18. pressure, urgency, instance, insistence; provocation, instigation, stimulation, actuation, motivation; incitement, inducement, encouragement, prompting.
19. compulsion, pressure, stress, duress, coercion, force, constraint; enforcement, obligation, necessity; exigency, need, pinch, extremity, crisis.
20. crowd, throng, crush, multitude, mob, pack, Inf. heap; swarm, flock, herd, drove, troop; flood, deluge, sea; rabble, bunch, host, horde, army, legion.
21. hustle, bustle, hustle-bustle, hurry, great hurry; hum of business, flurry, fluster, ferment; ado, SI. rat race, Inf. much going on, plenty to do, storm.
22. draft, conscription, enrollment, enlistment, call, call-up, summons; impressment, induction, raising; recruitment, muster, mobilization, levy.
press agent, n. publicity agent, publicity person, public relations person, P.R. man, P.R. person, flak; publicist, publicizer, propagandist, ballyhooer, ballyhoo artist.
pressing, adj. urgent, crucial, exigent, emergent, importunate, imperative, high-priority; demanding, compelling, requiring immediate attention; important, all-important, significant, portentous, of great import; consequential, of great consequence, critical; decisive, determining, pivotal; momentous, climactic, eventful, major, profound; weighty, heavy, ponderous, pregnant, carrying great weight, of substance; grave, serious, severe, acute.
pressure, n. 1. gravity, Physics, gravitation; weight, heaviness, force; compression, density, denseness.
2. coercion, constraint, compulsion, force, coaction; duress, obligation; persuasion, inducement, insistence, armtwisting; urgency, provocation, requirement, ne-cessitation, necessity, necessitude, need.
3. stress, tension, strain, heat, drain, drag, charge, tax; burden, Archaic, burthen, cross, encumbrance, cumbrance, trouble, vexation; All Inf. squeeze, crunch, pinch, push; load, weight, millstone, albatross.
4. oppression, persecution, subjugation, enslavement; harassment, dogging, hounding, tormenting, bullying, intimidation, browbeating; cruelty, severity, harshness, hardness.
5. influence, power, potency, force, strength; control, sway, Inf jawboning, mastery, hold; guidance, leadership, direction.
-v. 6. coerce, constrain, compel, force, drive, press, oblige, hustle, railroad; impel, urge, impress, provoke, instigate, exhort; goad, prod, egg on; influence, act on, play on, work on, Inf jawbone; incite, rouse, arouse; cause, require, exact, necessitate, make; persuade, induce, prevail upon, insist upon; pin [s.o.] down, Inf. shove or ram down one's throat; apply pressure, SI. lean against or on, get on [s.o.'s] back, armtwist, twist [s.o.'s] arm, put the screws on or to, Inf. strong-arm, put the heat on, squeeze; bribe, blackmail, buy.
7. tyrannize, terrorize, threaten, bulldoze, dragoon; bully, hector, torment, harass, abuse, taunt, tease, bullyrag; intimidate, browbeat, cow, frighten, terrify, petrify.
pressured, adj. 1. tense, harried, full of stress, taxed, tired; burdened, troubled, put-upon, weighted down, dragged down, overworked.
2. oppressed, persecuted, subjugated, enslaved; harassed, tormented, intimidated, browbeaten; bribed, blackmailed, bought.
3. influenced, swayed, persuaded, instigated, provoked; driven, pressed, obliged, hustled, railroaded.
prestidigitation, n. 1. legerdemain, sleight of hand, jugglery, juggling, conjuring, hocus-pocus; magic, trickery, thaumaturgy.