SI. boxman. cashier2, v. 1. dismiss, discharge, expel, fire, let go, lay off, send off or packing, Mil. drum out, Inf. kick upstairs, SI. can, SI. sack, SI. give [s.o.] the boot; disbar, unfrock, suspend, strip of rank; depose, displace, oust, unseat, dethrone, disestablish, remove from office.
2. reject, discard, throw out, dispose of, get rid of, jettison, SI. deep-six, SI. eighty-six. casino, n. 1. gambling den or house, gaming house, betting parlor.
2. ballroom, dancehouse, discotheque, Inf. disco; tavern, roadhouse, nightclub, Inf. honky-tonk; clubhouse, club, resort, haunt, gathering or meeting place, rallying point, Inf. stomping ground, SI. hangout. cask, n. barrel, keg, hogshead, firkin, puncheon, pipe, tierce, tun, tub; vat, vessel, container, receptacle, casket, n. 1. coffin, pall, box, sarcophagus, Scot. and North Eng. kist, SI. wooden overcoat or kimono.
2. chest, case, container, receptacle, casserole, n. 1. terrine, baking or covered dish, skillet, frying pan, saucepan. cast, v. 1. throw, toss, dart, shy, chuck, pitch; hurl, dash, sling, let fly, send, launch; fling, flirt, heave, jerk, cant, shoot, catapult.
2. disseminate, scatter, spread, bespread, strew, bestrew, sow, broadcast; distribute, disperse, circulate; sprinkle, spatter, bespatter.
3. emit, send forth, discharge, radiate; eject, throw forth, propel, project, spurt, squirt, jet, ejaculate; throw up, vomit, disgorge; expel, oust, exclude, bar, banish, remove, eliminate, exile.
4. lose, part with, misplace, mislay; shed, drop, doff, throw off, shake off; slough, peel, flake, molt, exuviate.
5. discard, reject, dismiss, set aside, throw out or away, toss out, get rid of, Inf. junk, Inf. trash, SI. eighty-six.
6. bestow, award, impart, confer, commit; grant, present, give, bequeath; All Theat. select, choose, allot, assign.
7. arrange, shape, mold; plan out, make fit or suitable; form, sculpt, carve, model; work, knead, turn, twist, warp.
8. compute, calculate, reckon; figure; add, total,
sum up.
9. forecast, predict, foretell, foresee, conjecture;
prophesy, read the signs, interpret omens. 10. cast about search, seek, look for; grope about, ransack. -n. 11. throw, toss, Chiefly Brit, chuck, shy, pitch; hurl, sling, fling, flirt, heave, cant, jerk;
shooting, launching, catapulting. 12. dissemination, sowing, broadcasting; scattering, spreading, strewing, sprinkling; distribution, dispersal, circulation. 13. emission, discharge, radiation; ejection, propulsion, projection, ejaculation; expulsion, elimination.
14. fortune, lot, portion, fate, destiny, doom, star. 15. arrangement, form, shape; mold, impression, casting; model, replica, reproduction. 16. All Theat. dramatis personae, performers, players, actors, actresses; company, troupe, repertory. 17. appearance, semblance, complexion, guise, aspect; carriage, mien, bearing, air; behavior, demeanor, deportment. 18. look, color, shade, hue, tint, tone; touch, dash, trace, twist, suggestion, suspicion, soupcon, hint; smack, flavor, taste.