualified, up to scratch, Inf. up to snuff; satisfactory, sufficient, passable, tolerable, acceptable.
2. effective, efficient, efficacious, operative, functional; powerful, influential.
3. valid, sound, solid, substantial; binding, legal, lawful; cogent, convincing, forceful, authoritative.
effectuate, v. 1. cause, bring about, make happen, effect; accomplish, realize, achieve, fulfill, reach; make certain, ensure, secure.
2. execute, carry out, bring to pass; do, perform, act out, implement,
effeminacy, n. unmanliness, invirility, milksopism, sissiness; (of men) femininity, womanishness, effeminateness; androgyny,
effeminate, adj. unmanly, emasculate, emasculated, milksoppy, pansyish, Inf. pantywaist; (all of men) feminine, womanish, ladylike, female, sissyish, campy, SI. faggy, SI. limp-wristed; androgynous, hermaphrodite, hermaphroditic,
effervesce, v. 1. bubble, burble; foam, froth, fizz, fizzle, hiss, sputter; pop, snap; spume, spew forth; ferment, boil.
2. rejoice, delight, laugh, show excitement, sparkle; exhibit happiness, exult, be in good or high spirits, be happy, be gay.
effervescence, n. 1. bubbling, burbling; foaming, frothing, fizzing, fizzling, hissing, sputtering; popping, snapping.
2. ebullition, seething, overflowing, outburst; ebullience, high spirits, exhilaration, enthusiasm, exuberance; animation, vivacity, liveliness, excitement; delight, gaiety, happiness,
effervescent, adj. 1. effervescing, bubbling, burbling; foaming, frothing, fizzing, fizzling, hissing, sputtering; popping, snapping; boiling, fermenting.
2. ebullient, exhilarated, enthusiastic, exuberant; overflowing, demonstrative, animated, vivacious, lively, breathless, excited; delighted, gay, happy,
effete, adj. 1. weakened, enfeebled, enervated, devitalized, drained, worn-out, used-up, played-out, burned-out, spent; weak, feeble, powerless.
2. decadent, degenerate, corrupt, dissolute, dissipated, depraved, debauched, deteriorated, degraded, debased.