lymphatic, adj. 1. serous, rheumy, phlegmy, humeral, ichorous.
2. languid, languorous, lethargic, listless, lifeless, inanimate, spiritless, zestless, Inf pepless; dull, heavy, sluggish, lumpish, torpid, supine, hebetudinous, Sl. dopey.
lynch, v. hang, gibbet, Sl. string up, Sl. scrag, Sl. stretch; execute, put to death, kill, murder, slay; stone, lapidate, burn at the stake.
lynching, n. murder by mob, mob-murder; hanging, Sl. stringing up, Sl. scragging, Sl. stretching, Sl. necktie party; execution; lapidation, stoning, burning, burning at the stake; martyrdom, crucifixion, impalement.
lynx-eyed, adj. sharp-sighted, eagle-eyed, quick-sighted, keen-sighted, hawk-eyed; all-seeing, far-seeing, all-observant, not missing a thing; clear-sighted, perspicacious, discerning, discriminating, perceptive; insightful, intuitive, keen, acute, wide awake, sharp, sharp as a tack, alert, bright; Argus-eyed, watchful, vigilant, on the watch, on the alert, on the qui vive, on guard, on the lookout; wary, prudent, discreet; sleepless, never sleeping, wide awake, with both eyes open, alive, clear-headed, canny, shrewd, Inf. on top of things, Inf. nobody's fool.
lyric, adj. 1. (all of poetry) songlike, singing, musical, melodic, melodious, lyrical; subjective, personal, expressive, deep-felt, direct, earnest, ardent, warm, deep; passionate, impassioned, fervid, moving; rhapsodic, elegiac.
2. (all of a voice) light, of modest range, limited, small; graceful, flowing, lilting; silvery, clear, dulcet, sweet, mellifluous, mellifluent, mellisonant; pure, tempered, refined; concordant, harmonious, euphonious, mellow.
3. (all of style) rapturous, rhapsodic, effuse, effusive, spontaneous; undisciplined, ungoverned, uncontrolled, self-indulgent; impulsive, burning, exciting.
4. poem, lied, rondeau, roundel, roundelay; triolet, villanelle, ballade, madrigal; elegy, ode, sonnet.
5. lyrics words to a song, libretto, book, text.
lyricism, n. 1. lyric style, musicality, musicalness, song-like quality; subjectivity, expressiveness, directness, earnestness; warmness, passion, fervidness, rhapsody.
2. enthusiasm, over-enthusiasm, gushiness, effusiveness, emotionalism, lack of restraint, demonstrativeness, lack of reserve; eagerness, keenness, intentness, intensity, excitement; fervor, ardor, fervency, warmth, glow, fire; spirit, abandon, liveliness, vivacity; emotion, animation, exuberance, ebullience; vitality, life, buoyancy, It. brio, zest, verve; vigor, force, energy, vehemence; elation, rapture, ecstasy.