address, n.1. speech, oration, discourse, declamation, Rhet.
apostrophe, salutation, eulogy, valedictory; lecture, talk, sermon, harangue, diatribe, philippic.
2. location, whereabouts, place, situation; house, home, residence, lodging, dwelling, domicile.
3. bearing, port, deportment, mien, demeanor, air, manner.
4. dexterity, adroitness, skillfulness, expertness; skill, ready skill, dispatch; facility, faculty, knack; cleverness, ingenuity; tact, discretion.
5. Usu.
addresses courtship, courting, lovemaking, wooing, serenade, serenading, suit; attentions, blandishments.
-v. 6. discourse, make a speech, give a talk, deliv
er an address, soapbox, platform, take the floor; declaim, hold forth, orate, lecture, sermonize, preach, pontificate; harangue, rant, Inf.spout, out-herod Herod.
7. salute, accost, hail, halloo, call to, greet; speak to, talk to, bespeak; approach, buttonhole.
8. solicit, importune, request, supplicate, call upon, apply to, invoke; implore, entreat, appeal to.
9. direct, superscribe, Commerce,
10. woo, court, pay court to, make love to, serenade, Inf.spark, Inf.court and spark, SI.hustle, SI.put or slap the make on, SI.put a move on; chase, chase after.
adduce, v. cite, point out, mention, instance, evidence, show clearly, illustrate, designate, name; propound, propose, produce; present, introduce, bring forward, advance, offer, proffer, give; affirm, declare, aver, assert; assign, attribute, ascribe; allege, claim, posit, maintain, indicate, contend; refer to, allude to, imply, suggest.
adept, adj.1. expert, masterful, masterly, topflight, top drawer, first-rate, Inf.topnotch, ace, Inf.crack, SI. crackerjack, Inf.whiz-bang, Brit. SI.
whizzo; proficient, polished, finished, accomplished, versed, practiced, experienced, Fr. au fait; skillful, skilled, talented, good [at], SI.on the ball; capable, able, competent, efficient, qualified.
-n. 2. proficient, expert, master, master hand, Chiefly Brit. Inf.
dab hand, Brit. Dial,
dabster; maestro, virtuoso; genius, talent, prodigy, Inf.wizard, Inf.whiz, U.S. SI.
crackerjack, SI.shark,; connoisseur, authority, specialist; professional,, journeyman, veteran, past mistress, past master, old hand, old stager,
adequacy, n.sufficiency, sufficientness, adequateness; enough, no less, no more and no less, wherewithal; satisfaction, satisfactoriness, acceptability, admissibility, tolerability, tolerableness, contentment; completeness, thoroughness, extensiveness, plenty; competence, competency, ability, ableness, capacity, capability, capableness, fitness; efficiency, efficacy, utility, usefulness, serviceability, practicability,
adequate, adj.1. suitable, fit, due, commensurate,
proportionate, equivalent, equal, (of punishment)
condign; sufficient, enough, ample, plentiful.
2. satisfactory, competent, able, capable, up to scratch, Inf.up to snuff; passable, tolerable, acceptable, all right, unexceptional; respectable, presentable, admissible, allowable; fairly good, Inf.not that bad, not too bad; fair, great shakes, mediocre, middling, indifferent, average, so-so, Inf.nothing to write home or brag about; minimal, minimum,
adhere, v. 1. stick, cleave, accrete, cling, hold fast; fasten, attach, join, unite; coalesce, cohere; glue, agglutinate.