compost, n. 1. fertilizer, muck, manure, dung, ordure, guano, night soil, dressing.
2. compound, alloy, amalgam, combination, composition; blend, fusion, mixture, commixture, admixture; medley, potpourri, hodgepodge, mishmash.
composure, n. 1. aplomb, sang-froid, poise, repose, self-possession, self-control, self-command; presence of mind, level-headedness, cool-headedness, coolness, equability, equanimity, equilibrium, Inf. cool; quiescence, quiet, stillness, calmness, peacefulness, peace, tranquillity, serenity; imperturbability, inexcitability, unflappability, even-temperedness.
compound1, adj. 1. composite, complex, intricate, involved, multiple, multiplex, compounded; manifold, multifarious, varied, diverse, multiform; synthesized, consolidated, incorporate, integrated; combined, mixed, hybrid, mongrel.
-n. 2. composite, composition, synthesis, blend, merging, merger, consolidation; combination, combine, mixture, mix, commixture, intermixture, concoction, conglomeration, Archaic, crasis; mosaic, patchwork, collage, pastiche; alloy, admixture, amalgam, hybrid, mongrel, Chem. levigation.
-v. 3. combine, synthesize, consolidate. See - compose (def. 1).
4. constitute, comprise, make up. See - compose (def. 2).
5. multiply, add on to, increase; augment, heighten, intensify, enhance; aggravate, exacerbate.
compound2, n. 1. court, courtyard, quadrangle,
Inf. quad, square, enclosure, ring.
2. colony, settlement, village, kampong, Law. curtilage; quarters, residences, homes, camp, encampment; concentration camp, POW camp, prison.
comprehend, v. 1. understand, apprehend, realize, take in, assimilate, absorb, receive, Chiefly Scot. ken; apperceive, cognize, recognize, know, Sl. savvy, grasp, get, get the picture, Sl. dig, Brit. Sl. suss out, seize, pick up, Inf. get a fix on; fathom, penetrate, Inf. lay hold of; imagine, conceive, Archaic, hent.
2. perceive, see, make out, discern, read, see through, Brit, twig, Inf. make heads or tails of; intuit, sense, feel.
3. comprise, include, contain; embrace, compass, cover, take into account or consideration; constitute, compose, make up, form.