clap, crack; stripe, cut, whack, thwack, hit, bang; Inf. swat, clip, Inf. biff, Inf. bat, Inf. belt, Inf clout; Sl. sock, Sl. slug, Sl. shot; swipe, cuff, wallop, jab; poke, buffet, Sl. whop, Sl. bash, knock.
2. gibe, jeer, quip, cut, fleer; rebuke, remark, retort, Inf. dig, twit, taunt; shot, thrust, Sl. crack, short answer, Brit, barracking.
-v. 3. strike, hit, smack, pound; bang, whack, thwack, flap, rap, spank, crack; box, cuff, jab, wallop, buffet, swipe; Inf. clobber, Inf. swat, clip, zap, Inf. biff; Sl. sock, Sl. deck, Sl. drub, Sl. slug; Inf. belt, Inf. bat, Inf. clout.
4. dash, fling, plump, drop, Inf. plop; cast, thrust, hurl, clap, throw, toss. slapdash, adj. careless, disorderly, untidy, thoughtless; casual, cursory, perfunctory, lax, slack; unmindful, negligent, unthinking, rash; hasty, speedy, snap, passing, hurried; offhand, last-minute, slap-bang; slipshod, messy, slovenly, slatternly, sloppy; slapped together, thrown together, slaphappy, adj. Informal. 1. punch-drunk, befuddled, confused, mixed-up, Sl. out of it, Sl. spacey. 2. foolish, silly, giddy, Inf. dizzy, giggly, giggling, laughing. slash, v. 1. cut, gash, score, hack; nick, jag, notch, scotch, blaze, incise; crenellate, pink, mill, knurl; slice, slit, split, cleave, halve; saw, butcher, ax, sever, chop, hew; rig, tear, rive, rend, break, sunder; scar, mutilate, lacerate, mangle, haggle; swipe, bayonet, knife, saber.
2. lash, whip, scourge, knout, flog, horsewhip, flagellate; switch, birch, cat, lambaste, baste, beat; flail, lace, thresh.
3. reduce, curtail, abridge, abbreviate, trim, devalue; lower, drop, cut, halve, mark down, come down; plunge, dive, plummet, fall, slump, cool off, relax.
-n. 4. stroke, sweep, swipe, coup; blow, jab, drive, plunge.
5. cut, wound, gash, score, laceration; incision, nick, notch, jab, scotch; crenation, crenelation, serration; slice, slit, split, rent; rip, tear, break, rupture; cleft, fissure, crack.
6. curtailment, reduction, abridgment, lowering; markdown, price cut, cut, cheapening, drop, devaluation; plunge, dive, plummet, fall.
7. stroke, line, score, streak, stripe, strip; bar, band, striation, dash, hairline; underline, underscore, hachure, hatching.
8. diagonal, virgule, Heraldry, bend, slant, oblique, transverse. slattern, n. 1. drab, draggletail, slut, trollop, Sl. slob, dowdy, frump, slovenly woman.
2. tramp, hussy, wanton, loose or fallen woman, woman of ill repute; harlot, strumpet, prostitute, whore, U.S. Sl. tart, streetwalker, Sl. hustler, Sl. hooker, lady of the evening, slatternly, adj. 1. untidy, bedraggled, draggle-tailed, disheveled, disorderly, messy, sloppy, slovenly, slipshod, careless; shabby, frumpish, frumpy, dowdy, drab.
2. sluttish, Inf. loose, promiscuous, wanton, unrestrained, dissolute, licentious, immoral, bad. slaughter, n. 1. (all of animals) killing, butchering, chopping, cutting, carving; trimming, slicing, dismembering, mincing; abattage.
2. murder, homicide, manslaughter, assassination, slaying, killing; bloodshed, bloodletting, butchery, death by violence, brutal or bloody murder, murder most foul, foul murder, violent murder; mutilation, disembowelment, dismemberment.