astuteness, n. 1. perception, discernment, penetration; perspicacity, percipience, appercipience, discrimination; acuteness, keenness, acumen, quickness, sharpness; sagacity, judiciousness, wisdom, sapience, mother wit, wits; intelligence, understanding, reason, sensibility, apperception, clear-headedness, soundness; discretion, prudence, wariness, chariness, caution; vigilance, watchfulness, mindfulness; common sense, good judgment, brains, sense, wit, mind; alertness, quick-wittedness, smartness, nimbleness.
2. cleverness, cunning, guile, wiliness, craftiness, trickery; artfulness, ingenuity, subtlety, astucity; shrewdness, canniness, slyness, foxiness, Inf caginess, shiftiness.
asunder, adv. 1. into pieces, to pieces, all to pieces, to bits, to shreds, Inf to smithereens; in half, in two, in twain, into separate pieces or parts.
2. apart, far apart, wide apart, wide away, away, widely separated.
-adj. 3. separated, disjoint, disconnected, disengaged, disunited, divided; severed, cleft, split, torn, torn apart, rent, cut, carved.
4. removed, remote, distant, far, far off, faraway, asylum, n. 1. hospital, sanatorium, sanitarium, Fr. /idtel-Dieu; home, old folks' home, old soldiers' home, sailors' rest, nursing home, convalescent home; mental institution, state hospital, psychiatric hospital, insane asylum, madhouse, bedlam, Fr. maison de sante, SI. nuthouse, SI. bughouse, SI. loonybin, SI. funny farm, SI. laughing academy, SI. booby hatch.
2. poor house, poor farm, almshouse, Brit, work house, charitable or eleemosynary institution; orphanage, foster home.
3. sanctuary, retreat, refuge, shelter, haven, hospice, harbor, harborage, port, port in a storm; sanctum, sanctum sanctorum, adytum.
4. covert, coverture, hideout, hideaway, hiding place; hole, lair, den, mew, abri, dugout, foxhole.
asymmetry, n. disproportion, misproportion, irregularity, unevenness; distortion, malformation, deformity; formlessness, amorphism, amorphousness, at, prep, in, within; on, upon; near, in proximity to, in the vicinity of, about; toward, in the direction of; by, because of, in response to, with; at the point of, on the stroke of; by way of, by means of, through, from; up to, amounting to, to the extent of; engaged in, occupied with; in a state of, in a condition of. atavism, n. Biology, (in reference to an earlier type) reversion, throwback, reappearance, recurrence; intermittent heredity, hereditary resurgence, atelier, n. workshop, shop, workroom, studio, loft; garret, mansard.
atheism, n. 1. denial, disbelief, unbelief, unbelievingness, incredulity, incredulousness; impiety, impiousness, ungodliness, irreligion, irreligiousness, irreverence, infidelity; apostasy, heresy.
2. skepticism, doubt, Pyrrhonism, nihilism; agnosticism, freethinking, rationalism, materialism, positivism; heathenness, heathenism, heathendom, paganism, idolatry.
atheist, n. 1. nonbeliever, disbeliever, unbeliever,
denier; irreligionist, infidel, heretic, iconoclast.
2. skeptic, doubter, Pyrrhonist, nihilist, nullifidian; agnostic, freethinker, rationalist, materialist, positivist; heathen, pagan, idolater, idolist. atheistic, adj. 1. disbelieving, unbelieving, nonbelieving, incredulous; infidel, infidelic, Obs. unfaithful, heretic, heretical, iconoclastic; impious, ungodly, irreligious, irreverent.