taboo, adj.1. (among the peoples of the South Pacific) inviolable, inviolate, sacred, sacrosanct, untouchable.
2. prohibited, banned, proscribed, vetoed; forbidden, Ger. verboten, unallowed, unpermissible.
-n. 3. prohibition, proscription, forbiddance, in
terdiction, disallowance.
4. ostracism, exclusion, blackballing.
-v. 5. prohibit, proscribe, interdict, forbid; rule out, ban, disallow, veto.
6. bar, exclude, ostracize, shut out, leave out, keep out, send to Coventry, blackball.
tabulate, v. tabularize, systematize, systemize, chart, graph; line up, line, arrange, range, order, dispose, place, group; rank, rate, grade, graduate; organize, sort or sort out, assort, class, classify, categorize, pigeonhole, SI. peg; catalog, inventory, index, list, file, codify, alphabetize.
tacit, adj. 1. silent, quiet, close-mouthed, tightlipped, unspeaking; speechless, voiceless, mute, mum. 2. understood, implied, implicit, Inf. inferred; unstated, undeclared, unexpressed, unmentioned, unsaid, unvoiced, unspoken.
taciturn, adj. 1. reticent, uncommunicative, unconversable, unconversational, untalkative; quiet, silent, close-mouthed, reserved, shy; tight-lipped, tacit, speechless, voiceless, mum, mute; distant, aloof, stand-offish, unsociable, antisocial, antisocialistic.
2. dour, stern, sullen, gloomy, sluggish, saturnine.
taciturnity, n. 1. reticence, uncommunicativeness, unconversableness, reserve, shyness; quietness, silence, silentness, tacitness, speechlessness, voicelessness, muteness; distantness, aloofness, stand-offishness, unsociability, unsociableness.
2. dourness, sternness, sullenness, gloom, gloominess; sluggishness, saturnineness, saturninity.
tack1, n. 1. nail, rivet, brad, cleat, staple; pin, peg, dowel, skewer; spike, bolt, toggle, cotter, cotter pin, treenail, trunnel, thole or tholepin; thumbtack, Brit. drawing pin, carpet tack, roofing tack; stitch, baste, lace; safety pin, straight pin, snap, button; catch, clamp, hook, grappler, holdfast, latch, loop.
2. direction, way, route, heading, bearing, trajectory, Naut. leeway, course; road, path, pathway, trail, track; run, cut, channel.
3. zigzag, Naut. jibe, deviation, yaw, Aeron. drift; divergence, by-pass, detour, alteration, change, swerve, sheer, switch, shunt, divagation, sidling, Navig. driftage, Navig. windage; declination, divarication.
4. set, aim, tendency, inclination, bent, tenor; approach, attack, method, procedure, practice, line, line or course of action.