mottled, adj. 1. motley, blotched, blotchy, piebald, pied, skewbald, tabby, brindled, splotched, splotchy, pepper and salt; dotty, patchy, spotted, dappled, poin-tille, pointillistic; speckled, specked, Inf. speckly; flecked, dotted, freckled, spangled, sprinkled, peppered, studded; striated, striped, veined, marbled, marmoreal; shot, watered, clouded.
2. variegated, parti-colored, multicolor, varicolored, many-hued, many-colored; opalescent, polychromatic, pleochroitic, iridescent, pavonine; versicolor, kaleidoscopic, prismatic, swirling, nacreous, nacred, pearly, tortoise-shell; diversified, daedal, confused,
motto, n. 1. maxim, aphorism, apothegm, adage, saying, saw, gnome; catchword, byword, word, dictum, axiom, truism, precept, sutra; words of wisdom, words to live by, guide, formula, teaching, wisdom; principle, standard, rule, law, canon, model, prescript; moral, proverb, recipe, rule of thumb, epigram, mot, reflection, thought, ana; platitude, commonplace, cliche, bromide, banality, Inf chestnut.
2. legend, inscription, epigraph, slogan, watchword; device, imprint, impression,
mound, n. 1. hillock, hill, hummock, hump, swell, knoll, butte, ridge, knob, monticule, South African. kopje; dune, talus, tumulus, mole; elevation, rise, foothill, Geol. drumlin, tor, Brit, barrow, Dial, knap; moor, down, highland; incline, acclivity, slope.
2. heap, pile, stack, drift; bank, embankment; haystack, hayrick; molehill, anthill, termite hill.
-v. 3. pile up, heap up, stack up, build up, bank,
bank up.
mount1, v. 1. ascend, rise up, go up, climb up, climb; shoot up, spring up, leap up, fly or pop or vault up, rocket, skyrocket; rise, soar, fly, fly aloft, zoom, spire, curl upward, spiral; fountain, gush, jet, spurt, surge; take off, take to the air, leave the ground or get off the ground, leave the earth behind, gain altitude, become airborne, Aeron. chandelle; arise, levitate, go onward and upward, scale, escalade.
2. climb up on, scramble up on, clamber, clamber up, scramble up, work or inch one's way up, struggle, claw one's way up, scrabble up, Inf. shin or shinny up; board, go on board, get on board, go aboard, get or jump in or on, Inf pile in or on, Inf. hop in or on; climb onto, surmount, get on, climb on, bestride, be-straddle, take horse.
3. elevate, raise, lift into place, lift, hoist or hoist up, hang up, nail up; enshrine, put on a pedestal.
4. install, put in place, set or set up, put or stick up; place, put, set, arrange, position, locate, situate, fix, relegate or assign to a place, set or put out, line up, organize, harmonize; posit, coordinate, settle in place, set forth, collocate, compose, dispose.
5. display, show, exhibit, expose to view, put on display, illuminate, highlight, spotlight, make a show of, dramatize; parade, bring out, roll out, Inf. trot out; present, state, produce, put on, showcase.