-prep. 6. after, later than, subsequent to, beyond, over; in excess of, over and beyond, above and beyond.
pasta, n. noodles, macaroni, elbow macaroni, spaghetti, spaghettini, fettucini, fusilli, vermicelli, taglia-rini, gnocchi; shells, conchiglie, ravioli, tortellini; tubes, ziti, manicotti, cannelloni, rigati, rigatoni, cal-zone; linguini, lasagna; pastina, alphabets, macaroni wheels, rotelle, farfalle, ditali, cappelletti, little hats,
paste, n. 1. adhesive, adherent, binding, binder; cement, gum, library paste, lime, luting, lute, mastic, mucilage, putty, rubber cement, glue, plaster, adhesive plaster, Sl. stickum, Sl. gunk; parget, plaster of Paris.
2. compound, blend, concoction, combination, magma; emulsion, emulsoid, colloid.
3. dough, batter, fritter or pancake batter, Cookery. sponge; sourdough, starter, biscuit dough, beancurd, curd, pastry.
4. pStĀ£, spread, Inf. dip, Inf. dunk; pur^e; gruel, porridge, pabulum, pap, Dial, loblolly; gluten, starch paste, corn starch paste, soda paste, Trademark. Play-doh, Trademark. Silly Putty.
5. pulp, mush, mash, poultice, Med. cataplasm, plaster, pastille, pith, paper pulp, wood pulp, white lead; sticky mess, sludge, slime, clay, Inf. mishmash, Inf. stickey pie, Inf. soupy mess, All Sl. yuk, ick, ook, goop, goo, glop.
6. (all of jewelry) fake, sham, imitation, counterfeit, simulation, Sl. phony, Inf. junk.
-v. 7. stick, affix, attach, secure, cement, set, make fast, stick on, glue, gum; stick together, bind, join, bond, unite, paste together, fix together, mend, piece together, knit.
8. spread, spread on or over, coat, cover, plaster, parget; smear, smear on, besmear, dab, daub, bedaub, slather.
9. Slang, hit, punch, Inf. biff, Inf. bash, Inf. clip, Inf. slug.
pasteboard, n. 1. cardboard, strawboard, paperboard, pulpboard, Bookbinding, millboard, binder's board.
2. Slang, card, calling card, visiting card; (plural) playing cards, pack, deck, Inf. fifty-two.
3. Slang, ticket, ticket of admission, stub, receipt, Inf chit; script, pass, coupon, Inf. Annie Oakley.
-adj. 4. unsubstantial, nonsubstantial, insubstantial, unsolid, hollow; flimsy, thin, fragile, frail, weak, jerry-built, jerry, unsound, infirm, unstable, breakable, frangible; shaky, unreliable, precarious, hazardous, not to be depended or relied upon.
5. trumped-up, made-up, make-believe, faked, feigned, unreal, brummagem, tinsel; mock, pseudo, sham, fake, imitation, false, synthetic, counterfeit, unreal, bogus; deceptive, misleading, paste, spurious, ungenuine, Inf. phony; bastardly, supposititious,
pastel, n. 1. shade, tint, hint, tinge, suggestion, tincture, Literary, tinct; softness, soft color, subtle color, tone, cast.
2. sketch, drawing.
3. crayon, chalk, pastille, drawing pencil.
4. prose study, sketch, vignette, light piece.
-adj. 5. shaded, soft, pale, faint, subdued, delicate; soft-colored, soft-hued, softened, muted,
pastiche, n. (all of a literary, musical or artistic piece) mdlange, medley, pasticcio, mosaic, collage, patchwork; potpourri, olla-podrida, combination, Inf. combo; mixture, blend, intermixture, admixture, compound, composite, conglomeration; miscellany, mis-