living language; plain speech, plain English, everyday language; spoken language, colloquial speech or language, conversational English; vulgar tongue, common speech; substandard speech or language, nonstandard speech or language.
5. jargon, cant, patois, patter, Inf lingo; argot, slang; gibberish, gobbledegook, mumbo jumbo; shop-talk, officialese, legalese, journalese, businessese, business English.
versatile, adj. 1. all-around, multifaceted, manysided, protean, adaptable, plastic; handy, clever, resourceful, ingenious; multipurpose, all-purpose.
2. variable, changeable, changeful, mutable, permut-able; inconstant, unstable, unsteady; fickle, capricious, moody.
verse, n. 1. stanza, strophe, Prosody, stave, canto, stich, line; couplet, Prosody, triplet, Prosody, tercet, quatrain.
2. poem, lyric, sonnet, villanelle, ode, Class. Prosody. epode; rondelet, pastoral, idyll, eclogue, bucolic; rhyme, limerick, jingle, doggerel; ditty, song, lay, ballad.
3. poetry, Archaic, poesy, versification; metrical composition, meter, numbers.
versed, adj. 1. learned, cultured, literate, lettered, well-read; educated, well-educated, well-schooled, well-instructed, well-tutored, well-trained, well-posted, well-grounded; knowledgeable, well-informed, aware, cognizant; appreciative, appreciatory, appreciating, sensible, enlightened, sophisticated, SI. savvy; acquainted, familiar, conversant, intimate, up; erudite, punditic, wise, sage, scholarly.
2. experienced, practiced, accomplished, polished, Fr. au fait', veteran, professional, Inf. knowing the ropes; skilled, skillful, adept, proficient; expert, master, masterful, masterly.
version, n. 1. rendition, translation, metaphrase, interlinear, transliteration, decipherment; paraphrase, rewording, restatement; reading, lection.
2. story, account, interpretation, exegesis, construction, construe, conception, understanding, impression; representation, depiction, delineation, portrayal, reproduction; variation, arrangement, Music, transcription, Fr. rendu; production, performance, execution, enactment, rendering.
3. form, variant, copy, reproduction.
vertex, n. summit, apex, apogee, crest, peak, spire, point, tip, tiptop; top, cap, crown, headpiece, head, loft, aerie; acme, zenith, meridian, pinnacle, heights.
vertical, adj. 1. perpendicular, on end, upright, at right angles to, right-angular, at 90 degrees to; plumb, straight, straight-up-and-down, up and down; bolt upright, standing, standing upright, erect.
2. steep, sharp, sheer, precipitous, abrupt, bold, craggy, high.
vertiginous, adj. 1. whirling, spinning, gyrating, wheeling, rotary, rotatory, circumrotatory.
2. dizzy, light-headed, Inf. whoozy, Pathol, giddy, reeling.
verve, n. 1. enthusiasm, vigor, force, energy, briskness, Inf. snap; life, esprit, spirit, dan, dash; ardor, fervor, passion, emotion, feeling; warmth, glow, fire.
2. vivaciousness, vivacity, liveliness, animation, It. brio; abandon, exuberance, vitality; zest, gusto, relish, appetite, savor; bounce, zing, spice, SI. oomph; flourish, flair, style, panache, Inf pizzazz.
very, adv. 1. extremely, exceedingly, Inf terribly, quite, Brit. Inf. jolly; remarkably, notably, highly, supremely, Inf awfully, Dial, right, damned, Inf. damn, danged, U.S. Inf. darned, SI. hell of a; exceptionally, extraordinarily, unusually, uncommonly, abnormally; absolutely, altogether, entirely, thoroughly, decidedly, unquestionably, unequivocally, downright, totally, completely, SI. stone; hugely, vastly, enormously, greatly, more than.