Synonyms Dictionary
4. Railroads, rail, Baby Talk, choo-choo, Amtrak, electric train, steam train, elevated train, el, subway; passenger train, rolling stock, Trademark. Pullman, SI. sleeper, wagon-lit, Orient Express; coach, day coach, local, SI. milk train, SI. owl train; commuter train, bankers' express, SI. bankers, express, non-stop; campaign train; freight train, piggyback train.
-v. 5. discipline, drill, coach, exercise; instruct, teach, tutor, give lessons, school, edify; inform, enlighten, inculcate, indoctrinate; ground, prepare, prime, qualify; rear, bring up, form, guide; accustom, familiarize, habituate, toughen, harden, inure; break in, put through the paces.
6. aim, point, direct, draw or get a bead on, sight, set one's sights on, focus, zero in on; position, mark, peg, level. training, n. instruction, teaching, education, tuition, tutelage; grounding, coaching, drilling, discipline; direction, guidance, nurture, breeding, development, rearing; inculcation, indoctrination, initiation; preparation, schooling, apprenticeship; learning, knowledge, information, skill. trait, n. 1. characteristic, quality, feature, attribute, property; idiosyncrasy, idiocrasy, peculiarity, specialty, singularity, mannerism, quirk; particular, particularity, distinguishing mark, sign, badge, trademark, earmark, hallmark, symptom, mark.
2. trace, suggestion, suspicion, soupcon; taste, touch, tinge, shade; sprinkling, dash, dab, bit. traitor, n. 1. betrayer, Inf double-crosser Inf. double-dealer, SI. two-timer; Judas, Brutus, Catilinar-ian; double agent, fifth columnist, quisling, Benedict Arnold; snake in the grass, snake, back-stabber; informer, squealer, tattler, SI. ratter, SI. fink, SI. rat-fink, SI. stool pigeon or stoolie.
2. renegade, Archaic, renegado, apostate, turncoat; defector, bolter, seceder, dissenter; deserter, forsaker, dropout, quitter, SI. cop-out.
3. seditionist, insurgent, insurrectionist, mutineer; revolter, revolutionary, rebel. traitorous, adj. 1. perfidious, disloyal, treacherous, faithless, false, untrue, unfaithful; deceitful, dishonest, insidious, false-hearted, knavish; doubledealing, back-stabbing, dissembling, Janus-faced, two-faced, hypocritical; conniving, sneaking, scheming, designing, shifty, sneaky; unscrupulous, dishonorable, unconscionable, corrupt.
2. treasonable, treasonous, seditious, seditionary; subversive, mutinous, insurgent, insurrectionist, insurrectionary; rebel, rebellious, renegade, turncoat; revolutionary, underground, lawless, anarchistic. trammel, n. Usu. trammels 1. restraint, constraint, check, curb, barrier, block, obstacle, bar; hindrance, impediment, deterrent, holdback, stumbling block; hitch, snag, knot, drawback, Inf. fly in the ointment.
2. fetters, manacles, bonds, shackles, pinions, gyves, handcuff, Inf. cuffs, SI. bracelets, ball and chain; muzzle, gag; straight jacket; halter, yoke, harness.
3. confinement, circumscription, detention; imprisonment, incarceration, durance; bondage, duress, captivity, custody.
-v. 4. restrict, restrain, rein, bridle, constrain; frustrate, thwart, impede, hinder, handicap; bar, obstruct, block, blockade, barricade; stop, halt, stay; inhibit, hold back.
5. fetter, manacle, handcuff, cuff, SI. slap the cuffs or bracelets on [s.o.], put in irons; chain, enchain, tether, gyve; hobble, truss, bind, tie, tie up, tie hand and foot; entrammel, pinion.
6. entangle, ensnare, enmesh, entrap, snag, catch, net.
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