screak; jangle, clank, clatter, clang, clangor, clash, din.
2. rattle, vibrate, burr, buzz, hum; shake, agitate, stir; jounce, bounce, jog, joggle, jiggle; jolt, bump, jerk.
3. See jangle (def 2).
4. surprise, startle, shock, stun, stupefy; disconcert, take aback, Inf faze, daunt, shake up; upset, unsettle, stir, disquiet, discompose, ruffle, fluster, befuddle, muddle, daze; trouble, bother, worry, disturb, perturb; chafe, nettle, irk, vex, gall, rankle, irritate, get on one's nerves, aggravate, annoy; offend, hit a sore spot, sting, cut, pierce. -n. 5. cacophony, stridor, stridence, stridency, dissonance; blare, blast, bong; jangle, clank, clatter, clang, clangor, clash, crash, din, racket; grating, rasp, rasping, scratching, squeak, screech, screak.
6. rattle, agitation, vibration, reverberation, buzz, burr, hum; shaking, trembling, tremble, quaver; shake, jolt, jerk, yank, bump, jounce, bounce, jog, joggle, jiggle, quake, stir; lurch, rock, sway.
7. shock, surprise, blow, stroke, turn, trauma; thunderclap, thunderbolt, bolt out of the blue, eye-opener.
8. quarrel, tiff, Brit. Dial, fratch, spat, dustup, squabble; argument, wrangle, altercation, dispute, Rare, disception, row, Inf. set-to; discord, disagreement, imbroglio, conflict, friction, contention; brawl, broil, feud, cross fire. jardiniere, n. flower stand, plant stand; vase, pot, flower bowl, epergne; urn, Archaeol. patella, Gk. and Rom. Antiq. amphora. jargon, n. 1. cant, argot, patois, Inf. lingo, slang; vernacular, idiom, parlance, dialect, tongue; pidgin, creole.
2. phraseology, diction, usage, vocabulary, specialized or professional language; educationese, computerese, academese, bureaucratese, legalese, journalese, medical ese; buzz word.
3. gibberish, nonsense, moonshine, Fr. bavardage, gobbledegook, hocus-pocus, mumbo jumbo, abracadabra, open sesame; humbug, flummery, Si bunk, rubbish, tommyrot, Inf. rot, SI. garbage, SI. horse-feathers; balderdash, hogwash, stuff and nonsense, Inf. bosh, Brit. Si tosh, fudge, foolishness, rigmarole; poppycock, Inf. fiddle-faddle, Inf. piffle, Inf. kibosh, Inf. flapdoodle.
-v. 4. talk nonsense, gibber, Si gibber-jabber, Inf talk through one's hat; babble, twaddle, Brit, twattle, blather, drivel; jabber, chatter, chipper, prattle, cackle. jaundice, n. 1. Pathol, icterus, yellow jaundice, Biol, grasserie, yellowness.
2. prejudice, distorted judgment, prejudgment, preconception, preconceived judgment, prenotion; predisposition, presumption, foregone conclusion, fixed idea, Fr. idee fixe; bias, narrow-mindedness, pedanti-cism, pedantry; cynicism, pessimism, misanthropy, disapprobation, disapproval, disparagement, overcriticalness, faultfinding; suspicion, doubt, dubiousness, dis-credence, disbelief; skepticism, mistrust, distrust; misgiving, scruple, qualm, hesitation. -v. 3. prejudice, influence, prepossess; bias, warp, twist, mold, shape, give a bias to; color, tint, tinge, shade, cloud. jaundiced, adj. 1. yellow, yellowed, yellowish, yellow-faced, yellow-tinged, yellow-skinned; sallow, sickly, pale, wan.
2. prejudiced, prejudging, prejudged, preconceived, predisposed, presumptive; biased, narrow-minded, cynical, pessimistic, misanthropic; disapproving, disparaging, overly critical; suspicious, doubting, dubious, disbelieving, skeptical, mistrusting, distrustful, hesitant.