a. complaint, gripe, diatribe, lament,
b. difficulty, unpleasantness, predicament, dilemma, knot, bind.
-v.4. Slang, complain, protest, object; grumble, SI. bellyache, SI. mouth off; deplore, lament, bewail.
5. Slang, spoil, bungle, botch up, ruin, wreck, Inf. make a mess of, Inf. mess up, SI. screw up.
bite, v. 1. nip, snap, snip, pinch, sting; eat, munch, crunch, nibble, gnaw, chew, masticate; grip, hold, clamp, sink one's teeth into; bite off, sever, chop off, cleave; separate, sunder, disunite, disjoin.
2. cut, tear, rip, slash, gash, slit, slice; wound, pierce, puncture, stab, knife; prick, stick, poke, gouge; bore, perforate, penetrate, drill; spear, impale, gore, run through.
3. eat into, corrode, burn, dissolve; eat away at, gnaw at, consume; erode, wear away, rust, deteriorate, rot, decay.
-n. 4. wound, cut, bruise, scratch, incision, puncture, stab, lesion, laceration; tear, rip, slit, split, gash.
5. morsel, taste, mouthful, bit or piece of food; snack, nosh.
biting, adj. 1. caustic, mordant, acrimonious, bitter, acrid, acidulous, acid, pungent; trenchant, cutting, incisive, slashing, scathing; penetrating, piercing, stinging, pricking, nipping. See - bitter (defs. 4-6). bitter, adj. 1. (all usu. of taste) acrid, biting, pungent; acid, tart, harsh, sour, subacid, acetous, vinegar-ish, vinegary; unsweet, unsweetened; acerb, acerbic, acidulous, acidulent, acescent, acidulated; distasteful, unappetizing, unpalatable, unsavory; disagreeable, unpleasant, nasty, unlikeable.
2. distressful, distressing, harrowing, heartbreaking, heart rending, tormenting; sad, unhappy, sorrowful, woeful, tearful, lamentable, mournful, regretful; poignant, moving, touching; acute, intense, severe; painful, smarting, agonizing, torturous, excruciating; grievous, crushing, deplorable, dreadful, brutal; oppressive, burdensome, consuming, racking, onerous; ruinous, calamitous, disastrous, tragic.
3. hostile, resentful, indignant, piqued, angry; adverse, opposed, opposing; aggressive, belligerent, bellicose; peevish, petulant, crabbed, testy, splenetic, touchy, waspish, irascible, edgy; spiteful, virulent, malicious, venomous, vitriolic, vicious; antagonistic, rancorous, ill-disposed, malevolent, malign; ill-tempered, ill-humored, ill-natured, short-tempered; morose, surly, sullen, sour, moody.
4. caustic, mordant, acrimonious, bitter, acrid, acidulous, acid, pungent; trenchant, cutting, incisive, slashing, scathing; penetrating, piercing, stinging, pricking, nipping, biting; astringent, severe, stern, austere, stringent; harsh, keen, pointed, sharp, sharp-tongued.
5. sarcastic, satirical, ironic, ironical, cynical; doubleedged, edged; contemptuous, contumelious, taunting, teasing; scornful, mocking, derisive, derisory, sardonic.
6. insulting, excoriating, denouncing, berating, lashing; abusive, corrosive, corroding, erosive; cruel, mean, brutal; unkind, uncharitable, unbenevolent, uncordial, unamiable, unfriendly.
bitterness, n. 1. (all usu. of taste) sourness, acidity, vinegariness, tartness, harshness, sharpness, acerbity.
2. resentment, grudge, animosity, hostility; indignation, pique, dudgeon; rancor, choler, anger, bile, spleen; gall, wormwood, gal! and wormwood.
3. acrimoniousness, causticity, asperity, mordancy, acridness, acridity, pungency, venom, venomousness, venomness; virulence, spitefulness, maliciousness, malice, viciousness; trenchancy, keenness, sarcasm, satire, irony; peevishness, petulance, Rare, petulancy, crabbedness, testiness, touchiness, irascibility, ill-temperedness, short-temperedness, edginess,
bivouac, n. encampment, lodgment, castrametation; camp, cantonment, casern; quarters, lodgings, barracks, billet, berth,
biweekly, adj., adv. 1. fortnightly, twice monthly, semimonthly, twice a month, every two weeks, every other week.