gender, n. sex; All Gram, neuter, feminine, masculine.
genealogy, n. pedigree, family tree; ancestry, ancestral line, lineage, descent, parentage, birth, derivation, extraction, filiation; family, dynasty, house, tribe; race, strain, stock, breed, bloodline, stem, branch, stirps; heredity, heritage, background, past, history, roots,
general, adj. 1. collective, generic, comprehensive; sweeping, extensive, widespread; inclusive, non-exclusive, not specific, blanket, across-the-board, not partial, not particular, not special; universal, pandemic, ecumenical, world-wide, catholic, public, popular.
2. common, ordinary, usual, regular, conventional, everyday, household, run-of-the-mill; frequent, prevalent, rife; current, prevailing; customary, habitual, wonted, accustomed.
3. extended, panoramic, bird's eye; heterogeneous, mixed, assorted, miscellaneous, encyclopedic; diversified, various, variegated; composite, blended, hybrid, mongrel.
4. vague, indefinite, unspecified, ill-defined, abstract; inexact, inaccurate, approximate; impersonal. -n. 5. Military, officer, commander in chief, generalissimo, All U.S. Army, brigadier general, lieutenant general, major general, general, general of the army.
6. in general a. as a whole, on the whole, for the most part, in the main.
b. as a rule, usually, most of the time.
generalist, n. nonspecialist, general practitioner jack-of-all-trades; Renaissance man, universal man, universalist, polymath, encyclopedist, Inf. know-it-all.
generality, n. 1. vague statement, loose statement,
indefinite statement, general phrase, generalization.
2. general principle, general rule, general law, abstraction, universality.
3. greater part, majority, bulk, mass, main, body.
4. . lack of particularity, indefiniteness, vagueness, uncertainty, inexactitude, inexactness, indeterminateness, looseness; miscellany, miscellaneousness, collectiveness, indiscriminateness, promiscuity, promiscuousness; diversification, heterogenity, variety, assortment.
5. universality, catholicity, ecumenicity, generalness, publicness; average, common run, ordinary run, mean; conventionality, regularity; custom, habit.
generalize, v. 1. infer a generality or principle or law or rule; make inferences, draw conclusions, Logic, induce; form an opinion or notion, come to a conclusion.
2. universalize, make general, make common or prevalent, make well-known or popular, suit [s.t.] to the masses; extend, broaden, diversify, make inclusive.
3. speak or talk in generalities, think in loose or broad or general terms, make vague statements, be imprecise or inexact or indefinite; categorize, pigeonhole.
generally, adv. 1. for the most part, in the main, on the whole, mainly, in general, by and large; principally, chiefly.
2. ordinarily, as a rule, usually, commonly, habitually, customarily; frequently, often, repeatedly; universally, extensively, always,
generalship, n. 1. soldiery, military expertise or skill or know-how; tactics, science of war, military or troop management, castramentation; strategics, military strategy or planning.
2. leadership, headship, captaincy, presidency, chieftaincy, chieftainship; direction, lead, rule, regulation, management, government, guidance; mastery, command, control, power, authority, influence, sway, say-so.