2. women, womenfolk, the female sex, the fair sex, the gentle sex.
womanish, adj. 1. womanly, womanlike, mulie-bral, ladylike. See - womanly.
2. effeminate, emasculate, unmasculine, unmanly, unvirile; milksoppy, effete, weak; sissy, sissyish, Sl. faggy.
womanly, adj. womanlike, muliebral, gynecoid, feministic; mature, matronly, ladylike, refined, genteel; feminine, soft, delicate, gentle, tender, sympathetic, motherly,
womb, n. 1. uterus, Law. venter, Archaic, matrix.
2. beginning, origin, source, starting point, place of issue; base, basis, foundation, derivation; wellspring, lifeblood, fount, fountain, fountainhead; seed, germ, taproot; family, house, line, lineage, stock, stem.
3. inside, interior, recess, recesses, penetralia, depth, depths; hold, cavity, vault.
wonder, v. 1. muse, meditate, ponder, reflect, deliberate, cogitate, think about; speculate, conjecture, theorize; question, query, doubt; puzzle over.
2. marvel or marvel at, stare, gape, gawk, goggle, look or stand aghast or agog, not know what to make of [s.t.], rub one's eyes, not believe one's eyes or ears. -n. 3. phenomenon, marvel, wonderful thing, amazing thing, quite a thing, really something, Sl. phenom; miracle, prodigy; sight, spectacle, eye-opener, Sl. stunner, Sl. mind-boggier, Sl. mind-blower, Sl. trip; curiosity, nonesuch, gazingstock, Brit. Dial, gapeseed; rarity, nonpareil, one of a kind, one in a thousand; All Inf. one for the books, something to brag about, something to shout about, something to write home about.
4. surprise, astonishment, astoundment, amazement; awe, wonderment; bewilderment.
wonderful, adj. 1. marvelous, extraordinary, phenomenal, prodigious, remarkable, Australian, bonzer; striking, awesome, awe-inspiring, wondrous; stupendous, amazing, astounding, astonishing, surprising; incredible, Sl. unreal, unbelievable, unheard-of, unprecedented.
2. fantastic, miraculous, fabulous, Inf. great, Inf. super, Inf. super-duper, Sl. tuff, Sl. bad, SL cool, Inf. dandy, Inf. jim-dandy; superb, splendid, magnificient, brilliant, dazzling, Sl. bang-up, Inf. smashing, Brit. Sl. ripping; excellent, first-rate, capital, Inf. tiptop, Inf. A-l, Inf. A number 1, first-class, classic,
wont, n. custom, convention, consuetude, observance, tradition; use, usage; habit, routine; practice, praxis, way.
wonted, adj. 1. accustomed, habituated, used to, Archaic, wont; given to, in the habit of, addicted to, Sl. hooked on.
2. customary, conventional, familiar; usual, regular; habitual, routine.
woo, v. 1. court, pay court to, make love to, serenade, Inf. spark, Inf. court and spark, Sl. hustle, Sl. make time, Sl. put or slap the make on, Sl. put a move on; pursue, chase, chase after, set one's cap for.
2. (all in reference to consequences) invite, incur, contract, bring down, bring on.
3. address, solicit, supplicate, petition, call upon, apply to, invoke; implore, entreat, beg, appeal to; importune, press, urge.
wood, n. 1. timber, lumber; firewood, kindling, fuel.
2. Usu.
woods forest, woodland, timberland, weald, wild, wilderness; grove, thicket, copse, Chiefly Brit. coppice, Archaic, holt, Archaic, bosk.
3. out of the woods secure, safe, safe and sound; out of danger, past the danger zone, out of harm's way or