rogue, n. 1. knave, scapegrace, wastrel, ne'er-do-well, good-for-nothing, good-for-naught; villain, miscreant, reprobate, incorrigible; wretch, churl, cur, cad, dog, scoundrel, dastard, blackguard, Archaic, bezoni-an; All Inf. rat, creep, louse, stinker, Euph. son of a gun, Derog. SOB, Derog. bastard; All SI. bum, Chiefly Brit, rotter, Chiefly Brit, bounder, Brit, blighter.
2. mountebank, charlatan, quack, Archaic, quacksalver, Archaic, empiric; impostor, impersonator, SI. ringer; fraud, fake, Inf faker, carpetbagger, crimp, Inf. bunko artist; cheat, deceiver, swindler, confidencc man, Inf. con man; trickster, fourflusher, snake in the grass, wolf in sheep's clothing.
3. rascal, rapscallion, scamp, devil, imp, wag, puck, troublemaker, mischief-maker, Irish Eng. spalpeen. roguery, n. 1. knavishness, rascality, roguishness, churlishness; villainy, miscreancy, reprobacy, incorrigibleness; blackguardism, currishness, caddishness, dastardliness, quackery, Archaic, quacksalvery, mountebankery, charlatanism; imposture, impersonation, fraudulence, fakery, deception.
2. mischievousness, impishness, waggishness, puckishness, devilishness, scampishness.
3. mischief, pettifoggery, chicanery, shenanigans, hanky-panky, SI. funny business, SI. monkey business, SI. monkeyshines; gag, prank, practical joke, joke, jest, jape, caper, trick, hoax, quiz, Inf. dido. roguish, adj. 1. knavish, rascally, scoundrelly, Obs. blackguard; villainous, reprobate, recreant, base, vile; unscrupulous, unprincipled, treacherous, perfidious, untrustworthy, unreliable, undependable; dishonest, deceitful, crooked, false, false-hearted, doubledealing, two-timing; shifty, slippery, Inf. shady.
2. mischievous, impish, waggish, puckish, elfish, prankish; naughty, scampish, arch, Scot. hempy; playful, sportive, full of mischief, fond of mischief, frolicsome. roil, v. 1. (all of water, wine, etc.) agitate, disturb, shake up, stir up, churn up; muddy, cloud, becloud.
2. irritate, annoy, irk, vex, pique, peeve, nettle, chafe, get on [s.o.'s] nerves, tread on [s.o.'s] toes, Inf. aggravate, Inf. miff, Inf. give [s.o.] a pain, Inf. rub [s.o.] the wrong way, Inf. get under [s.o.'s] skin, rile; exasperate, disquiet, discountenance, put out, try [s.o.'s] patience, Inf put [s.o.'s] nose out of joint, get, SI. get [s.o.'s] goat.
3. provoke, badger, bait, hector, harass, plague, bedevil.
4. anger, incense, raise [s.o.'s] ire, get [s.o.'s] back up, Inf. get [s.o.'s] Irish or dander up, Inf. burn [s.o.] up, SI. tick [s.o.] off, SI. tee [s.o.] off. roister, v. 1. bluster, puff, harangue, SI. blow or blow hard, SI. talk big; strut, swagger, parade, flaunt, show off, Literary, plume oneself; throw one's weight around, lord it over [s.o.] , be overbearing, give [s.o.] a hard time, bully, badger.
2. fight, brawl, riot, create a disturbance, make trouble, make a commotion, Inf. kick up a fuss, Inf. raise hell or the devil, Inf. raise Cain, Inf. raise a rumpus or ruckus.
3. carouse, revel, wassail, bouse, make merry, cut loose, let loose, Brit, maffick, Inf. live it up, Inf. party, Inf. whoop it up, SI. make whoopee; go on a spree, make the rounds, SI. tie one on, SI. go on a drunk or binge or bender, SI. paint the town red, SI. barhop, Brit. SI. pub-crawl.