important, adj. 1. significant, portentous, of great import; consequential, of great consequence, critical, decisive, material; momentous, weighty, heavy, ponderous, pregnant, carrying great weight, of substance; serious, grave, solemn, sober; crucial, urgent, emergent, exigent, pressing, importunate, imperative, taking priority or precedence, requiring immediate attention.
2. Usu.
important to mattering, carrying weight, meaning a lot, of import; of concern or interest, of account, counting; valuable, necessary, essential, vital, life-sustaining.
3. salient, prominent, outstanding, noticeable, conspicuous; notable, noteworthy, of note, signal; worthy, meritorious, of merit, remarkable.
4. major, main, principal, prime, primary, leading; large, great, big, sizeable, substantive, substantial; considerable, inestimable, immeasurable, invaluable.
5. influential, of influence, well-connected, with connections, impressive; effective, powerful, of power; mighty, formidable, imposing, commanding.
6. eminent, superior, high-ranking, high-level, top-level, of high station or standing, big-time; prestigious, distinguished, of distinction, highly regarded, well thought of, esteemed, respected.
7. self-important, vainglorious, egotistical, conceited, boastful, inflated, puffed up; pretentious, pompous, grandiose, grand, majestic, haughty, condescending, Inf. toplofty, Inf. highfalutin.
importunate, adj. 1. pressing, urgent, instant, crying, exigent, demanding, exacting; claiming, clamorous, insistent, dunning, entreating, solicitous, suppliant; supplicatory, supplicant, imploratory, imprecatory, precatory, invocatory, on bended knee.
2. pertinacious, persistent, dogged, unremitting, continuous; adamant, undismayed, unshakable, sedulous.
3. troublesome, annoying, vexatious; bothersome, pesky, harassing, tormenting.
importune, v. 1. beset, ply, dun, tax, besiege, press, push; set upon, urge, call upon, insist, Inf. work on; plead, appeal to, clamor for, cry for; supplicate, beseech, entreat, implore, beg, sue, petition, solicit; pray, appeal, adjure, obtest, apostrophize, imprecate, im-petrate, throw oneself at the feet of.
2. coax, wheedle, cajole, inveigle; pester, vex, plague, harass, badger, hound, Sl. hassle, Sl. bug.
importunity, n. 1. insistence, stress, contention, emphasis; pressing, urging, dunning, plying, taxing; coaxing, cajolery, wheedling, blandishment; entreaty, supplication, prayer, beseechment, imploration; obsecration, imprecation, adjuration, obtestation; plea, cry, call, appeal, Eccles. rogation; urgence, instance, persistence.
2. importunities solicitations, demands, requests, requisitions; petitions, suits, overtures, addresses.
impose, v. 1. lay on, set, put on, place, enjoin; levy, assess, charge, burden; encumber, superpose, saddle with; prescribe, dictate, mark out, inflict, direct, command, decree, bid, call upon; demand, require, ask, exact, tax, U.S. doom.
2. obtrude, thrust upon, take advantage of, presume upon; interfere, intervene, interrupt, interpose, insinuate, interlope; intrude, impose upon, put out, wear out one's welcome; discommode, trouble, bother, inconvenience; put upon, foist upon, break in upon, cut in; barge in, Sl. butt in, Sl. horn in, Sl. crash, Sl. crash the gates.