2. concerning, belonging to; appropriate to. fitting for, suited to, adapted to, fit to, to be used with.
3. instead of, in place of, as a replacement for, in exchange for, as the equivalent of; in return for, in payment for.
4. as regards, with regard or respect to, respecting, with reference to, proportionate to, in proportion to.
5. during, in the space or time of, throughout, through, over the extent of.
6. in favor of, favorable to, in support of, supportive of, in championship of; on the side of, with, associated with.
7. in the interest of, contributive to, on or in behalf of; for the sake of, in the honor of.
8. by reason of, because of, on account of; caused by, as a result of, resultant to, due to. -conj. 9. since, as, inasmuch as, forasmuch as, whereas; due to the fact that, in view of the fact that, seeing that; because, for the reason that,
forage, n. 1. fodder, provender; coarse food, dry food, grain, hay, oats, grass; herbage, pasture, pasturage.
2. raid, sack, plundering, ravaging, looting, rifling; foray, assault, invasion, incursion.
-v. 3. search about, seek, look around, fish for, hunt, track down; rummage, ransack, rake through; (all usu. in reference to food) scavenge, Brit. SI. prog, scrape up, scratch around for, scrounge or scrounge around.
4. raid, plunder, pillage, loot, sack, rifle, gut, strip; (usu. of cattle) rustle, Inf. poach; invade, intrude, encroach, trespass,
foray, n. 1. raid, incursion, invasion, razzia, inroad, irruption; charge, thrust, sortie, sally.
2. attack, assault, encounter, offensive, onset, onslaught, skirmish; intrusion, encroachment, trespass. -v. 3. raid, attack, assault, assail, rush, storm; invade, set upon, fall upon, swoop down upon, descend upon.
4. ravage, pillage, forage, ransack; sack, loot, gut, fleece, strip, rifle,
forbear, v. 1. refrain from, abstain from, desist from, cease; stop, hold, stay, leave off, break off, let up, pause.
2. forgo, sacrifice, renounce; quit, give up, do or go without, Inf cut out; avoid, shun, eschew.
3. keep back, withhold, restrain oneself, refrain, hold back, abstain; tolerate, suffer, endure, abide, brook, put up with, bear with; be patient, be self-controlled, be tolerant, be lenient.
forbearance, n. 1. abstinence, restraint, self-restraint, self-control, self-denial; refraining, forbearing, desisting, desistance; avoidance, eschewal; temperance, moderation.
2. patience, endurance, tolerance, toleration; sufferance, longanimity, long-suffering; submission, resignation.
3. leniency, permissiveness, indulgence; clemency, mercy, pity; lenity, mildness, meekness.
forbid, v. 1. prohibit, proscribe, outlaw, interdict, taboo, put off limits, ban, place an injunction on; disallow, say no to, refuse, veto, nix, turn thumbs down, turn down, reject.
2. hinder, impede, slow up or down; restrain, hold back, check, curb; deter, get or stand in the way, block, prevent; stop, halt, arrest.
3. exclude, eliminate, count out, rule out, preclude; debar, shut out, lock out, keep out, bar.
forbiddance, n. interdiction, interdict, taboo, prohibition, proscription, outlawry, ban, injunction, embargo; disallowance, veto, rejection, refusal.