-v. 2. summarize, outline, sketch, review; abbreviate, condense, abridge, shorten, curtail, compress.
precise, adj. 1. explicit, definite, fixed, distinct, express; clear, plain, obvious, unmistakable, unambiguous, unequivocal; specific, pointed, strict, absolute, unconditional.
2. exact, accurate, close, faithful; correct, unerring, Inf. on the mark, on target, on the money, Inf. right on, SI. spot on, on the button, on the dot, Inf. on the nose; right, just, true, truthful, veracious; factual, actual, strict, literal, true to life; authentic, real, sound, valid; flawless, faultless, perfect, defectless, errorless.
3. particular, finical, finicky, fussy; meticulous, careful, punctilious, scrupulous, conscientious; minute, detailed, thorough, nice, scientific, methodical, mathematical; critical, demanding, fastidious; strict, rigorous, severe, rigid, unbending, unyielding, ungiving.
precision, n 1. exactness, exactitude, closeness, preciseness, Math, degree of error; accuracy, accurateness, correctness, rightness, rectitude, unerringness, flawlessness, faultlessness, perfection; literalism, tex-tualism, adherence to the letter or text, faithfulness, fidelity, accordance, agreement; punctuality, punctualness, promptness, dependability, regularity, reliability; conformity, propriety, decorum, niceness, preciosity, preciousness; formalness, formality, protocol, form, ceremony.
2. punctiliousness, punctilio, attention to detail, pickiness, particularity, fastidiousness, fussiness, Inf. persnicketiness, Inf. pernicketiness; meticulousness, painstakingness, methodicalness, rigorousness, thoroughness, exhaustiveness; fineness, detailedness, minuteness, tediousness; care, carefulness, scrupulousness, conscientiousness; strictness, rigidity, rigidness, severity, severeness, inflexibility, stiffness; demandingness, criticalness, exactingness, hypercriticalness, overexactingness.
preclude, v. 1. prevent, hinder, hamper, impede; stop, put a stop to, check, arrest, abort; curb, inhibit, restrain, constrain, repress; obstruct, block, bar, choke, clog, dam up; interfere, interrupt, intervene, interpose; detain, delay, slacken, slow, retard, forestall; avert, avoid, draw off, stave off, nip in the bud; oppose, cross, contravene, counter; defeat, override; frustrate, thwart, foil, balk.
2. debar, exclude, omit, rule out, shut out, eliminate; forbid, prohibit, proscribe, interdict, veto, ban, taboo.
precocious, adj. 1. advanced, forward, far ahead, fast, ahead of one's peers; bright, brilliant, brainy, gifted; intelligent, smart, clever, quick; progressive, ahead of one's time, born before one's time, in the vanguard or van, in the forefront, avant-garde, ultramodern.
2. premature, early, early-bird, Inf previous; overforward, too far along, untimely, undeveloped; overmature, maturing early, blooming early; prevenient, anticipatory, precipitate, eager.
preconception, n. prejudgment, forejudgment, predetermination, preconceived idea or notion, presentiment, predisposition; conjecture, inference, guesswork, hypothesis, premise; anticipation, presumption, prematurity of opinion, premature judgment, Inf. jumping the gun, Inf. going off half-cocked; presupposition, presupposal, presurmise, prejudice, bias, prepossession; fixed idea, Fr. idte fixe, locked-in idea, fixed or settled belief, certitude; apprehension, foreboding, anxiety.
precursor, n. 1. predecessor, foregoer, forerunner, antecedent; ancestor, forebear, progenitor, forefather, father; author, creator, originator, founder, innovator, groundbreaker.