plenty, n. 1. quantity, quantities, volume, mass, fund, mine, store; multitude, number, numbers, scores, host, hoard, legion; sea, ocean, oceans, world, worlds, galaxy, great quantity or quantities; lot, lots, heap, heaps, mountain, mountains, stack, stacks, pile, piles, load, loads, mess, slew, slews, whole slew, full supply, full measure, good supply, good or great deal, quite a little, SI. scads or scad, U.S. SI. boodle; All Inf. ton, tons, bag, bags, barrel, barrels, gob, gobs, oodles, Chiefly Brit, lashings or lashing.
2. plenteousness, plentifulness, bountifulness, bounteousness, copiousness; amplitude, ampleness, fullness; numerousness; richness, exuberance, luxuriance, luxuriousness, lavishness, lavishment; teemingness, rankness, prodigality.
3. abundance, profusion, plenitude, bounty, cornucopia, horn of plenty, endless supply.
4. excess, surplus, surfeit, satiety, oversupply, overflow, nimiety, superfluity; glut, plethora, flood, deluge, overabundance, superabundance, supersaturation; riot, landslide, bonanza.
5. affluence, wealth, wealthiness, prosperity, prosperousness; opulence, opulency, comfort; money, riches, fortune, treasure; means, resources, wherewithal.
pleonasm, n. 1. redundancy, tautology, periphrasis, periphrase, circumlocution, Inf circumbendibus; verbiage, verbosity, wordiness, prolixity, profuseness, diffuseness, long-windedness, longiloquence; repetition, repetitiveness, tediousness, battology; digressiveness, discursiveness, maundering, convolution, circuitousness, wandering, rambling, meandering, roundaboutness, indirection, Archaic, ambages; ambiguousness, vagueness, beating around the bush; newspeak, bureaucratese, gobbledegook.
2. digression, excursus, cloud or smokescreen of words, Rare, tautologism.
pleonastic, adj. redundant, tautological, periphrastic, circumlocutory; verbose, wordy, prolix, profuse, diffuse, long-winded, longiloquent; repetitive, tedious, battological; digressive, discursive, circuitous, ambagious, roundabout, indirect, maundering, meandering, wandering, rambling; ambiguous, vague, obscure,
plethora, n. 1. overfullness, superabundance, overabundance, overprofusion, overplentifulness, overplenteousness, overplenty, superflux; supererogation, oversufficiency, superfluity, superfluousness, redundancy; repletion, engorgement, congestion, surcharge; profusion, more than enough, enough and to spare, enough and then some.
2. surplus, surfeit, satiety, glut, excess, overflow, overspill; flood, deluge, inundation, spate, avalanche, landslide, riot, drug on or in the market, supersaturation; oversupply, overmeasure, overload, overburden; overdose, too much of a good thing,
plethoric, adj. 1. overfill, overabundant, superabundant, exuberant, overflowing, overspilling, spilling over, running over, bursting; bloated, swollen, bulbous, bulging, tumorous, tumescent, Pathol, edematous; bulging, swelling, turgescent, Obs. turgent; gorged, satiated, jaded, replete, cloyed, stuffed, saturated, supersaturated.
2. (all of speech or writing) turgid, tumid, pompous, bombastic, inflated, puffed-up, puffy, overblown, overcharged; (all of speech or writing) overrun, extended, distended, dilated, redundant,
plexus, n. network, reticulum, tissue, Optics, reticle; net, mesh, meshwork, web, webbing, lace, lace-work, lacing, bobbinet; tracery, intertexture, interlacing, intertwining, interweaving, weave, tapestry; maze, jungle, labyrinth, jungle, tangle; wilderness, snarl, knot.