eject, v. 1. expel, oust, exclude, remove, get rid of, drive away or out, force out, thrust out, Inf. throw out, Inf. kick out; deport, transport, banish, exile, expatriate, ostracize; evict, displace, turn out, put [s.o.] out in the street, deprive or strip [s.o.] of property, dispossess, divest, take away [s.o.'s] home; discard, cast out or off, throw away, toss out, eliminate, jettison.
2. dismiss, cashier, drum out, fire, give [s.o.] his walking papers or a pink slip, lay off; send [s.o.] packing, Inf. give [s.o.] the axe, Sl. sack, Sl. bounce, Sl. can, Sl. dump, Sl. give [s.o.] the boot, Sl. boot out, U.S. Govt. Inf. rif, Euph. terminate.
3. throw, thrust, propel, project, impel; emit, exude, excrete, discharge, throw off, give off, send out or forth. ejection, n. 1. expulsion, ouster, ousting, riddance, exclusion, ejectment; deportation, transportation, banishment, exile, expatriation, ostracism; eviction, displacement, dispossession, deprivation, devest-ment; discard, discarding, elimination, throwing away, jettison.
2. dismissal, firing, conge, layoff; Inf. the axe, Sl. the sack, Sl. the bounce; Sl. the gate, Sl. the boot, Sl. the heave-ho, Sl. the bum's rush.
3. discharge, emission, excretion, exudation. eke out, v. 1. supplement, add to, round out, fill in, complete; increase, enlarge, extend, stretch out.
2. (usu. in reference to one's living) manage, get by, keep the wolf from the door, keep one's head above water, make ends meet, scrimp, economize; live from hand to mouth, elaborate, adj. 1. detailed, thorough, complete, comprehensive, exhaustive, complicated; painstaking, intricate, precise, minute; skillful, masterly; finished, perfected, elegant.
2. labored, laborious, operose, studied; decorated, ornamented, ornate, baroque, rococo, precious; fussy, dressy, showy, ostentatious. -v. 3. develop, flesh out, add to, amplify, enlarge, increase; work up, fashion, devise, concoct, prepare, produce; perfect, consummate, complete, accomplish, effect, achieve, compass.
4. improve, better, amend, ameliorate, meliorate; refine, cultivate; beautify, enhance, heighten, strengthen, enrich; touch up, smarten up, spruce up, brighten up, polish, finish; decorate, bedeck, adorn, embellish, garnish. elaboration, n. 1. development, amplification, enlargement, increase; working up, devising, concoction, preparation, production, formation; perfection, consummation, completion, accomplishment.
2. improvement, betterment, amendment, amelioration, melioration; refinement, cultivation, polish; beautification, touching up, enhancement, elevation, heightening, strengthening, enrichment, addition, elan, n. dash, vigor, style, flair, flourish, panache, Inf. pizzazz, Sl. oomph; bounce, zing, zest, verve; spirit, life, buoyancy, briskness, Inf snap; enthusiasm, eagerness, wholeheartedness, ardor, excitement; abandon, exuberance, animal spirits, vitality, vivacity, vivaciousness, It. brio freedom, spontaneity, spontaneousness. elapse, v. (of time) intervene, transpire, lapse; slip by, slip away, pass by, pass away, slide by, glide by, steal by, roll along, go by; expire, be sent, be lost, be past, end. elastic, adj. 1. flexible, bendable, pliable, springy, supple, rubbery, plastic, ductile; tensible, stretchable, dilatable, extensible, extensile, contractive, contractile; resilient, rebounding, recoiling, recuperative.
2. adaptable, adjustable, accommodating, yielding, responsive; tolerant, compliant.