-v. 2. sally or sally forth, raid, foray, charge, attack, assault, assail, storm; rush, surge or come or sweep forward, thrust or drive or push forward, take the offensive; fall upon, set upon, pounce upon, strike at, march upon, swoop down upon, descend on or upon. so-so, adj. 1. mediocre, indifferent, Fr. comme ci, comme qa; fair, fair to middling, betwixt and between, Inf. no great shakes, Inf. nothing to write home or brag about; undistinguished, unexceptional, unnotable, modest, of sorts, of a sort; neutral, bland, insipid, uninspiring, unmoving, SI. ho-hum, SI. blah.
2. average, middling, moderate, medium; adequate, passable, acceptable, tolerable; respectable, presentable, admissible, fairly good, Inf. not that bad, not too bad. -adv. 3. middling, moderately, fairly, passably, adequately, tolerably, sufficiently, satisfactorily, sot, n. drunkard, drunk, inebriate, soak, tosspot, toper, winebibber, bibber, bibbler, Obs., Rare. biberon, U.S. Inf. barfly; alcoholic, chronic alcoholic or drunk, dipsomaniac; drinker, hard drinker, serious drinker, problem drinker; tippler, guzzler, swiller, Inf. lovepot; All SI. soaker, sponge, boozer, boozehound, lush, souse, rummy, wino, alky, dipso, juicehead, juicer, hooch hound, gin hound, swillbelly, swillpot, stew, stewbum, elbow-bender, elbow-crooker. sough, v. 1. sigh, whisper, moan, rustle, murmur, sing, whistle, shriek, wail, rush, roar.
-n. 2. sigh, sighing, whisper, whispering, moan, moaning, rustle, rustling, murmur, murmuring; singing, whistling, shrieking; wailing, rushing, roaring, soul, n. 1. spirit, animating principle, vital spirit, pneuma, breath of life, anima, life; consciousness, psyche, mind, intellect, Gk. Philos, nous; reason, understanding, intelligence; self, ego, inner self, true being.
2. ghost, wraith, disembodied spirit, presence, Gk. and Rom. Religion, shade, specter, apparition, phantom, eidolon.
3. heart, center of emotion, seat of feelings or sentiments.
4. human being, human, being, person, mortal, life, creature, member of the human race, Adamite; individual, entity, personage, personality, persona; living soul, spirit; world soul, anima mundi, Weltgist.
5. essential part, essence, quiddity, quintessence, substance, sum and substance; marrow, pith, heart of the matter, crux, gist, Inf. nub, meat, nitty-gritty; core, inner core, heart, center, nucleus, kernel; base, bottom, root.
6. embodiment, incarnation, personification.
7. Informal, negritude, Blackness, intense sensitivity, emotional fervor, feeling. -adj. 8. Informal. Black, Negro; earthy, intense, soulful, Trademark. Motown, soulful, adj. emotional, moving, deep, SI. heavy, intense, meaningful, expressive. sound1, n. 1. noise, utterance, sonance; tone, note, chord, music.
2. outcry, vociferation, clamor, din, hubbub, racket; shout, whoop, yell, roar; blare, blast, bang, rumble, jingle, tinkle, peal, ring, toll; clatter, clink, clank, creak, grate. See also noise (def. 1, 3-6).
3. quality, cast, color, coloring, tenor, drift.
4. earshot, earreach, hearing, hearing distance.
-v. 5. ring, chime, clang, ding-dong, peal, knell, toll; tinkle, clink, clank; rumble, thunder, boom;