suspicion, Inf. sneaking suspicion, Inf. hunch, intuition; anxiety, misgiving, apprehension, apprehensiveness, boding; dread, fear, ill feeling, chill along the spine, SI. bad vibes,
premonitory, adj. forewarning, foretokening, foreshadowing, foreshowing, preindicative, prognostic, predictive, monitory, augural; ominous, portentous, foreboding, bodeful,
preoccupation, n. abstraction, raptness, engrossment, engrossing, absorption, absorbing, immersion, immersing; concentration, intensity, pensiveness, musing, preoccupying, fixation, obsession, obsessing, Inf. bag, SI. hang-up; obliviousness, oblivion, unawareness, unconsciousness, absent-mindedness, absence of mind, reverie, woolgathering, daydreaming, castle-building; unmindfulness, insensibility, blindness, blinding; distraction, distracting, diversion, diverting, inattentiveness, unattentiveness, inadvertence, inadvertency, unheedfulness, heedlessness.
preoccupied, adj. 1. abstracted, rapt, engrossed, consumed, lost in, absorbed, immersed, wrapped up, Inf. into [s.t.], busy, occupied; obsessed, SI. hung up; oblivious, unaware, unconscious, unmindful, insensible, blind; distracted, diverted, distrait, inattentive, unattentive, inadvertent, deaf, unheeding, unheedful, heedless.
2. intent, concentrating, focusing, pensive, cerebra-tional, thoughtful, thinking, lost in thought, bemused; cogitative, cogitating, deliberative, deliberating, meditative, meditating, contemplative, contemplating, reflective, reflecting; musing, pondering, wondering about, Archaic, museful; ruminative, ruminant, ruminating, chewing, chewing one's cud, brooding, mulling over, in a brown study.
3. preempted, co-opted, usurped, appropriated, claimed, spoken for, taken, gone; filled, nonvacant, in use.
preoccupy, v. absorb, immerse, engross, obsess, consume, devour, monopolize, keep to oneself, rivet, fix, fixate, arrest, attract, engage, keep one busy, take all one's time, occupy, hold; hold one's attention, distract, divert.
preordain, v. 1. predetermine, predestine, Obs. predestinate, foreordain, foreordinate, predecide, preelect, preestablish, foredoom, Inf. have in store for; fate, ordain, doom, destine, Rare, destinate.
2. designate, dedicate, allot, Obs. appoint; mark, earmark, tag, set apart or aside; consecrate, devote; reserve, Brit, bespeak; plan, project; design, intend, purpose, mean, resolve, determine, set.
preparation, n. 1. preparatory measure, Inf. prep, proceeding, provision, step, arrangement, plan; groundwork, spadework, Inf. homework; foundation, substructure, base, basis; framework, frame, scaffold, scaffolding; outline, sketch, draft, rough draft, layout, blueprint, diagram.
2. teaching, schooling, learning, book learning, education, formal education, instruction; tutelage, tuition, tutorship, training, grooming, basic training, briefing, familiarization, apprenticeship; experience, background, qualifications.
3. priming, Inf. prepping, making ready, readying, getting ready or set; setting up, fixing up, arranging, ordering, setting one's house in order; SI. psyching oneself up, Inf. getting oneself in gear, revving up one's engines; practice, rehearsal, tuning up.
4. outfitting, accoutering, equipping, furnishing, supplying, providing; fitting out or up, rigging up or out, decking out, trapping; All Mil. arming, forearming, SI. heeling, Archaic, harnassing.
5. preparedness, readiness, fitness.