2. bane, curse, blight, scourge; plague, pestilence, infestation; cancer, disease; poison, venom; corruption, corrosion, moth and rust, worm in the apple or rose; torment, plight, woe, affliction, infliction, worry, grievance; pest, annoyance, vexation, fret, thorn, thorn in one's side, nettle; provocation, offense, sting.
ulcerate, v. 1. canker, Pathol, sphacelate, suppurate, Inf. rankle; infect, blight, contaminate, pollute, poison, taint; corrupt, degenerate, debase, defile.
2. corrode, erode, deteriorate, wear away, destroy slowly; eat, eat away, eat into, gnaw, gnaw into, gnaw away, nibble away.
ulcerous, adj. cankerous, cankered, ulcerative, ulcerated, festering, festered, Both Pathol, furuncular, furunculous, suppurating, suppurative; gangrenous, gangrened, mortified, morbid, Pathol, necrotic, Pathol, necrosed, Pathol, sphacelated; diseased, pathological; contaminated, infected, tainted, poisoned, septic, bad.
ulterior, adj. 1. concealed, hidden, secret, unseen, obscured; unexpressed, undisclosed, unrevealed, undivulged.
2. outside, exterior, external; remote, far, faraway, far-off, distant; overseas, transmontane, ultramontane.
ultimate, adj. 1. furthest, furthermost, farthest, remotest, most distant; outmost, outermost, uttermost, extreme; last, hindmost, hindermost, rear, rearmost.
2. maximum, most, utmost; supreme, superlative, paramount, maximal, max., greatest; highest, uppermost, upper, topmost, top, tiptop, summital, apical.
3. final, concluding, completing, terminating, ending, finishing; terminal, endmost. Inf. tail-end; conclusive, decisive, determinate, definitive; eventual, unavoidable, inevitable.
4. basic, fundamental, radical, basilar, basal; meat-and-potatoes, elementary, primary, Inf. gut; underlying, substrative, substratal; intrinsic, innate, inherent; essential, nitty-gritty, indispensable, necessary, vital, sustentative, supporting.
ultra, adj. 1. extreme, radical, drastic, complete, total, thorough; sheer, utter, downright, out-and-out, unqualified, unmitigated, arrant; excessive, extravagant, exorbitant, outrageous, inordinate, undue, unnecessary, uncalled-for, disproportionate; egregious, flagrant, glaring; outstanding, notable, extraordinary, out of the ordinary, exceptional, remarkable; unusual, offbeat, exotic, bizarre, Inf. way-out, SI. far-out.