dissipated, adj. dissolute, debauched, rakish, rake-hell; licentious, promiscuous, wanton, profligate, abandoned; intemperate, incontinent, self-indulgent, free-living, Saturnalian; drunken, sottish, crapulous, Bacchanalian. See - dissolute, dissipation, n. 1. dispersion, diffusion, dissemination, scattering, emission; disintegration, dissolution, decay, fragmentation; disappearance, evaporation, evanescence, fading away.
2. squandering, wastefulness, misuse; prodigality, extravagance, lavishness, indulgence.
3. dissoluteness, profligateness, profligacy, immorality; abandonment, wantonness, corruption, depravity, wickedness; voluptuousness, sybaritism, dolce vita, hedonism, self-indulgence, self-gratification; high or fast living, materialism; sensualism, libertinage, carnality, debauchery; libidinousness, lasciviousness, licentiousness, license, lewdness, animalism, rakishness; Path. satyriasis, Path, nymphomania, womanizing, SI. leching, wenching, whoring; prostitution, pimping; intemperance, winebibbing, SI. boozing, drunkenness, inebriation, carousel; alcoholism, dipsomania, crapulousness; overindulgence, eating the whole thing, SI. pigging out, gourmandism, gluttony; drug abuse, pill popping, getting high, flying, freaking out.
4. amusement, diversion, distraction, change of pace; entertainment, enjoyment, pleasure, delight.
dissociate, v. 1. disunite, separate, sever, dissever, disjoin; detach, divorce, abstract, disconnect, disengage; sunder, cut off; segregate, set apart, isolate, insulate.
2. withdraw oneself, part company, take leave, quit, go away, tune out; disband, disperse, scatter,
dissociation, n. disunion, separation, division; severance, disjunction, dissevering; disconnection, detachment; sundering, parting, splitting, dividing; divorce, break, cleavage, rupture, rift, split,
dissoluble, adj. 1. soluble, dissolvable, leachable, percolable; liquefiable, meltable, liquescent, deliquescent.
2. separable, severable, divisible, detachable, disjoin-able, dissociable.
3. terminable, endable, concludable, discontinuable, closeable.
dissolute, adj. 1. licentious, libertine, lascivious, debauched, dissipated, wasted, rakish, rakehell; lecherous, lubricous, satyric, satyrical, satyrlike, goatish, SI. horny, Archaic, lickerish; concupiscent, prurient, lustful, libidinous, salacious; ruttish, beastly, bestial, swinish; obscene, lewd, Fescennine, Cyprian, indecent, dirty, foul, indelicate; loose, wanton, wild, profligate, abandoned; promiscuous, whorish, of easy virtue, unchaste, impure; coarse, gross, crude.