monkey business, n. 1. Slang, misconduct, misbehavior, misdemeanor, Chiefly Law. malversation; skulduggery, chicanery, trickery, dupery, connivery, pettifoggery.
2. mischief, elfishness, rascality, impishness, puckishness, prankishness, naughtiness, badness; Inf. goings-on, Inf. hanky-panky, Inf. hokey-pokey, Inf shenanigans, Inf. antics, Scot. and North Eng. daf-fing; horseplay, foolery, tomfoolery, foolishness, fooling around, silliness; buffoonery, clownery, clowning, harlequinade, playing, fun.
monkeyshine, n. U.S. Slang, prank, trick, joke, practical joke, antic, Inf. dido, Fr. espieglerie; escapade, caper, adventure, lark, gambado.
monocracy, n. autocracy, dictatorship, despotism, czarism, kaiserism, tyranny, absolutism; monarchy, sovereignty.
monologue, n. monodrama, one-man show, tour de force; soliloquy, Rhet. apostrophe, lengthy aside; reading, recitation, speech, address, oration, allocution, lecture, sermon, philippic.
monomania, n. fixation, fixed, idea, Fr. idee fixe, obsession, bee in one's bonnet, compulsion; fetish, fetishism, craze, mania; psychosis, insanity, delusion, illusion; fanaticism, zealotry, zeal, fervor, furor; infatuation, passion.
monopolize, v. 1. gain exclusive control of, cor ner the market of; appropriate, take control of, own; control, dominate, rule over, reign over, exercise control over; keep all to oneself, SI. hog, SI. bogart.
2. (all of a person's time) absorb, occupy, fill, fill up, take up, use up; corner, tie up.
monopoly, n. 1. exclusive possession, corner, edge, margin; control, domination, power, ascendancy; charge, direction, jurisdiction, lead.
2. trust, bloc, cartel; merger, alignment, combine, amalgamation, corporation, joint concern, company, firm.
monotone, n. drone, uniformity of tone, sameness of intonation or style; singsong, cant, chant; buzz, whirr, hum.
monotonous, adj. 1. unvarying, unchanging, un-deviating, repetitious; uneventful, humdrum, routine, unvaried, undiversified, all the same, uniform; ba-naustic, mechanical, practical; dull, tedious, tiresome, boring, boresome, wearisome; prosaic, prosy, matter-of-fact, uninteresting, ho-hum, SI. dead, dry, dry-as-dust, unexciting, uninspiring, dreary, heavy; ordinary, run-of-the-mill, common, commonplace, everyday, familiar, household; tasteless, bland, flat, vapid, Sl. blah.