equivalent, adj.
1. equal, tantamount, synonymous, commensurate, equiparent, Inf.
so much; identical, alike, homogeneous, of a piece, of a kind, cast in the same mold; interchangeable, all one, all the same, much the same, neither more nor less, Inf.
six of one, half a dozen of another.
2. coequal, equipotent, equipollent, on equal terms or
footing, on even terms, on the same footing.
3. correspondent, corresponding, coordinate, complementary, complemental, complementing; correlative, correlational, correlated, reciprocal, reciproca-tive.
4. same, equivalence, opposite number, match, double, twin; alternate, companion, mate, fellow, pendant.
equivocal, adj.1. ambiguous, amphibolic, Logic. amphibolous, paradoxical, duplicitous; ambivalent, two-edged, multi-leveled, changing, uncertain, wishy-washy; misleading, roundabout, circuitous, ambagious, hedging, weasel-worded, double-tongued; doubtful, dubious, left-handed, questionable, suspicious, shady.
2. vague, hazy, indefinite, indistinct, indeterminate, unclassifiable, anomalous, undetermined; puzzling, mystifying, enigmatic, enigmatical, perplexing, problematic; obscure, abstruse, unintelligible, incomprehensible; mysterious, cryptic, oracular, delphic.
equivocate, v. prevaricate, quibble, SI.
waffle, fudge, lie; evade, dodge, elude, weasel out, shuffle; shift, hedge, fence, beat around the bush; qualify, compromise, cop out; doubletalk, Inf.
talk out of both sides of one's mouth, palter; backtrack, back-pedal, sidetrack; tergiversate, vacillate, shilly-shally; mislead, deceive, mystify, dissemble.
equivocation, n.
prevarication, evasion, quibble, dodge, elusion, avoidance; shuffling, shifting, hedging, beating around the bush; qualification, compromise, cop-out; ambiguity, amphibology, vagueness, indefiniteness, indistinctness, indeterminateness; ambivalence, uncertainty, vacillation, tergiversation; doublespeak, double talk, palter, weasel words, sophistry, deception, deceit, speciousness, chicane, chicanery, fraud; lie, falsehood, untruth, Inf.
era, n.
1. age, epoch, eon, period, time or
times, day or
days, date, division of history, Hinduism, Buddhism,
kalpa; stage, cycle, season, generation; interval, span, space, spell, stretch.
2. dynasty, reign, rule; administration, presidency, government.
eradicate, v. 1. extirpate, destroy totally, annihilate, discreate, exterminate, abolish; expung-* obliterate, efface; strike out, blot out, stamp out, crush out, snuff out, wipe out; remove, eliminate, get rid of, liquidate, purge; do away with, leave no vestige or
trace of, put an end to, extinguish, bring to an end; terminate, dissolve, check, stop, cut short; expel, cast off, throw over; quash, quell, squelch, crush, vanquish, squash; overthrow, overwhelm, overturn, subvert, topple, cause the downfall of, defeat, conquer.
2. demolish, raze, ravage, devastate, lay waste, desolate; ruin, Dial,
ruinate, bring to ruin, lay in ruins.