2. peal, ring, burst, shriek, shout, roar, scream, howl; outburst, explosion, eruption, ebullition, outpouring. gall1, n. 1. bitterness, rancor, malice, spite, animosity, acrimony, cynicism; malignity, venom, virulence, spleen; acerbity, asperity, mordacity, sarcasm, invective.
2. impudence, insolence, brashness, audacity, cheek, brass, face, sauciness; effrontery, front, brazenness, nerve, temerity, SI. chutzpah, SI. crust, SI. moxie.
3. gall and wormwood resentment, deep resentment, umbrage, pique, dudgeon, anger; irritation, annoyance, exasperation. gall2, n. 1. abrasion, scrape, scratch, graze, scuff, sore, canker, ulcer, excoriation. -v. 2. chafe, abrade, rub, fret, rasp, grate, scratch, scrape, excoriate; chap, roughen, redden.
3. vex, irritate, rankle, exasperate, aggravate, exacerbate, rub the wrong way; annoy, irk, nettle, tease; harass, harry, ride, nag, get on one's back; disturb, agitate, shake, unsettle, ruffle; pique, roil, rile, madden, anger, enrage, infuriate, inflame, Inf. burn [s.o.] up; arouse, excite, provoke, goad, spur; hector, pester, badger, bother, offend; provoke, incense; persecute, molest, sting. gallant, adj. 1. showy, splendid, grand, Inf. splendiferous, magnificent, brilliant, glorious; elegant, lavish, sumptuous; majestic, imposing, august, princely, imperial, regal; dignified, lofty.
2. brave, courageous, valiant, valorous, heroic, heroical; stout-hearted, lionhearted, great-hearted; manly, manful, chivalrous, chivalric; intrepid, fearless, dauntless; unafraid, unblenching, unblenched, undaunted; bold, bold-spirited, high-spirited, daring, dashing, adventurous.
3. firm, resolute, resolved, staunch, steadfast, stalwart; indomitable, redoubtable, unyielding, unbending, unbowing, unshrinking, unfaltering, unhesitating, unswerving, unwavering, undeviating; mettlesome, plucky, gritty, game, red-blooded, spirited, Inf. spunky.
4. polite, courteous, deferential, considerate, thoughtful, obliging, gentle, kindly; gentlemanly, mannerly, courtly, well-bred; suave, urbane. -n. 5. hero, champion, paladin, knight; stalwart, valiant, cavalier, chevalier, brave man, brave, man of courage or mettle.
6. beau, suitor, wooer, pursuer, admirer, adorer; escort, squire, date, partner; lover, swain, sweetheart, beloved, Romeo; gentleman, gentleman friend, fiancd, betrothed, young man, boy friend; man about town, man of the world. gallantry, n. 1. chivalrousness, courtliness, courteousness, mannerliness, gentlemanliness; magnanimity, nobleness, liberalness, kindliness, thoughtfulness, considerateness.
2. chivalry, bravery, courage, valor, heroism, stoutheartedness, lionheartedness; manliness, manfulness; intrepidity, fearlessness, dauntlessness; boldness, boldspiritedness, high-spiritedness, daring, derring-do, audacity.
3. fortitude, endurance, tenacity, determination; firmness, resoluteness, indomitableness, steadfastness, stalwartness, doughtiness; mettle, pluck, spirit, backbone, gumption, heart, nerve, grit, SI. guts, SI. moxie.
4. high-mindedness, noble-mindedness; justness, fairness, impartialness, equitableness; virtue, virtuousness, nobility, honor, uprightness, upstandingness; fidelity, dedication, devotion, reliability, reliableness, dependability.
5. courtesy, politeness, politesse, civility, good man