extra, spare, fresh, new, reserved; further, other, more, another; excess, peripheral, extraneous, outside, adscititious, supervenient, adventitious; unessential, unnecessary, irrelevant.
-n. 3. auxiliary, aide, helper, assistant, ancilla, coadjutor, coadjutress, affiliate; subordinate, underling, small fry, Inf. small potatoes, Sl. stooge.
4. addition, supplement, supplementation, enlargement, extension, annexation, Rare, annexment, annex, wing; complement, completer, accessory, accompaniment, concomitant, concurrent, attendant, counterpart, corollary, correlative, Astron. comes; appendage, appurtenance, appurtenant, adjunct, appanage, attachment; additive, reinforcement, fortification, fortifier, strengthener.
suppliant, adj. 1. supplicant, supplicating, supplicatory; asking, petitioning, precatory, entreating, suing, beseeching, praying, imploring, imprecatory; begging, mendicant, solicitous, importunate; hat in hand, on bended knee, looking for a handout.
-n. 2. petitioner, petitionist, postulant, solicitor; suitor, beseecher, pleader; applicant, bidder, solici-tant; candidate, aspirant, seeker; claimant, complainant, plaintiff, appellant, party; beggar, cadger, Inf. panhandler, beadsman, mendicant, almsman, Scot. gaberlunzie; moocher, Inf. sponger, Inf. sponge, Sl. schnorrer, parasite, leech, hanger-on, user.
supplicate, v. 1. pray, implore, entreat, bid, ask, ask for; apply for, seek, request, call upon; appeal to, beseech, plead, beg, Brit. Inf. prig, crave; petition, solicit, obtest, adjure, conjure, Rare, sue; urge, press, importune, insist.
2. seek alms, Inf. panhandle, pass the hat or cup or plate, go from door to door; hustle, Sl. bum, use, impose on, mooch off, sponge off, live off, cadge, Scot. sorn.
supplication, n. entreaty, petition, suit, request; requisition, application, overture, address; obsecration, obtestation, impetration, solicitation, invocation, adjuration, imploration; begging, beseechment, Eccles. rogation; plea, prayer, orison, appeal, entreaty, humble address; mooching, Inf. panhandling, Sl. bumming, cadging, hustling, imposing; passing the hat or cup, going from door to door, seeking alms or charity.
supplicatory, adj. suppliant, petitionary, precatory, obtestative, importunate. See - suppliant (def. 1).
supply, v. 1. provide, furnish, outfit, equip, accommodate, Archaic, dight, Obs. appoint; cater, purvey, victual, provision, provender, feed, forage; store, stock, stock up, fill up, gird, Chiefly Scot. plenish.
2. render, give, contribute, afford, avail; oblige, favor; present, serve, yield; distribute, administer, deal out, give out, dole out, mete out, Inf. hand out, Inf dish out, Sl. shell out, Sl. fork out; grant, tender, proffer, extend, bestow, lavish; endow, endue or indue, invest.
3. replenish, refill; satisfy, fulfill, make good; make up, compensate for.
4. substitute for, Inf sub for, subrogate, stand or sit in for, fill in for, fill the place of, stand in lieu of; fill a vacancy or space or hole, pinch-hit. -n. 5. provision, providing, accouterment, furnishing, furnishment, supplying; equipment, equipage, outfitting, fitting out; purveyance, provisioning, catering, victualing; replenishment, replenishing, resupply, resupplying, refilling.
6. stock, store, quantity, fund, lot, Chiefly U.S. Dial, grist; reserve, reservoir; stockpile, collection, cache, hoard, amassment, accumulation; inventory, supply on hand; resources, savings, nest egg; abundance, plenty, plenitude, cornucopia; treasure, mine, quarry, well; lode, bed, vein; heap, pile, mass, stack,