8. gain currency, be current, go about, circulate, get afloat, go down; be the rage, have a run, be on everybody's lips, be the talk of the town; go the rounds, go from mouth to mouth, spread like wildfire.
9. convey, transfer, transmit, consign, grant; deliver, render, put in the hands of, hand over, give over; forward, send, post; give, confer, present.
10. discharge, void, expel, eliminate, empty; eject, egest, emit, evacuate, defecate; excrete, stool, go to stool, ease oneself, move one's bowels, empty one's bowels.
11. sanction, accept, approve, ratify, legislate, adopt; legalize, legitimate, clear, validate; charter, license, empower, warrant, authorize; decree, ordain, prescribe, enforce; enact, formulate, set up, institute, establish, constitute.
12. express, pronounce, offer, deliver, announce, annunciate, aver; impart, utter, declare, state, speak, make known, declaim; voice, communicate, articulate, enunciate, enounce.
13. depart, go away, leave, go out, exit; go forth, go off, be off, set out, set forth; withdraw, retire, recede, abscond, retreat; decamp, abandon, take off, Jocular. absquatulate.
14. die, perish, pass away, pass on, expire, succumb; come to an end, end, cease, terminate, go; be gone, be all over, come to naught, be all up with; run out, come to a close, draw to a close, blow over; run its course, elapse, lapse, become void; dissolve, melt; sink, recede, ebb, Inf. peter out; vanish, disappear, fade away, die out, become extinct; evanesce, evaporate, go up in smoke.
15. elapse, pass away, flow, lapse; crawl, drag, linger; slip by, glide, flit, fleet, drift; endure, last, continue, go on.
16. interchange, exchange, alternate, reciprocate, change; go to and fro, go back and forth, come and go; trade, bandy, traffic, counterchange; dicker, swap, barter.
17. convert, change, alter, vary; transmute, transform, metamorphose, transfigure, metabolize; transubstantiate, transmogrify, translate; become, turn, turn into, grow, mellow, ripen.
18. go unheeded, go unnoticed, escape notice, not enter one's head; slip by, sneak by, get by, get around; go unchallenged, go uncensored, let it pass, Inf. let it go, Inf. let one off, turn the other way.
19. come to pass occur, happen, take place, come off, go on; befall, betide, present itself, bechance; appear, arise, come up, issue, ensue, come about.
20. pass for be accepted as, be taken for, be mistaken for, be regarded as; act the part of, pretend to be, assume the air of, sail under false colors; serve as, go for, go as, answer for; impersonate, pose as, masquerade as, make like, act like, play.
21. pass out Informal, faint, lose consciousness, black out, swoon; Inf. keel over, drop, fall, go out.
22. pass up Informal, reject, dismiss, waive, refuse, forswear, decline; neglect, miss, ignore, let go; brush aside, spurn, put aside, discount; throw out, discard, turn out, brush off, Inf. chuck out; forgo, give a miss, draw a bye, not bid, fold.
-n. 23. road, way, path, trail, course; channel, passage, canal, conduit, passageway; corridor, hall, alley, lane; defile, tunnel, ingress, way through; neck, bottleneck, isthmus; ravine, gulch, gully, crevasse, canyon, narrows; Phys. Geog. col, vale, valley, cwm, cirque.
24. permission, authorization, warrant, grant, fiat; license, authority, privilege, allowance, certification;