a. senseless, foolish, frivolous; inappropriate, illogical,
b. exorbitant, usurious, extortionate, overpriced; unconscionable, preposterous.
-n. 6. felon, larcener, larcenist, misdemeanant, lawbreaker; convict, SI. jailbird, parolee; ex-convict, Inf. ex-con, recidivist, repeat offender, Inf. chronic crook; transgressor, trespasser, offender, culprit, miscreant; malefactor, evildoer, wrongdoer, sinner; malfeasant, misfeasor; perjurer; Inf. scofflaw.
7. gangster, mobster, racketeer, mafioso, desperado, terrorist; thug, tough, Inf toughie, mugger, ruffian, Inf. plugugly, rowdy, hoodlum, SI. hood, Inf. goon, hooligan, Inf. roughneck, Inf. baddy, SI. bad actor, SI. gunsel, SI. mug, Australian SI. larrikin, Brit. Hist. Mohock, (in Paris) apache.
8. assassin, murderer, killer, slayer, sniper; strangler, cutthroat, garroter; liquidator, Euph. silencer, Euph. dispatcher; gunman, All U.S. SI. gun, hired gun, hit man, triggerman, hatchet man, torpedo.
9. bandit, hold-up man, SI. stick-up man, armed robber; robber, burglar, thief, stealer, purloiner, Inf. crook, shoplifter; pickpocket, purse-snatcher, cutpurse, embezzler, peculator, Law. defalcator.
10. extortionist, extortioner, blackmailer, usurer, loan shark, SI. bleeder; smuggler, runner, bootlegger, contrabandist, white-slaver; swindler, confidence man, con artist, con man; forger, counterfeiter, Fr. faux-monnayeur, Brit. Inf coiner.
11. kidnapper, abductor, rapist; sodomist, pervert, degenerate, child molester, SI. short eyes.
12. arsonist, incendiary; rioter, bomb-thrower, bomb-planter.
13. villain, blackguard, scoundrel, knave, SI. nogood, SI. bad guy.
criminality, n. crime, lawbreaking, wrongdoing, evil-doing, misconduct, malefaction; evilness, wickedness, sinfulness, depravity, corruption, villainy, turpitude,
crimp, v. 1. flute, ruffle, scallop, bend; wave, ripple, curl, friz, frizzle, crimple; corrugate, furrow, groove, ridge, striate; press, crease, seam, pleat, plicate, plait; wrinkle, crinkle, cockle, crumple, knit, pucker, gather, smock, tuck.
2. hinder, hamper, frustrate, restrict, inhibit, thwart, get in the way, hold back, slow down; check, arrest, stop, curb.
-n. 3. flute, ruffle, scallop, wave, curl, bend; corrugation, furrow, groove, channel, ridge, stria; crease, fold, seam, pleat, plication, plait; wrinkle, crinkle, cockle, pucker, crumple,
crimson, adj. carmine, cramoisy, magenta, fuchsia, claret, claret-red, alizarin, deep purplish red, deep purple; burgundy, wine, vinaceous, maroon, blood-red, ruddy, sanguine, rubicund, Archaic, rubric; red, rose, rosy, roseate, cardinal, cerise, ruby, scarlet, cranberry, vermilion.
cringe, v. 1. cower, shrink, quail, blench, flinch, wince, start, recoil, shy, Inf. funk, SI. mooch; shake, tremble, quiver, Inf shake in one's boots or shoes, kowtow, bow, bow before, bow to, bow and scrape, bend, bend before, stoop, squat, crouch, slouch, hunch; kneel, kneel before, fall on one's knees; lie prone, lie low, prostrate oneself, throw oneself at the feet of.
2. grovel, crawl, creep, creep before, slither, sneak, sneak along, steal, steal along, worm, worm along, worm one's way.