exaltation, n. 1. glorification, ennoblement, enthronement, canonization; adoration, worship, crowning, blessing; reverence, veneration, consecration, sanctification; deification, apotheosis, idealization, ro-manticization.
2. glory, dignity, grandeur; elevation, loftiness; eminence, prestige, fame, celebrity, notability.
3. praise, extolment, acclamation, Archaic, magnification, citation; approval, approbation, endorsement, sanction, commendation, recommendation, advocacy, espousal; celebration, congratulation, Archaic, gratu-lation; appreciation, respect, regard.
4. elation, exultation, jubilation, rhapsody; excitement, happiness, joy, delight; rapture, ecstasy, bliss, transport, inspiration.
exalted, adj. 1. glorified, glorious, dignified, grand, magnificent, honorable; eminent, prestigious, celebrated, notable; illustrious, distinguished, renowned, famous, famed; imposing, august, commanding, striking, towering, stately; aristocratic, noble, kingly, regal, royal, lordly, princely, imperial, majestic; sublime, elevated, lofty; transcendent, Inf. out of this world, celestial, ethereal.
2. raised up or aloft, high, uplifted; promoted, advanced, upgraded, improved, ameliorated, bettered.
3. enhanced, intensified, magnified, heightened, strengthened; increased, enlarged, aggrandized, extended, widened.
4. inspired, exhilarated; inspirited, enlivened, animated; stimulated, incited, aroused, stirred-up, worked-up, provoked.
5. elated, exultant, triumphant, jubilant; excited, happy, joyous, delighted; rapturous, ecstatic, blissful, transported; rhapsodic, inspired.
examination, n. 1. scrutiny, scrutinization, inspection, canvass, close observation or watch; investigation, inquisition, inquiry, study, analysis; research, exploration, probe, search; sifting, going through or over, survey, review, checkout, audit; assessment, appraisal, Inf. once-over, SI. casing.
2. interrogation, the third degree, cross-examination, cross-questioning, Inf. grilling; Eccles. examen, examination of conscience.
3. test, checkup, quiz, catechism, set of questions, questionnaire.
examine, v. 1. scrutinize, analyze, take apart, audit; investigate, look into, inquire into, canvass, check into; research, explore, probe, search, go over with a fine-tooth comb; sift, go through, go over, review, take stock of; study, pore over, think on, consider, weigh.
2. check out, take a look at, inspect, survey, appraise, assess, SI. case; watch, observe, keep an eye on.
3. test, sound out, quiz, question closely, catechize; interrogate, give [s.o.] the third degree, cross-examine, cross-question, Inf. grill, pump.
examiner, n. 1. questioner, tester, quizzer, cate- chizer; inquirer, inquisitor, investigator, researcher, researchist.
2. inspector, auditor, reviewer, censor, critic, analyst, scrutinizer.
example, n. 1. sample, sampling, specimen, piece, Archaic, ensample; test, experiment, Inf pilot.
2. exemplar, model, pattern, paradigm, mirror; ideal, pink, paragon, phoenix; standard, norm, bench mark, rule, criterion; precedent, parallel case.
3. instance, Inf. for instance, case in point, specific; typical situation, representative illustration.
4. problem, question, exercise, lesson.