injustice, n. 1. inequitableness, unfairness, unjustness, unrighteousness, obliquity; inequality, disparity, unevenness; discrimination, favoritism, partiality, leaning, prepossession, one-sidedness, bias, prejudice, bigotry.
2. inequity, unfairness, unfair or unjust treatment; mistreatment, maltreatment, abuse, hurt, injury; grievance, imposition, infringement or encroachment on one's rights; oppression, persecution, tyranny; wrong, offense, violence, crime; wrongdoing, foul play, dirty trick, villainy, Law. tort; iniquity, evil, sin, transgression.
inkling, n1. hint, clue, whisper; intimation, in sinuation, innuendo; suggestion, inference, implication.
2. suspicion, idea, notion, vague idea or notion, some insight into or understanding of, glimmering, soupfon, trace, whiff, glimpse.
inkwell, n. inkhorn, inkstand, Brit, inkpot; ink bot
tle or jar, container of ink.
inky, adj. 1. black, pitch-black, pitchy, coal- black; ebony, ebon, raven, sable; jet, jetty, nigritudi-nous, atramentous; dark, swarthy, swart, nigrescent.
2. inked, ink-stained, blackened, sooty, smoky, char-coaly, fuliginous; stained, dirty, dingy, soiled, sullied, grimy, begrimed; smudgy, smudged, smirched, besmirched.
inlaid, adj. veneered, enameled, tessellated, mosaic, checkered, enchased; ornamented; set, studded, worked; laid, tiled, lined.
inland, adj. 1. interior, internal, upcountry, upriver, inshore, backwoods.
-n. 2. inlands, upcountry, upriver, backwoods; midland, midlands, hinterland, heartland.
inlay, v. line, interlard, set in, work in; inset, insert, encase, enchase, implant, bed in; tile, tessellate, damascene, checker, parquet.
inlet, n. 1. cove, nook, bay, fjord, arm, armlet, arm of the sea, bight; firth, frith, bayou, Scot. loch, Brit, creek, reach; strait, channel, narrow, narrows, sound, Scot. kyle.
2. entry, entrance, ingress, intake, access, opening; path, door, doorway, way, entranceway, vestibule, portal.
inmate, n. 1. patient, valetudinary, bedlamite; case, subject.
2. prisoner, captive, convict, U.S. Si. jailbird, Brit. Si. gaolbird, Si. con, Si. bird.
inmost, adj. innermost, innate, intrinsic; basic, intuitive. See - innermost (defs. 1-7).
inn, n. 1. lodging, hotel, motel, Fr. auberge, hostelry, hostel, hospice; tourist court, motor court, rooming house, pension, boardinghouse, guest house; caravansary, khan, serai; resthouse, Si. flophouse, bunkhouse, Brit. SI. doss-house, Brit. SI. kip, Brit, ordinary.
2. cafe, tavern, bar, saloon, alehouse, Inf. pub, Brit. Inf. local, Brit, public house; cabaret, bistro, roadhouse, gin mill, grog shop, dram shop, toddy shop, honky-tonk; barroom, Chiefly Brit, taproom, speakeasy, beerhall, Scot., Irish Eng. shebeen.
innate, adj. 1. inborn, inbred, native, natural, natural-born, ingenerate; congenital, hereditary, inherited, in the blood, in the family; intrinsic, inherent, indigenous, indwelling, immanent; ingrained, engrained, inwrought, enwrought.