right words, think what to say, say what one means.
6. hold one's tongue be silent, keep silent, keep one's mouth shut, muzzle oneself, not breathe a word, say nothing, keep mum, not utter a word; refuse comment, save one's breath; keep one's own counsel, not open one's mouth.
7. slip of the tongue mistake in speaking, slip, Freudian slip, wrong or bad or false move, blunder, faux pas, gaffe, stupidity, indiscretion.
8. tongue in cheek or
with tongue in cheek in fun, in just, in play; kiddingly, jokingly, jestingly, facetiously; mockingly, insincerely, sarastically, ironically.
tongue-tied, adj. 1. speechless, dumbstruck, dumb-stricken, struck dumb, dumfounded, Inf. choked up, wordless; inarticulate, Pathol, aphasic, unable to get a word out; shocked, amazed, astounded, Inf floored, paralyzed, at a loss for words.
2. quiet, silent, close-mouthed, tight-lipped, voiceless, mum, mute; taciturn, reserved, bashful, shy, reticent; uncommunicative, unconversable, unconversa-tional, untalkative.
tonic, n. 1. medicine, Med. roborant, Med. analeptic, restorative, cordial, ptisan, Inf. bracer; in-vigorant, stimulant, pickup.
2. refresher, boost, Inf. pick-me-up, Inf. picker-upper, Inf. upper, Inf. shot in the arm, Inf. ego trip; pep talk, build-up, inspiration, uplifting, incentive.
-adj. 3. invigorating, stimulating, animating, enlivening, vivifying, vitalizing, bracing, invigorative; energizing, fortifying, strengthening; restorative, restoring, remedial, curative, analeptic; healthful, healthy, Med. euthropic, salubrious, salutary, salu-tiferous, wholesome.
too, adj. 1. in addition, additionally, also, besides, as well, to boot, ditto, as well as; furthermore, further, over and above, moreover, more than that; together with that, therewithal, Archaic, thereto; along with, together with, in conjunction with, conjointly.
2. extremely, excessively, inordinately, immoderately; exorbitantly, unduly, unreasonably; overmuch, overly, too much, Inf. too-too, beyond what is fitting,
tool, n. 1. implement, instrument, utensil, apparatus, device, contrivance, invention; gadget, do-hickey, hickey, Inf. contraption, SI. gimmick; aid, convenience, Archaic, conveniency, time-saver; appliance, mechanism, machine, automaton, robot.
2. vehicle, channel, agency, instrumentality, means, way, ways and means, wherewithal; agent, medium, intermediary, middleman, go-between, broker, Chiefly Brit, factor, SI. ten-percenter; cat's-paw, pawn, puppet, creature; jackal, flunky, lackey, attendant, peon, servant, handmaid, menial; minion, follower, toady, sycophant, Inf. yes man; hireling, underling, assistant, henchman, SI. stooge; dummy, dupe, SI. pigeon, gull, gudgeon, Inf sucker.
tooth, n. 1. fang, tusk, tush; denticle, denticula-tion.
2. projection, point, tip, tang, barb, spine, spike, spur, nib, dent, snag, jab; sprocket, ratchet, cog.
3. liking, taste, relish, Inf. sweet tooth; predilection, partiality, weakness.
4. by the skin of one's teeth barely, just barely, only just, narrowly.
5. long in the tooth past one's prime, Inf over the hill. Inf. having seen better days; old, elderly, aged, ancient, at an advanced age.
6. show one's teeth snarl, snap, growl, spit; bristle, bridle, get one's back up, raise one's hackles.
7. to the teeth fully, completely, entirely, SI. to the nines, SI. to kill.