solidify, v. 1. harden, concrete, cake, crystallize, compress, set; coagulate, congeal, clot, gel, gelatinize, jell, jelly, jellify, thicken, inspissate, Obs. incrassate; curdle, curd, Scot. and North Central U.S. lopper, Pathol, caseate.
2. consolidate, combine, join, join forces, unite, league, ally, confederate, Inf. hitch horses, pool interests; incorporate, amalgamate, merge, fuse, syndicate,
solitary, adj. 1. alone, unattended, compan-ionless,Scot. waff; sole, single, lone, individual; apart, separate, cut off; deserted, abandoned, outcast, derelict, forlorn, forsaken.
2. by oneself, unassisted, unaided, single-handed.
3. one, only, exclusive, unique, freakish, unrepeated; unparalleled, unequaled, unmatched, nonpareil.
4. unfrequented, secluded, hidden, lonely, isolated, private, remote, solitudinous; recluse, sequestered, cloistered, set apart; cut off, desolate, out-of-the-way, unvisited, in a backwater.
5. antisocial, unsocial, unsociable, estranged, alienated, friendless; retiring, withdrawn, reclusive, Inf. introverted; hermitlike, hermitical, monastic, monachal, eremitical, eremitic, anchoritic, stylitic.
-n. 6. recluse, hermit, eremite, anchorite, stylite, pillarist; cenobite, monk, monastic; troglodyte, cave dweller, incluse.
7. loner, Inf. lone wolf, isolate, isolator, Inf. in
solitude, n. 1. seclusion, retirement, privacy, isolation, solitariness, aloneness; reclusion, reclusiveness, hermitry.
2. remoteness, separateness, separation, loneliness; unsociability, withdrawal, introversion.
3. desert, waste, wilderness, wasteland; desolation, vast expanse, emptiness.
solution, n. 1. resolution, finding out, discovery; denouement, revelation, revealing, unraveling, deciphering; clarification, definition, unfolding, unfold-ment.
2. answer, explanation; key, secret, clue, signification, meaning; accounting, reason, justification, vindication; rationalization, elucidation, explication, exegesis, Fr. kclaircissement.
3. emulsion, suspension, mixture, infusion,
solvable, adj. explainable, resolvable, decipherable, penetrable, ascertainable; understandable, intelligible, interpretable; capable of clarification, lending itself to solution.
solve, v. work out, figure out, resolve, find the answer; crack, disentangle, untangle, unravel, unriddle; translate, decode, unlock, find the key; penetrate, fathom, get at; clear up, explain, interpret, elucidate, make clear, make plain, unfold; justify, account for.
solvent, adj. financially responsible, credit-worthy, reliable, sound, solid, responsible; Inf. out of the hole, Inf. in the black, Inf. out of the red, debt-free, on an even financial keel,
somber, adj. 1. dark, dusky, shadowy, dim, cloudy, gray, leaden, black, Cimmerian; drab, dull, dead, lifeless, dingy, bleak; gloomy, dismal, dreary, Literary, drear; murky, inky, pitchy.
2. depressing, depressive, melancholy, mournful, doleful, dolorous, dispiriting, disheartening; heavy, lugubrious, atrabilious, funereal, morbid.
3. grave, serious, sober, staid, sedate, solemn; grim, grim-visaged, grim-faced, stone-faced.
somebody, pron. 1. one, someone.
-n. 2. personage, dignitary, notable, Inf. VIP; person of note or consequence, public figure, famous or well-known person, household name, Inf. name, Inf. big name; celebrity, SI. celeb, star, superstar; luminary, worthy, pillar of society; standout, heavyweight, SI. heavy, Inf. head honcho, Inf. biggest frog in the pond; magnate, mogul, baron, nabob, pooh bah, panjandrum, SI. high-muck-a-muck, Inf. bigwig; All SI. big shot, big gun, big wheel, big cheese, big noise, big-time operator, BTO. See - personage {def 1).