nize; summon forth, bid come,
pageant, n. 1. spectacle, display, show, parade, pomp, ceremony; procession, masque, gala; tableau vivant, view, scene, representation, miracle play.
2. exhibit, exhibition, presentation, exposition; extravaganza, panorama, ostentation, ostentatious display.
3. light show, sound and light show, son et lumfere, psychedelic show; spectacular, Inf. spec, Inf special, production, review, blackouts, stage show, Inf circus, Inf. three-ring circus, Inf. sideshow; road show, rock opera, Inf. freak show, Inf. horror show.
4. platform, stage, wagon, float; diorama.
pageantry, n. pageant, display, grand display, array, grand ajjay; blazon, magnificence, grandeur, splendor, flair, flourish, ritual; revel, revelry, festivity, glitter and tinsel, glitter, splurge, Inf. splash, ritz; showiness, showy staging, window dressing, pretension, pre-tentiousnous, ostentatiousness, fuss, showing off. See - pageant (defs. 1-3).
pail, n. bucket, bail, bailer, dipper; cream pail, Dial, piggin; beer pail, Inf. growler; tub, pot, basin, tin, pan, can, pitcher; receptacle, vessel, container, holder.
pain, n. 1. hurt, ache, aching, smart, smarting, soreness, discomfort; twinge, pinch, gripe, nip, pang, shock, crick, stitch, stabbing pain, sharp pain; throb, throbbing, gnawing pain, burning pain.
2. torture, torment, rack, agony; anguish, grief, woe, sorrow; dolor, suffering, travail; misery, heartache, broken-heartedness, Archaic, bale; wretchedness, desolation, depths of despair, despondency, unhappiness, infelicity.
3. mental suffering, uneasiness, disquiet, disquietude, distress, discomposure; anxiety, worry, care, cark, trouble; tribulation, trial, trials and tribulation, ordeal; burden, load, cross, curse, crown of thorns.
4. bother, nuisance, pest, Inf worriment, fret; aggravation, annoyance, vexation, thorn in one's side; bitterness, gall, wormwood, gall and wormwood.
5. pains a. effort, care, carefulness, special attention or consideration; labor, laboriousness, diligence, trouble, troublesomeness, labored attention or study,
b. labor pangs, labor, childbirth, childbed, parturition. -v. 6. hurt, wound, harm, injure; cut, cut up, sting, bite, smite, gripe, gnaw, chafe, burn, stab, pierce, lancinate; abuse, maltreat, disable, impair, cripple; torture, torment, rack, agonize, excruciate.
7. aggrieve, grieve, sorrow; sadden, despond, dishearten, depress; scathe, cut to the quick, cut to the heart.
8. harrow, disturb, distress, discommode, trouble, disquiet, afflict; harry, heckle, harass, tease, pester, plague, bait, bullyrag; pique, vex, gall, rile, roil, agitate, exasperate, try one's patience; worry, pother, bother, fret; annoy, grate, grate on one's nerves, grate on one's feelings, bore.
pained, adj. 1. hurt, hurting, injured, wounded; pierced, stung, stabbed, pricked, chafed, burnt; tortured, tormented, agonized, excruciated, burning.
2. aggrieved, grieving, suffering, sorrowful, sad, mournful, heartsick, heartbroken, broken-hearted; heavy-hearted, heavy-laden, weary, careworn, dejected, cheerless, comfortless; woebegone, wretched, gloomy, dismal, morose; melancholy, unhappy, infelicitous.
3. uncomfortable, uneasy, ill-at-ease, disquieted; discontented, disappointed, disturbed, perturbed, galled, nettled; aroused, excited, agitated, displeased, angered.
4. chagrined, embarrassed, ashamed, shamed; sorry,