truth, n. 1. reality, actuality, Archaic, sooth; gospel, gospel truth, naked truth, unvarnished truth, Sl. straight goods; facts, Inf. low-down, Inf. scoop, story; inside information, intelligence.
2. verity, Archaic, troth, factuality, factualness; actualness, realness, authenticity, genuineness; validity, validness, soundness.
3. fact, certainty, certitude; principle, rule, law, fundamental, canon; Math, proposition, theorem.
4. faithfulness, honesty, closeness, strictness.
5. honesty, uprightness, integrity, righteousness, honorableness, upstandingness; truthfulness, sincerity, sincereness, veracity, veraciousness; openness, Inf. straightforwardness, candor, frankness.
6. truism, platitude, self-evident truth, axiom; cliche', banality, trite saying; proverb, maxim, adage, saw, aphorism, gnome, apothegm; byword, dictum, precept, motto, mot, epigram.
7. accuracy, trueness, precision, exactness, veracity.
8. in truth in reality, in fact, actually, really, truthfully, as a matter of fact.
truthful, adj. 1. honest, veracious, sincere, earnest; upright, righteous, honorable, upstanding; ethical, proper, moral, conscionable; principled, high-minded, noble, right-minded, uncorrupt; ingenuous, artless, guileless, unsophisticated; frank, straight, Inf. square, r ^e, open, aboveboard; candid, straightforward, up ..ont, blunt, plain-spoken.
2. factual, literal, true-to-life, realistic, credible, believable, natural; accurate, exact, precise, faithful, close, strict; pure, unadulterated, unexaggerated, unvarnished, unembellished.
3. actual, real, Obs. veritable, Brit. Dial, gradely, Both Archaic, sooth, soothfast; authentic, genuine, valid, sound, just, confirmed; unimaginary, unficti-tious, not false.
try, v. 1. attempt, essay, endeavor, undertake, try one's hand at, venture, seek, aim; strive, make an effort, struggle, push, break one's neck, bend over backward, knock oneself out, Inf. do one's damnedest; All Inf. have a go at, take a crack or shot at, give [s.t.] the old college try, give [s.t.] a go.
2. test, experiment with, assay, prove; examine, look over, inspect, scrutinize, analyze, assess, evaluate; judge, consider, think about; sample, taste, feel, partake of, experience.
3. tax, drain, sap, strain, weary, tire; trouble, bother, distress; vex, irk, annoy, bug, pester, Sl. drive up the wall; torment, anguish, rack, pain.
-n. 4. attempt, effort, endeavor, struggle, essay, crack, shot, stab, fling, turn, go; trial, testing, chance, opportunity.
trying, adj. 1. annoying, irksome, bothersome, troublesome, troubling, fretful, worrisome; irritating, aggravating, disquieting, exacerbating; disturbing, perturbing, vexing; nasty, unpleasant, disagreeable; maddening, infuriating, frustrating.
2. difficult, hard, arduous, tough, rough, tough-sledding, uphill; wearying, tiring, fatiguing, exhausting, enervating; racking, devastating, demoralizing, dispiriting.
tryst, n. rendezvous, assignation, date; engagement, appointment, meeting, secrct meeting, arrangement,
tub, n. 1. bathtub, bath, Fr. bain, balneary; (for babies) Trademark. Bathinette.
2. bucket, pail, receptacle, vessel, firkin; basin, bowl; barrel, hogshead, puncheon, tun, butt, cask, rundlet, keg, vat.
tube, n. 1. cylinder, pipette, pipe, hose, line, connector, worm, spout; outlet, inlet, passage, channel;