bearable, adj. endurable, sufferable, tolerable, brookable, Obs. Rare, abideable; passable, admissible, supportable; experienceable.
beard, n. 1. Inf. beaver, full beard, Med. barba; whiskers, mutton chops, burnsides, sideburns; goatee, Vandyke, imperial; stubble, bristles, five-o'clock shadow.
2. barb, point, spine, spur, jag, nib, prong, tine, cusp.
3. defy, brave, oppose, face, look in the face, confront, affront, stare down, stand up against, dare, double-dare.
-v. 4. take the bull by the horns, bell the cat, pluck by the beard, slap [s.o.'s] face; tempt Providence, go in harm's way, skate on thin ice, dance on a razor's edge, march up to the cannon's mouth, beard the lion in his den.
bearded, adj. 1. whiskered, bewhiskered, goateed; unshaven, stubbly, bristly.
2. tufted, Bot. awned, Bot. aristate, Bot. papose, ZooL, Bot. barbate.
3. barbed, spined, tined, horned; sharp, pointed, sharp-pointed.
beardless, adj. 1. clean-shaven, smooth-shaven, smooth-faced, glabrous-cheeked, whiskerless.
2. adolescent, immature, callow, green, inexperienced,
bearer, n. 1. carrier, messenger, courier, postman, porter, bringer; envoy, herald, emissary, harbinger; estafette, postrider; transporter, conveyor, conductor; upholder, supporter, sustainer, maintainer.
2. holder, incumbent, occupant, occupier; resident, dweller, tenant.
bearing, n. 1. manner, demeanor, air, attitude, temperament; carriage, gait, posture, pose, port; comportment, behavior, conduct, deportment; front, mien, aspect; appearance, look, cast, presence.
2. procreation, germination, propagation, reproduction; fructification, fecundation, conception; pregnancy, gestation, gravidity, fecundity; maturation, generation, incubation, breeding; (all of animals) heat, rut, berry.
3. spawning, genesis, giving birth, birth, childbirth, Obs. geniture; parturition, pullulation, producing, yielding; delivery, (all of animals) dropping, hatching, laying, casting.
4. enduring, sustaining, abiding, standing; withstanding, tolerating, weathering, suffering, braving, Inf. toughing, brooking, biding; putting up with, taking, swallowing, stomaching; undergoing, submitting to, Chiefly Scot. tholing, Archaic, forbearing, Obs. abying.
5. reference, relation, correlation; relevancy, pertinence, pertinency, germaneness, applicability, relativity; connection, association, respect, regard, concern; resemblance, affinity, correspondence, likeness, similitude, similarity; aptness, suitability, appositeness; dependency, contingency.
6. pivot, swivel, caster, ball bearing, ball, ball and socket; roller, trundle, wheel, trolley; pin, bolt, Mach. gudgeon, pintle.
7. bearings aim, direction, course, track, Naut. tack; set, inclination, bent, drift, trend; position, location, situation, placement.