genitals, n. genitalia, sexual organs, sex organs, reproductive organs, organs of generation; private parts, privy parts, privates; penis, phallus, lingam, testis, scrotum; vulva, pudenda, clitoris, yoni.
genius, n. 1. brilliance, aptness, cleverness, ingenuity, astuteness; intelligence, intellectualness, wit, brains, mind, Gk. Philos, nous; agility, quickness, smartness, acuity, sharpness; acumen, perspicacity, percipience, insight, intuition, perception; sagacity, cognition, reason, wisdom, understanding; inventiveness, imagination.
2. virtuoso, prodigy, muse, maestro, master, master hand, Inf. wizard, Inf. whiz, U.S. Slang, crackerjack.
3. intellectual, intellect, thinker, Inf. brain, Inf. an Einstein, mastermind, mental giant.
4. gift, talent, faculty, ability, capability, ableness; facility, flair, bent, turn, knack, forte, dowry; capacity, potential.
5. essence, complexion, gist, sense, Latin, genius loci; spirit, character, nature, quality, Obs. tenor.
6. (all of Islamic Myth.) jinn, djin, genie; daemon, god, goddess, deity; tutelary guardian, guardian angel, patron saint, Latin, genius loci.
7. genii demons, devils, spirits, Islamic Myth, genie.
genre, n. 1. genus, species, kind, sort, style, fashion, type, brand, name, variety.
2. class, category, school.
genteel, adj. 1. wellborn, gentle, aristocratic, silk-stocking, patrician, noble, blue-blooded, thoroughbred; elegant, graceful, Scot. genty; fine, delicate, exquisite; well-bred, refined, polite, civil, mannerly, well-mannered, courteous; decorous, proper, Fr. comme ilfaut, fitting, becoming; gracious, ladylike, ladyish, courtly, gentlemanly, gentlemanlike; debonair, chivalrous, chivalric, gallant, cavalier.
2. polished, finished, refined, cultivated; urbane, suave, sophisticated, cosmopolitan; fashionable, stylish, A la mode, modish, high-toned, SI. tony, high-class, SI. classy, Inf. swank.
3. affected, mannered, unnatural; pretentious, Inf. highfalutin, Inf. high-hat, on one's high horse; haughty, lordly, hoity-toity, arrogant, proud, snobbish, disdainful; pompous, ostentatious, showy, flashy.
gentile, n. 1. non-Jew, Often Disparaging, goy, Yiddish. shiksa, Yiddish, shegetz; uncircumcised man, Christian.
2. heathen, pagan, unbeliever, infidel, Turkish, giaour; alien, stranger, foreigner, outlander, outsider.
gentility, n. 1. refinement, good-breeding, mannerliness, polished behavior, savoir-faire, courtliness, gentlemanliness, gallantry, chivalry, courtesy, politeness, civility, comity, decency; affability, amenity, Fr. prevenance, decorum, propriety, etiquette, conventionality, punctilio, formality; elegance, polish, urbanity, suavity, cultivation, culture, presence, dignity.
2. aristocracy, patriciate, nobility, Fr. noblesse, (in Britain) peerage, elite, upper class, ruling class; rank, distinction, gentle birth, good extraction, superior descent, good family, good blood, blue blood.
gentle, adj. 1. kind, kindly, tender, gracious, considerate, thoughtful; indulgent, lenient, clement, humane, merciful, compassionate, tender-hearted, gentle-hearted, Fr. gentil; benign, amiable, affable, sweet-tempered.