4. accompany, companion, usher, go along with, keep [s.o.] company; escort, chaperone, matronize, convoy.
5. tend, shepherd, herd, watch over, look after, see after, keep an eye on; monitor, oversee, overlook; supervise, manage, superintend, direct, control, command, boss, take charge of, be in charge of; guard, protect, screen, shelter, flank, be by one's side.
6. heed, harken, listen, give ear; pay attention, look sharp, mind, take care, observe, notice, mark, note.
(followed by to) apply oneself, devote oneself, knuckle down or under, get to work, work on, think about, concentrate on. attendance, n. 1. ministration, care, tendance; service, assistance, aid, help; shepherding, herding, monitoring, overseeing; supervision, management, superintendence, direction.
2. assemblage, crowd, audience, number present, tickets sold, seats filled, attendant, n. 1. escort, accompanier, companion, comrade, crony, chum, Fr. copain, sidekick, shadow, Inf. pal, U.S. Inf. buddy, SI. cully, SI. Siamese twin; chaperon, matron, (in Spain and Portugal) duenna, governess, tutor, tutoress, nursemaid, nanny, sitter, baby-sitter, au pair girl; usher, guide, cicerone, pilot.
2. assistant, auxiliary, ancilla, helper, aide, aide-de-camp, Mil. orderly; squire, equerry, courtier, gillie, page, footboy, Obs. waiter; servant, servitor, pursuivant, follower, acolyte, vassal, liegeman, Hist, retainer; domestic, menial, hireling; manservant, man, valet, butler, major-domo, seneschal, factotum, steward, footman, lackey, Archaic, groom; maid, handmaid, woman, Fr. femme de chambre; cupbearer, Ganymede; All Contemptuous, flunky, satellite, slave, SI. stooge.
3. consequence, result, effect, what follows; product, fruit, issue, upshot, outcome, conclusion, end, end product or result; corollary, byproduct, incidental; accompaniment, accessory, complement, completer, concomitant, concurrent, Astron. comes; supplement, appendage, appurtenance, appurtenant, adjunct, appanage, annex, attachment, addition, extension.
4. visitor, attender, frequenter. -adj. 5. present, in attendance.
6. accompanying, accessory, complementary; associated, associate, affiliated, allied, fellow; connected, related, relative, akin, affinitive, like, similar; consequent, consequential, resultant, resulting, following or progressing from, concomitant, concurrent, attention, n. 1. awareness, consciousness, mindfulness; heed, heedfulness, watchfulness, advertence; alertness, vigilance, circumspection, wariness.
2. observance, observation, notice, note, regard, Dial, nevermind, Scot. and North Eng. tent; consideration, reflection, contemplation; thoughtfulness, thought, deliberation; concentration, intentness, attentiveness; investigation, study, scrutiny; publicity, spotlight, public eye.
3. civility, politeness, courtesy; amenities, urbanities; deference, homage, service; respect, regard; care, ministration, tendance.
4. attentions courtship, address, wooing, courting, attentive, adj. 1. watchful, heedful, advertent, regardful, observant, noticing, Archaic, attent; aware, awake, wide-awake, conscious, mindful; alert, on the alert, on the lookout, on the qui vive, all ears, listening, sharp; wary, careful, circumspect, vigilant, on guard.
2. intent, concentrating, focused; occupied with, engrossed in, wrapped up in, absorbed in; rapt, enrapt, enraptured, taken up with; contemplative, reflective; painstaking, persevering, diligent, sedulous, assiduous, studious.