Inf. be in a tizzy, Inf. be in a dither, be wrought up; fuss, fidget. -n. 4. trill, warble, whistle, song, call, cry, coo; chirp, chirrup, tweet, cheep, peep; stridulation.
5. flutter, Inf. tizzy, Inf. dither, excitement, agitation, Inf. stew, ferment.
two, n. pair, twosome, brace, set, couple, couplet, doublet, Archaic, twain; yoke, span, team; binary.
two-faced, adj. hypocritical, double-tongued, double-faced, Janus-faced; deceitful, insincere, disingenuous, false, mendacious, untruthful, hollow; dishonest, underhanded, untrustworthy, crooked, knavish; wily, tricky, designing, scheming, guileful, double-dealing; artful, crafty, Machiavellian, cunning, sly, snaky, foxy; subtle, insidious, collusive, circumventive, pre-varicative; misleading, fallacious, sophistical, casuistic, deceptive; evasive, dodgy, elusive, slippery, shifty; perfidious, treacherous, traitorous, Punic, treasonable.
twofold, adj. binary, Algebra, binomial; double, dual, dualistic, duplex, duplicate; geminate, twin, coupled; biform.
two-sided, adj. 1. bilateral, bifacial, bihedral.
2. split, divided, Sl. schizo.
tycoon, n. magnate, big businessman, businessman, enterpriser, financier, enterpreneur; industrialist, captain of industry, baron, Inf. robber baron, Inf. wheeler-dealer; top executive, business leader; director, manager, Sl. honcho, Sl. top dog, Sl. Mr. Big, All Inf. big shot, big-wig, big brass, big wheel, big cheese, big-timer, big-time operator.
type, n. 1. kind, sort, form, stamp; class, classification, group, category, order, genre; set, suit, suite; genus, species, phylum, division, subgenus, subspecies, subdivision; kin, ilk, family, brood, tribe, clan; strain, sept, breed, stock, variety, brand; sex, gender, race, marital status, religion, creed, sexual orientation, nationality.
2. style, character, nature, temperament, temper, disposition, humor; form, structure, make, designation, description, number, denomination, case, voice; habit, persuasion, bent, inclination, leaning, Inf. the like or likes of; lot, manner, cast, mold, kidney; grain, vein, mark, color, stripe, streak, feather.
3. specimen, example, representative, exemplar, pilot; instance, case, sample, Archaic, ensample.
4. pattern, model, standard, norm; rule, criterion, precedent; mirror, paradigm, epitome, quintessence; prototype, archetype, urtext, original; benchmark, touchstone, normative.
5. print, stamp, typeface, face, font, typecase; character, letter, capital, Inf. cap, upper case, majuscule, Inf. small cap, lower case, minuscule; italic, boldface, roman.
6. symbol, prefiguration, token, foretoken, image, sign, sure sign; signum, augury, omen, prognostic, portent, presignification, indication, symptom; foreshadow, shadow, shadowing, adumbration.
-v. 7. typewrite; Inf. hammer away at the type
writer, Sl. bang or knock out, Sl. hunt and peck.
8. typecast, cast, grade, sort, stereotype; classify, class, categorize, order.
typhoon, n. cyclone, hurricane, monsoon, storm, tropical storm; tornado, twister, whirlwind, squall, samiel, simoom; tempest, gale, blast, blow, williwaw; Philippines, baguio, Central America, cordanazo, Australian, willy-willy.