duel, bout, feud, Sl. scrap, joust, tilt; clash, contention, struggle, war; scuffle, tussle, brawl, fray, affray; broil, melee, fracas, Inf. run-in, Inf. set-to, Inf. mix-up; collision, engagement, rencounter, rencontre, Fr. rencontre.
encourage, v. 1. enhearten, hearten, reassure, assure, cheer, root, bear up, buoy, buoy up, Inf. chirk, Inf. pat on the back; stimulate, animate, whet, motivate, embolden, inspire, inspirit, nerve, build up, buck up, rally, boost, invigorate, Sl. give a shot in the arm to, Inf. peptalk; prompt, urge, urge on, exhort, spur, goad, prick, egg on; impel, induce, incline, dispose, prevail upon, persuade, influence, sway; incite, instigate, actuate, provoke, foment; excite, arouse, rouse, inflame, enflame, fire, fire up, stir, stir up, wind up, Inf. psyche up.
2. abet, assist, help, aid, second, succor, relieve, lend oneself to, subsidize, underwrite; uphold, maintain, sustain; support, advocate, patronize, lobby, back, recommend, endorse, sanction, approve, countenance; promote, further, forward, advance, favor, foster,
encouragement, n. 1. enheartening, heartening, reassuring, assuring, cheering, rooting, buoying, buoying up, Inf. chirking; stimulating, animating, motivating, emboldening, inspiriting, nerving, nerving up, building up, bucking up, rallying, boosting, invigorating; prompting, urging, urging on, exhorting, spurring, goading, prodding, pricking, egging on; impelling, inducing, inclining, disposing, prevailing upon, influencing, persuading, swaying; inciting, instigating, actuating, provoking, fomenting; exciting, arousing, rousing, enflaming, firing, firing up, stirring, stirring up, winding up, Inf. psyching up.
2. abetting, assisting, helping, aiding, subsidizing, underwriting, seconding; upholding, maintaining, sustaining, succoring; supporting, advocating, patronizing, lobbying, backing, endorsing, sanctioning, approving, countenancing; promoting, furthering, forwarding, advancing, favoring, fostering.
3. hope, enheartenment, cheer, lift, boost, build up, buoyancy, reassurance, assurance, pat on the back; promise, good omen, good auspices, clear sky, bright prospect; inspiration, stimulation, stimulus, motivation, incentive, inducement, instance, pep talk; instigation, urge, urging, prompting, goad, prick, spur; excitement, arousal, inflammation; influence, persuasion, exhortation, advice.
4. help, aid, assistance, security, aegis, protection, championship; relief, refreshment, succor, solace, consolation, comfort; support, backing, sponsorship, patronage, advocacy, auspice or auspices, countenance, favor, approval, approbation, sanction, blessing; furtherance, promotion, advance, advancement.
encroach, v. 1. intrude, obtrude, interlope, irrupt, move in on, Inf. muscle in, Inf. tread on [s.o.'s] toes; trespass, infringe, impinge, entrench, trench, invade, infiltrate.
2. overstep, transgress, overstep the bounds, know no bounds, go too far; presume on or upon, impose on or upon, take liberties, abuse one's privileges,
encroachment, n. trespass, infringement, impingement, entrenchment, invasion, incursion, inroad, influx, infiltration; intrusion, obtrusion, irruption; arro-gation, usurpation, seizure, overrunning; transgression, violation.
encumber, v. 1. impede, hamper, hinder, retard, cumber, handicap, cramp, constrain; restrain, bridle, trammel; bar, stay, obstruct, check.
2. clog, block up, fill up, congest, stuff, pack, jam.
3. burden, weigh down, weight, load down, charge, tax; oppress, strain, overload, overburden, overtask, overtax.