2. chatter, gabble,
SI. yak, SI. yakety-yak, jabber, prattle, gibber, babble, blab, blabbing; small talk, idle talk, jaw, SI. chinfest, Inf. gab, Inf. gabfest, chitchat, chitter-chatter, buzzing, gossip, Scot. clishmaclaver; palaver, SI. hot air, SI. gas, SI. bull; nonsense, gibberish, hogwash, poppycock; rambling, maundering, SI. running off at the mouth; chattering, gabbing, jabbering, babbling, prattling, prating, twaddling. 3. jargon, cant, argot, vernacular; lingo, patois, idiom, slang, dialect; language, diction.
-v. 4. spiel, hold forth, spout forth, spout, harangue,
SI. yak, SI. yak at, SI. give a lot of flak; chatter, jabber, prattle, cackle, gibber, SI. jibber-jab-ber; babble, babble like a brook, prate, tattle, twaddle, Brit, twattle, gabble, blather, drivel; splutter, sputter, chitter-chatter, chitchat, chaffer; bandy words about, SI. shoot the breeze, SI. shoot the bull, SI. chew the rag, SI. shmooze, pass the time of day, Inf. gab; gossip, buzz, SI. gas, whisper; palaver, clack, clatter, rattle; run off at the mouth, SI. have diarrhea of the mouth; gush, blab, carry on, talk nonstop, let the words roll out, be carried away by the sound of one's voice, pattern, n. 1. design, patterning, figure, motif, device; marking, etching, engraving, chasing; decoration, decorative scheme, ornamentation; configuration, figuration, delineation, outline, conformation, formation, composition, layout.
2. type, stripe, variety, classification, class, genre; sort, cast, kind, ilk, genus; form, manner, style, brand, make, build; shape, format, cut; feather, color, kidney, strain, grain.
3. method, plan, arrangement, order, orderliness, system; consistency, repetition, congruence, sameness.
4. original, archetype, matrix, prototype; exemplar, paragon, mirror, model, ideal, beau ideal; standard, criterion, yardstick, touchstone, measure, gauge, test; example, paradigm.
5. guide, blueprint, draft, sketch; mold, die, templet, template, stamp, seal, frame, stencil.
6. flight path, skylane, airlane; landing procedure, landing direction, flight direction.
-v. 7. copy, duplicate, follow, stencil; imitate, echo, match, twin, clone, parallel, reflect; emulate, simulate, ape, mimic; take after, resemble, mirror, paucity, n. scarcity, sparseness, sparsity, scantiness; exiguousness, slenderness, thinness, leanness, meagerness; shortage, small number, small amount, paltriness, poverty, poorness; lack, dearth, want, need, crying need; insufficiency, inadequacy, deprivation, deficiency; famine, drought; nothing to spare, next to nothing, paunch, n. belly, abdomen, stomach, Inf. tummy, gut, (both of ruminating animals) first stomach, rumen, Scot. and North Eng. wame, SI. breadbasket; potbelly, Inf bay window, Inf. corporation, SI. pot, SI. beerbelly, SI. spare tire, Obs. gorbelly. paunchy, adj. 1. potbellied, round-bellied, big-bellied, SI. beerbellied, large-bellied, great-bellied, Obs. gorbellied; Inf. bay-windowed, Inf corporational, abdominous.
2. full, bulging, protuberant, bloated, distended; swollen, turgid, tumid; puffy.
3. chubby, tubby, pudgy, plump, round, rounded out, rotund; fat, obese, corpulent, overweight, Scot. fodgel; portly, fleshly, well-fed.
4. stout, thickset, full-figured. pauper, n. poor person, have-not, beggar, down-and-outer; insolvent, bankrupt, debtor; cadger, Inf. panhandler, mendicant, beadsman, almsman, Scot. gaber-lunzie; ragamuffin, tatterdemalion, hobo, SI. bindle stiff; tramp, vagrant, bum; moocher, Inf. sponger, SI. schnorrer, parasite, leech, hanger-on.