Australian, ding; cuff, buffet, knock, punch, box, sandbag, Scot. dunt, Scot. and North. Eng. paik, Inf. clout, Inf. slug, Inf. whack, Inf knock [s.o.'s] block off, Inf wallop, Inf. crown, SI. conk, Dial, hit [s.o.] up side the head, SI. belt, SI. bash, SI. plug, SI. sock, U.S. SI. biff, SI. bop; beat, batter, pound, lay on, pommel, pummel, pelt, SI. paste, SI. lay into, SI. let [s.o.] have it, Archaic, belabor; thrash, flog, lash, switch, birch, scourge, flagellate, whip, horsewhip, curry, strap, thresh, flail, cowhide, spank, Brit. Dial. yerk, Inf. tan [s.o.'s] hide, Inf. trim, Inf. thump, Inf. lace, Inf. lambaste, Inf. whale, SI. whomp; cudgel, fustigate, bludgeon, baste, cane, bastinado, club, hammer, sledge-hammer; tap, rap, fillip.
2. attack, charge, storm, rush, set upon, assail, assault; fell, drop, sink, bring down, shoot, send to the mark, make a bull's-eye, SI. zap, SI. blast; drive, bat, propel.
3. thrust, shove, push, plunge, lunge, force; stab, pierce, dagger, spear, javelin, harpoon.
4. ignite, light, kindle, enkindle, inflame, flame, fire, set on fire; spark, light up, glow, flare, flame, burn, blaze.
5. collide with, impact, crash against, smash into, dash against, jolt, jar, bang into or against; bump, knock into, clap together, percuss, run into, meet head-on, impinge upon or against.
6. impress, arouse or pique one's interest, catch one's eye; accord, please, appeal to, delight, tickle, gratify; suit, fit, befit.
7. come upon, light or fall upon, happen or chance upon, blunder upon, meet with, Inf. dig; find, discover, uncover, unearth, ferret out, dig up, learn of or about; detect, descry, notice, espy, perceive, discern, Inf. spot, SI. pick up; pitch on or upon, think of, get into one's head, come up with, dream up, hatch, concoct.
8. root, take root, put down roots, take hold, settle, plant, Rare, implant.
9. reach, attain, gain, achieve, arrive at; compromise, find a balance, find a median, determine a middle ground.
10. take apart, undo; pull down, take down, knock down, Inf. level.
11. level, smooth, plane, even, flatten, strickle.
12. Usu. strike out delete, cross out, mark through; efface, erase, rub out, blot out, wipe out or away, obliterate, remove all traces of; cancel, stamp out, void, annul, invalidate.
13. (all of coins, medals, etc.) coin, mint, stamp, punch out, cut, form, make; impress, imprint, print.
14. (all of clocks) ding, ring, clang; sound, go off, cuckoo; resound, resonate.
15. Often strike down afflict, distress, plague; disease, make sick or ill, harm, impair, damage, injure, hurt, wound, cripple, mame; kill, slay, slaughter, murder, massacre, deal a deathblow; annihilate, destroy, ruin, blight.
16. terrify, terrorize, frighten, instill fear, scare to death; overwhelm, move, affect, have an effect on, influence, make an impact or impression on, leave a mark on; induce, cause, effect, bring about, create, produce.
17. assume, adopt, take on; imitate, copy, mimic, reproduce; affect, feign.
18. agree or settle on, reach accord, make a settlement; approve, sanction, ratify, confirm.
19. walk out, walk off the job, quit or stop working, sit down on the job, picket.
-n. 20. hit, hitting, smiting, thwack, slap, slapping, smack, smacking; cuff, buffet, knock, punch, box, Inf. whacking, knockout, Both Boxing, left, right, Inf. whack, Inf. wallop, Inf. whomp, Inf. clout, plug, SI. bop, SI. sock; blow, bastinado, Scot. dunt, Scot. and North. England, paik, Both Brit. Dial, yerk, douse, SI. conk, SI. bash, U.S. SI. biff, SI. bop; beating, battering, pounding, pommeling, pummeling, pelting, going over, SI. pasting; thrash, thrashing, flogging, lashing, flagellation, whipping, spanking, Inf. tanning; cudgeling, fustigation, bludgeoning, basting, flogging, clubbing, hammering.