languor, n. 1. weakness, faintness, feebleness, frailty, enfeeblement; debility, Pathol, asthenia, Pathol. adynemia, Pathol, atony; decrepitude, infirmness, infirmity, sickliness, invalidism; strain, eyestrain, fatigue, tiredness, enervation, exhaustion; lassitude, strengthlessness, powerlessness, anemia, Inf. the blahs.
2. sluggishness, languidness, laggardness, Archaic. languishment; torpidity, torpor, Archaic, lenitude, slowness, lethargy, (in the Middle East) kef; indolence, sloth, slothfulness, lotus-eating; inactivity, inertia, inertness, inaction, inanimateness, inanimation, lifelessness; sleepiness, drowsiness, doziness, somnolence.
3. spiritlessness, listlessness, lackadaisicalness; apathy, indifference, uninterestedness, inexcitability, incuriousness, enthusiasm; boredom, ennui, dullness, hebetude, phlegm; passionlessness, passivity, half-heartedness; unfeelingness, unemotionalness, insensitivity, insensibility, stolidity.
4. stillness, tranquillity, quiescence, calm, lull, windlessness, calm before the storm; silence, din of silence, dead calm, deathlike calm, flat calm.
languorous, adj. languishing, lethargic, spiritless, listless. See - languid (defs. 1-3).
lank, adj. 1. long, slender, lean, thin, skinny, attenuate; gaunt, haggard, emaciated, meager, spare, scrawny; scraggy, spindly, spindle-shanked, skeletal, bare-boned, raw-boned, skin-and-bones, twiggy; bony, lanky, gangling, gangly, gawky, Inf. weedy; tall, longlegged, rangy, long-necked, giraffelike, leggy.
2. awkward, ungraceful, ungainly, oafish, lubberly, clumsy.
lantern, n. lamp, light, dark lantern, SI. glim, bull's-eye; oil lamp, lampion, hurricane lamp, tornado lamp, safety lamp, miner's lamp; jack-o'-lantern, magic lantern, Japanese lantern, Chinese lantern; barn lantern, kerosene lamp, Coleman lantern, carriage lamp, side light, riding light; gas lamp, gaslight, filament lamp, carbon lamp; police lantern, railroad lantern, search lamp, pilot light, navigation light, signal lamp.
lap1, n. 1. seat, knees.
2. security, secureness, safeness, comfort, protection, refuge.
3. responsibility, obligation, charge, job, task; bailiwick, turf, neighborhood, territory.
lap2, v. 1. wrap, wrap up, wind around, dress; fold up, case, enclothe, clothe; cover, sheathe, circumvest, swathe, swaddle, garb; envelop, enfold, enwrap, encase, surround, invest.
2. overlap, fringe, margin, marginate, edge, border, hem, skirt; bound, rim, list, marge, line, verge, side. -n. 3. circuit, compass, ambit, circuition, orbit, circle, loop; tour, full circle, round trip, trip, revolution.
lap3, v. 1. wash against, beat upon, slap, splash against; slosh, swash, wash, swish, ripple, purl, trill; trickle, drip, dribble; babble, burble, bubble, murmur, gurgle, guggle.
2. lick up, tongue, drink up, mouth; sip, nip, sup, bib; swill, swig, tipple, tope; drink off, imbibe, quaff. -n. 3. plash, swash, wash, backwash, swish, splash; ripple, trill, purl, trickle, Naut. cat's-paw, dribble; babble, burble, bubbling.
lapse, n. 1. decline, fall, descent, Fr. chute; falling, slipping, backslide, subsidence; drop, sinkage, slump, collapse, Meteorol. katabasis; deterioration, degeneration, worsening, declension; downturn, weakening, turn for the worse; downfall, decline and fall, debacle.
2. slip, error, mistake, Inf. slip-up, blunder, fluff; failure, failing, breach, flaw, sin, wrong; negligence, laxity, dereliction, omission, oversight, inadvertence, Law. nonfeasance; relapse, recidivism, reversion, regression.