ate, accommodate, adjust, harmonize; reunite, mediate, arbitrate, bridge the gap, negotiate, intervene; mend, patch, patch up, repair the breach, smooth over.
3. subdue, suppress, put down, quell, quash; take the edge off, deaden, dull, blunt; stifle, still, silence, hush, smother; quench, slake, satisfy, SI. shut [s.o.] up, keep [s.o.] quiet, give a sop to.
pack, n. 1. bundle, package, bale, parcel, packet; sack, load, gear; rucksack, knapsack, backpack, haversack, packsack, SI. bindle, Australian SI. swag, kit, kit bag; bag, duffel bag, suitcase, overnighter, valise, grip.
2. collection, assemblage, accumulation, congeries, amassment, agglomeration, conglomeration; heap, pile, mass, mess, barrel, ton, lot, lots, great deal, bunch, batch; peck, bushel and a peck, Inf. caboodle, Inf. kit and caboodle, SI. boodle, SI. scads, SI. zillions, Inf. slew, Inf. raft; multiplicity, myriad, multitudinousness; multitude, crowd, throng, horde, crush, host; group, party, company, body, gang, crew, mob, band; flock, herd, drove, swarm, bevy; congregation, assembly, gathering; circle, set, clique, coterie.
-v. 3. cram, fill, jam, stuff, choke, crowd, press,
ram, tamp; compact, compress, constrict.
4. load, lade, stow, store, pile, charge, burden, weigh down.
5. carry, wear, tote, lug, SI. shlep, haul, Australian SI. hump, bear, shoulder.
6. leave, depart, go, Inf. take off, make oneself scarce; leave posthaste, Inf. scram, take French leave, scamper, SI. beat it, go off like a shot, scoot, Inf make time; dash off, hasten away, fly, beat a retreat, take to one's heels, whip off, Inf. tear off.
package, n. 1. parcel, bundle, pack, bale, packet; box, case, carton, receptacle, container, crate.
2. entity, unit, package deal, combine, amalgamation.
packed, adj. crammed, filled, jammed, stuffed, choked, gorgfed; bursting, overloaded, swollen, plethoric; crowded, swarming, dense, like a beehive, like an anthill; full, filled to capacity, S.R.O., standing room only, filled wall-to-wall; filled to the brim, filled to the gunnels or gunwales; brimful, replete, chock-full; compact, compressed, tamped, constricted.
packet, n. 1. pack, package, parcel, sheaf, pouch, Obs. budget, bag.
2. mailboat, Brit, post-boat, Archaic, mailer; ferry, ferryboat, ocean liner, cruise ship.
3. vessel, boat, ship; transport, freighter, tanker, oiler, troopship; steamship, steamer, steamboat; tug boat, tug, pilot, pilot boat; sternwheeler, sidewinder; sailing ship, Inf. windjammer, schooner.
packhorse, n. beast of burden, pack animal; workhorse, dobbin, plow horse, draft horse, Archaic. sumpter, Clydesdale, Percheron, Belgian; donkey, mule, ass, jackass, burro; nag, SI. crowbait, jade, SI. plug, SI. scrag.
packing, n. 1. packaging, package, wrapping, boxing, crating, encasement, bottling.
2. cushioning, stuffing, wadding, filling, fiber fill, filler, pad, padding, Obs. bombast, lining; wrapping, wrapper, wrapping paper; shredded newspaper, tissue paper, Trademark. Styrofoam, Chem. polystyrene, plastic bubbles.
pack rat, n. collector, saver, hoarder, storer; gatherer, accumulator, amasser; scrounger, forager, garbage picker, dump picker, salvager.