SI. cockeyed; poppycockish, SI. cockamamie, am-phigoric; ridiculous, derisible, risible, laughable, ludicrous, SI. for the birds; comical, funny, farcical, humorous, droll; asinine, anserine, idiotic, Inf. moronic, imbecilic; childish, puerile, green, immature; crazy, crazed, Scot. doiled, SI. kooky, mad, wild, insane, demented; daft, Inf. daffy, crackbrained, Inf. nutty; peculiar, strange, odd, All SI. balmy, dippy, batty, cuckoo, buggy, screwy, wacky, goofy, loony.
2. weak-minded, simple, simple-minded, birdbrained; featherheaded, featherbrained, rattleheaded, rattlebrained; light-minded, light-headed, Inf. dizzy, trifling, Inf. footling, frivolous; muddled, muddleheaded, addlebrained, addlepated; absent-minded, scatterbrained, confused, bemused; feeble-minded, deficient, subnormal, retarded; dull, vapid, Inf. dopey, insensate, Inf. dumb; dull-witted, dim-witted, slow-witted, half-witted, witless, unwitty; harebrained, giddy, mercurial, reckless, erratic, unstable, harum-scarum; stupid, unintelligent, mindless, fatuitous, brainless, slow; dense, thick, thickheaded, thick-skulled, thick-witted, obtuse, stolid, lumpish, blunt; blockheaded, boneheaded, blockish, doltish; empty-headed, blank, vacant, vacuous.
3. unreasonable, irrational, illogical, meaningless; preposterous, extravagant, excessive; haphazard, aimless, driftless, unconnected, groundless; irrelevant, inconsequential, purposeless; thoughtless, careless, short-sighted, unwary, unheeding, heedless; inappropriate, inept, improper, incongruous, inconsistent; imprudent, indiscreet, foolhardy, irresponsible; unwise, ill-considered, ill-suited, ill-advised, injudicious.
4. Informal, stunned, dazed, dazzled, in a daze, knocked silly; stupefied, numb, benumbed.
-n. 5. fool, ninny, nincompoop; simpleton, idiot, imbecile, Inf. moron, nitwit, half-wit, goose; scatterbrain, rattlebrain, harebrain, dolt, dunce, dullard, dope, Inf. dummy; blockhead, bonehead, SI. dumbhead, SI. lunkhead, Inf. knucklehead, SI. stupidhead.
silver-tongued, adj. 1. eloquent, articulate, well-spoken, Archaic, facund, Obs.. facundious, Ciceronian; oratorical, rhetorical, declamatory; (all of speech) poetic, graceful, easy, facile, flowing, fluent, glib, slick, smooth, smooth-tongued.
2. persuasive, convincing, impressive, effective; suasive, inducive, compelling, impelling; (all of speech) forceful, emphatic, spirited, vigorous, impassioned.
silvery, adj. 1. shining, shiny, lustrous, sheeny, burnished, polished; bright, brilliant, radiant, lambent, refulgent; gleaming, glittering, coruscating, glistening, shimmering.
2. (all of sound) clear, ringing, clarion; dulcet, melodious, musical; sweet, mellifluous, mellifluent, euphonious.
similar, adj. resembling, nearly alike; like, same, much the same, suchlike; kindred, allied, akin; connatural, congeneric, consanguineous; corresponding, correspondent, comparable, conformable, agreeing; analogous, parallel, equivalent.
similarity, n. resemblance, similitude, likeness; agreement, concordance, equivalence, coincidence; comparability, correspondence, congruity, conforma-bility; analogy, approximation, parallel; homogeneity, uniformity, consistency.
simile, n. analogy, parallel, comparison, similitude.
similitude, n. 1. resemblance, likeness, similarity; agreement, concordance, equivalence, coincidence, comparability, correspondence, congruity, conforma-bility.