crypt, n. tomb, vault, mausoleum, sepulcher, burial chamber, grave,
cryptic, adj. 1. occult, esoteric, arcane, perdu, hermetic; secret, hidden, veiled, top secret, Inf. hush-hush; obscure, indistinct, indefinite, unclear, nebulous, vague; inscrutable, oracular, sphingine, sphinxian; mystic, cabalistic, supernatural; unutterable, ineffable, inviolable, undisclosable, unrevealable, unspeakable.
2. mysterious, inexplicable, insolvable, unaccountable, Obs. inextricable; puzzling, enigmatic; strange, weird, bizarre.
3. terse, short, brief, elliptical; abrupt, curt,
cub, n. 1. pup, puppy, whelp, colt.
2. youth, youngster, younker, Dial, young'un; boy, lad, hobbledehoy; fledgling, stripling, slip, scion, sprig, chit.
cube, n. hexahedron, six-sided body, solid, SI. die.
cuddle, v. 1. hug, embrace, embosom, enfold; caress, fondle, pet, coddle, SI. canoodle; dally, nuzzle, make love, bill and coo, Inf. neck, Inf. smooch, SI. make out, SI. mess or fool around.
2. snuggle, nestle, curl up, bundle. -n. 3. hug, embrace, squeeze,
cudgel, n. 1. club, bludgeon, bat, bastinado, Brit. truncheon, Chiefly Irish Eng. shillelagh; night stick, Inf. billy, Inf. billy club; blackjack, rubber hose, SI. sap.
-v. 2. beat, bludgeon, pummel, bastinado, strike, Inf. clobber, SI. clout; thrash, drub, baste, lambaste,
cue, n. 1. reminder, prompt, catchword, key word; indication, signal, nod, wink.
2. hint, intimation, implication, insinuation, innuendo; suggestion, tip, pointer, word to the wise.
3. role, part, function, office, position, place.
4. stimulus, incentive, impetus, fillip, motive; goad, prick, jog, jolt, spur.
-v. 5. signal, indicate, nod, Inf. give the nod, wink; prompt, remind, feed lines, jog or refresh the memory, set back on the track.
6. {all of a musical or dramatic performance) insert, introduce, put in, stick in.