2. plain, simple, native, domestic, homespun, garden-variety, run-of-the-mill
or -mine, household, commonplace, salt-of-the-earth; middle-class, stereotypical, homely, workday, workaday, vernacular, colloquial, informal, prosaic, pedestrian, plebian, bourgeois, unrefined, provincial, Inf. down-home; unexceptional, undistinguished, insignificant, somewhat inferior, second-rate, indifferent, unimpressive; medium, humdrum, so-so, passable, tolerable, fair; inferior, of no value, worthless, low-bred, low-brow, ill-bred; nameless, ignominious, inglorious, ignoble, SI. cotton pickin', SI. no great shakes, Inf dime-a-dozen.
3. hackneyed, overdone, dull, stale, tired, stock, cliche; dry, trite, unimaginative, insipid, wishy-washy, tame, banal, tedious, uninspired, Inf. old hat, Inf. pat; oft-repeated, oft met with, expected, predictable, overused, worn-out, well-trodden, in the beaten path.
4. humble, modest, unpretentious, unpretending, unassuming, unostentatious.
5. inconsequential, of little or small or no importance, insignificant, small, minute, trivial, paltry, petty, puny, trifling, piddling, Inf. measly, SI. small potatoes, SI. small-time, Inf. bush or minor league, SI. two-bit.
6. mean, low, vile, cheap, base; coarse, vulgar, poor, shabby, drab, ignoble; uncouth, uncultured.
-n. 7. average, standard, norm, par; ordinary condition, the common way, the way things are, status quo, the normal order of things; convention, conventional usage, fixed practice, Brit. Inf. the drill; formality, habit, settled way, fashion; usual rut, groove, expected routine, beaten track or path, usual run, wont, standard round.
8. out of the ordinary unusual, strange, different, singular, curious, quaint, eccentric, outlandish, bizarre, weird, Inf. oddball, Inf. kooky; out of the way, uncommon, unwonted, unfamiliar, unheard of, undreamed of, off the beaten path or track, unexpected, offbeat, stray, rare, unique, Fr. recherche; extraordinary, exceptional, remarkable, wonderful, ordination, n. 1. Eccles. ordainment, holy orders, orders, consecration, ecclesiastical office.
2. investiture, empowering, accrediting, conferment, instatement, charging, presentation; installation, induction, nomination, designation, election, appointment, admission, acceptance, initiation, Inf. tapping, Inf. tabbing; dedication, commitment, enlistment, enrollment.
3. decreeing, ordaining, ordering; commandment, instruction; exaction, prescription, requirement; declaration, lawgiving, ruling, Inf. laying down the law; dictation, enjoinment, bidding, behest.
4. arranging, planning, organization, methodization, systematization; disposition, distribution, settlement, disposal; classification, codification, categorization, tabulation, alphabetization, collocation, allocation, coordination, graduation, gradation, construction, composition.
5. arrangement, order, system, routine, method; structure, form, plan, scheme, line-up, setup, layout.
ordnance, n. 1. cannon, artillery, field artillery, heavy or light artillery, mortars, mounted guns, Mil. field pieces. See - artillery.
2. weapons, arms, armament, munitions, equipment; provisions, materials of war, army or military supplies, stores; ammunition, Inf. ammo, missilery; musketry, powder and shot.
3. quartermaster corps; supply, army supply,
ordure, n. manure, dung, muck, fertilizer, compost, dressing; excrement, guano, night soil, droppings, cow or buffalo chips, U.S. West, cow pies, coprolites, coproliths, SI. flops; feces, stools, fecula, fecal matter, feculence; refuse, filth, offal, garbage, rubbish, waste,
ore, n. metal, element, mineral, bullion, Metall. pig.
organ, n. 1. pipe organ, reed organ, melodeon, harmonium, electronic organ; barrel organ, hand