mediative, adj. 1. mediatory, mediating, intermediary, intermedial, arbitrative, arbitrational; interces-sional, intercessory, interfering, interlocutory, interventional.
2. propitiatory, pacificatory, reconciliatory, conciliatory; irenic, pacific, peacemaking, diplomatic.
mediator, n. 1. middleman, liaison, go-between, common friend, agent, Archaic, daysman; arbitrator, negotiator, intermediary, moderator; referee, arbiter, umpire, Inf. ump, Inf. ref, third party; intervener, interventionist, interceder, intercessor; internuncio, intermediate, interagent.
2. pacifier, peacemaker, fence-mender, smoother-over, make-peace; reconciler, conciliator, appeaser, marriage counselor.
medicable, adj. curable, healable, treatable, remediable, reparable; recoverable, retrievable, reclaimable; reversible, mendable, restorable.
medical, adj. healing, curative, therapeutic, therapeutical, sanative, sanatory, remedial; medicinal, medicative, restorative, Med. analeptic, salutiferous, health-bringing, salutary, corrective, tonic, febrifugal, palliative, Med. Obs. alterative, Archaic, corroborant.
medicament, n. medicine, remedy, Med. specific, Med. Obs. alterative; panacea, palliative, catholicon, cure-all, patent medicine, nostrum, elixir, potion, snake-oil; home remedy, home cure, ptisan, barley water, chicken soup, camomile tea, sulphur and molasses; curative substance, corrective; antidote, theriac; antiseptic, prophylactic, febrifuge, antipyretic; anti-catarrhal, terpin hydrate and codeine, expectorant, cough syrup, cough drops, horehound; diaphoretic, mustard plaster; eye drops, collyrium, eyewash; nose drops, nasal spray; emetic, nauseant; physic, cathartic, purgative, carminative, laxative, lenitive, aloes, bran, castor oil, epsom salts, dose of salts; tonic, stimulant, restorative, analeptic, roborant, cordial; sedative, soporific, narcotic, anodyne, drug, opiate; depressant, SI. downer; calmative, tranquilizer, soothing syrup, pacifier; analgesic, paregoric, Inf. pain killer, Inf. pain pill; sleeping draught or pill, SI. goofball, sleeper; barbiturate, SI. barb, Inf. dope; balm, salve, Pharm. cerate, ointment, balsam, oil, lotion, liniment, embrocation, witch hazel, Med. cataplasm, poultice, plaster, traumatic, healing application. See - medicine (def. 1).
medicate, v. treat, doctor, attend, care for, give care to, nurse; drug, dose, SI. dope up, cure, remedy, heal; minister, administer, relieve, restore, palliate; dress, poultice, plaster; salve, bathe, anoint, oil, embrocate.
medicinal, adj. 1. remedial, curative, therapeutic, Med. analeptic, adjuvant; stimulating, bracing, invigorating, reviving, refreshing, Med. roborant; alleviative, assuasive, lenitive, sedative, calmative, tranquiliz-ing, narcotic, soothing, balmy, emollient, demulcent; analgesic, anodyne, paregoric; antidotal, antitoxic, antibiotic; prophylactic, preventive, protective, Med. alexipharmic; aseptic, antiseptic, disinfectant, depurative: purgative, laxative, Med. aperient, cathartic, carminative, diuretic. See - medical.
2. (of flavor or odor) unpleasant, disagreeable, distasteful, unpalatable, nasty, offensive, noxious, repellent, rebarbative; sickening, nauseating, poisonous, Inf icky, SI. puky, SI. yukky; bitter, sour, sharp, biting, caustic, astringent, pungent, strong-tasting or -smelling, foul-tasting or -smelling.