lump1, n. 1. mass, clot, gob, gobbet, pat, dab, spot; piece, chunk, Inf. hunk, hunch; wad, ball; clump, clod, cluster, bunch; heap, mound, pile, stack; agglomeration, group, aggregation, aggregate, assemblage, collection, amassment, accumulation.
2. protuberance, projection, tuberosity, Anat. condyle, protrusion, prominence, Bot. apophysis; node, nodule, Anat. nodulus, bulb, knob, knot, gnarl, knurl; growth, excrescence, excretion, Biol, auxesis, tubercle; swelling, tumescence, intumescence, enlargement; bump, Inf. goose egg, hump, buckle, bulge; Pathol. tumor, Pathol, neoplasm, Pathol, cyst, Pathol, wen, Pathol, blain, corn, wart, boil, Pathol, carbuncle, inflammation, blister, Pathol, callus.
3. majority, plurality, bulk, the greater part, the greatest number, multitude, mass.
-adj. 4. total, combined, aggregate.
-v. 5. Often
lump together unite, consolidate, join, combine, put or throw together, pool; blend, mix or mix together, commix, fuse, merge; bring together, conglomerate, collect, cluster, aggregate, mass, assemble, gather, congregate, group, bunch up or together; accumulate, heap up, pile, pile up, stack up; compile, amass, cumulate.
6. clot, form lumps, swell, bulge, buckle.
lump2, v. Informal, put up with, take, suffer with, bear with; stand, tolerate, brook, endure.
lumpish, adj. 1. lumpy, knobby, cloddy, clodlike; heavy, ponderous, elephantine, lumbering; clumsy, Sl. klutzy, lubberly, loutish, oafish; bungling, awkward, ungainly, maladroit, gawky; unpolished, rough, boorish, churlish, peasantlike, rustic; coarse, crude, rude, vulgar, gross.
2. dull, dull-witted, slow, slow-witted, backward, ignorant, unintelligent; doltish, cloddish, stolid, obtuse, crass, Boeotian, bovine, blockish; dense, thick-headed, Inf. thick, stupid, Inf dumb, Inf. dopey, sluggish; laggard, torpid, lethargic, slow-moving, inactive, inert, passive; hebitudinous, listless, apathetic, phlegmatic, indifferent.
lumpy, adj. 1. full of lumps, chunky, knobby, nodulous, nodous, knotty, gnarled, knurled, knurly; bumpy, uneven, bulging, protuberant.
2. heavy, clumsy, lubberly, loutish, crude. See - lumpish (def. 1).
3. (both of water) rough, choppy.
lunacy, n. 1. insanity, insaneness, madness, derangement, Psychiatry, dementia, dementedness; distraction, disorientation, unbalance, unsoundness; mental illness, loss of reason, unsound mind, diseased mind; craziness, Sl. kookiness, Inf. nuttiness, daftness, brainsickness; possession, infatuation; eccentricity, oddness, queerness; All Sl. balminess, bugginess, screwiness, wackiness, goofiness.
2. psychosis, neurosis, psychoneurosis; schizophrenia, Psychiatry, dementia praecox, monomania, automania, dipsomania, pyromania, delusion of grandeur; senility, anility, dotage, Psychiatry, amentia; Psychol. kleptomania, Psychol, split personality; All Psychiatry. melancholia, hypochondria, paranoia, mania, lys-sophobia, fugue, alienation, delusion.
3. frenzy, franticness, furor, delirium, phrenitis, anoesis, hysteria; Pathol, delirium tremens, blue devils, Sl. the horrors, Sl. jimjams; ranting, raving, storming, foaming at the mouth; storminess, fierceness, tumult, tumultuousness, turbulence, violence.
4. foolishness, folly, absurdity, absurdness, silliness, inanity, fatuousness, dotage; irrationality, illogic, illogicality, illogicalness, unreasonableness; senselessness, nonsense, nonsensicality, nonsensicalness, Obs. morology, pointlessness; ridiculousness, ridiculosity, ludicrousness; asininity, imbecility, idiocy, Inf. moronism, Inf. moronity; stupidity, fatuity; lightheadedness, harebrainedness; childishness, puerility, immaturity.