out; drip, drop, fall in drops, dribble; sprinkle, drizzle; leak, ooze, exude, transude, seep, filter, distill, percolate.
trickster, n.
1. deceiver, deluder, hoodwinker, be-guiler, inveigler, bamboozler, dissembler, bluff, pettifogger; fake, faker, phony, humbug; imposter, masquerader, pretender, mountebank, hypocrite, charlatan, Inf
quack; adventurer, rogue, picaroon, rascal, wolf in sheep's clothing, knave, scoundrel, Sl.
four-flusher, villain.
2. swindler, cheat, cheater, fraud, defrauder, confidence man, Sl.
con man, Sl.
flim-flam man, bunko artist, crook, chiseler; sharper, sharpie, Sl.
city slicker, Inf.
fast talker, Inf.
hawk, shark, bilk, bilker, diddler; duper, hoaxer, humbugger; rook, fleecer, gyp, gypper.
3. conjurer, illusionist, sleight-of-hand artist, leger-demainist, magician; juggler, archimage, Archaic. mage, Houdini, escape artist.
tried, adj.
tried out, tested, put through one's or
its paces, put to the test or
through the wringer; time-tested, having stood the test of time, put to the acid test; tried and true, true, proven, proved, sure, certain, Inf
all-right, Inf.
O.K.; dependable, reliable, safe, trusty, trustworthy, reputable; established, well-known, used all the time, favorite.
trifle, n.1. bagatelle, bauble, trinket, knickknack, Inf.
doodad; gimcrack, gewgaw, whimwham, piece of junk; toy, plaything, dalliance, frivolity.
2. triviality, no great matter, no big thing, technicality; unimportant or
inconsequential thing or
matter, nothing to worry or
get upset over, something of no concern, insignificancy, betise, inessential, nothing, nothing at all, Inf.
3. pittance, piddling sum, small amount, little something, Inf.
nothing much; the least or
slightest amount or
bit, anything, row or
hill of beans, tinker's dam, straw, fig, peppercorn, Inf.
bean; dime, nickel, penny, cent, plug nickel, continental, U.S. Inf.
red cent; the paper it is printed on.
4. little, bit, little or
tiny bit, driblet, drop, smidgen, Inf.
smitch, Inf.
tad; touch, dab, dash, pinch, handful; sprinkling; mouthful, sip, sup, taste, nip, bite; speck, crumb, mite, jot, whit, tittle, particle, iota, molecule, atom; tinge, tincture, trace, hint, suggestion, suspicion, soupĀ£on.
-v. 5. Usu.
trifle with deal with lightly, make light of, take lightly, pass off as nothing, think nothing of; slight, shortchange, overlook, pass over, leave out, omit, ignore; be frivolous about or
with, make sport of, laugh off, joke about, play, toy, dally, amuse oneself, Inf.
frivol; fiddle, tinker, mess, fool, Inf.
fiddle-faddle; handle, finger, paw, put one's hands all over.
6. talk idly, gossip, chitchat, chatter, engage in small talk, talk about nothing; palaver, prattle, prate, rattle or
babble on, talk and talk and talk, go on about nothing.
7. putter around, fiddle around, tinker around, play around, mess around, niggle, finick, Inf.
fool around; goof off, dillydally, hang around, loiter, lay around, twiddle one's thumbs, dawdle, do nothing.
8. Usu.
trifle away fritter, fribble, Inf.
diddle; idle, pass, while; waste, use up, loose.
trifling, adj.1. unimportant, trivial, fiddling, insignificant, signifying nothing, inconsequential; not worth mentioning, of little import, of no moment, Inf. no-account, not worth a fig or a hill of beans, Sl.
two-bit, Sl.
two-by-four, Inf
2. worthless, valueless, useless, gimcrack; small, low, nominal, Inf.
picayune; miniscule, inconsiderable, tiny, infinitesimal, minute; inadequate, paltry, petty, piddling.