supplement, annex, annexation, appendage, appendix, addendum, adjunct; accrual, accruement, accumulation, cumulation.
3. elevation, raise, boost, rise, advancement; multiplication, doubling, redoubling, trebling, tripling, quadrupling; mounting, ascending, skyrocketing; upsurge, upswing, upturn, step-up; burgeoning; shooting up, springing up, sprouting.
4. escalation, acceleration, intensification, concentration; exaggeration, maximization, overstatement; exacerbation, aggravation.
5. strengthening, reinforcement, build-up; improvement, upgrading, Inf. pickup; growth, development, maturation. augur, n. 1. seer, soothsayer, oracle, prophet, prog-nosticator, fortuneteller, foreteller, predictor, foreseer; diviner, divinator, geomancer, (in ancient Rome) haruspex.
-v. 2. prognosticate, prophesy, predict, soothsay, vaticinate; foretell, forecast, divine, forewarn, Rare. premonish, Obs. auspicate.
3. foreshadow, forebode, presage, portend, omen, bode, foretoken, presignify; betoken, signify, mean, indicate, point to. augury, n. 1. prognostication, prophecy, prediction, prefigurement, vaticination, soothsaying, fortune-telling, foretelling; divination, geomancy, sortilege, (in ancient Rome) haruspicy; clairvoyance, second sight. 2. omen, sign, portent, token, prognostic, presage, bodement, soothsay; premonition, preindication, forewarning, foretoken, harbinger. august, adj. 1. majestic, grand, magnificent, stately, elegant, superb; glorious, admirable, noble; exalted, lofty, elevated; inspiring, awe-inspiring, impressive, solemn; sublime, transcendent; pompous, pretentious, ostentatious, showy.
2. venerable, of high birth, of high rank, Chiefly Brit, worshipful; imposing, dignified, glorious, admirable, noble; lordly, princely, royal, regal, kingly, imperial; supreme, paramount, eminent, preeminent; illustrious, renowned, noted, celebrated, distinguished. aura, n. 1. ambience, mood, character, quality, tone, feeling, feel, air; atmosphere, nimbus, environment, pervading influence; karma, Inf. vibrations, Inf. vibes; spirit, personality.
2. emanation, effluence, flow, outpouring; exhalation, expiration, effluvium, vapor; aroma, essence, perfume, scent, fragrance, odor.
aureole, n. 1. halo, nimbus, aureola.
2. corona, circle of radiance, ring of light, crown of light, luminous cloud; effulgence, radiance, luster, luminosity, irradiation, light; luminescence, phosphorescence. auspice, n. 1. Usu. auspices patronage, support, sponsorship, protection, aegis; championship, advocacy, favor, approval, sanction, countenance; moral support, encouragement, assistance, aid, help, defense; security, safeguard, palladium; wardenship, guardianship, tutelage, guidance, care, responsibility, charge; leadership, control, authority, direction, supervision, superintendence, oversight.
2. divination, prognostication, augury; omen, sign, portent, bodement, warning, presage, prognostic; prophecy, forecast, indication, foreshadowing, prefigurement. auspicious, adj. 1. propitious, favorable, favo-nian, opportune, timely, seasonable; right, apt, appropriate, felicitous, suitable, convenient; promising, bright, sunny, fair, clear, cloudless; roseate, rosy, optimistic, hopeful, encouraging.
2. fortunate, lucky, providential; prosperous, flourishing, thriving, successful, golden, halcyon, palmy.