3. wrong-headed, misguided, unwise, imprudent. See - wrong-headed (def. 1).
4. improper, indecorous, unseemly, unbecoming, unladylike, ungentlemanly, ungentlemanlike; malapropos, inappropriate, inapt, unsuitable, unsuited, unfit, ill-adapted, incompatible, out of keeping, inapposite, inapplicable, irrelevant, out of place; unwarranted, uncalled for, way out of line.
-n. 5. misdeed, misdoing, malefaction, wrongdo ing, Inf. no-no; immoral act, sin, moral offense, vice, lapse from virtue, unrighteousness, depravity; mistake, error, misstep, blunder, bungle, flub, muff, dereliction, slip, lapse, oversight, omission, Inf. slipup, Sl. screw-up, Sl. boot, Sl. louse-up, Sl. E or the big E; transgression, trespass, offense, infraction, violation; crime, criminal act, felony, misdemeanor, delinquency, Law. tort, malfeasance, Chiefly Law. malversation, dirty pool, corruption; bad, bad or naughty thing, evil, wickedness, iniquity, something awful; atrocity, horror, outrage, monstrosity, enormity.
6. impropriety, indiscretion, gaucherie, faux pas, misconduct, terrible thing, absurdity, All Sl. boo-boo, boner, goof, blooper, clinker, clunker, dumb trick, fool mistake. -adv. 7. awry, amiss, athwart, astray, Scot. and North Eng. agley; out of whack, out of order, on the blink.
8. wrongly, erroneously; injuriously, harmfully, perversely; unfairly, unjustly, inequitably.
-v. 9. abuse, misuse, ill-use, maltreat, mistreat,
ill-treat, aggrieve, Inf. shaft, Inf. give [s.o.] the shaft,
Sl. do [s.o.] dirty or dirt, Sl. kick [s.o.] around or in the teeth, Sl. do [s.o.] wrong; oppressj persecute, keep [s.o.] down; exploit, use, take advantage of, walk all over, impose upon; defraud, cheat, trick, Inf. flimflam, U.S. Sl. con.
10. transgress, trespass, offend, desecrate, profane, defile, debase, prostitute; malign, slur, impugn, traduce, asperse, vilify, defame, slander, libel, bespatter, make [s.o.'s] name mud; denigrate, belittle, minimize, insult, run or put down, Inf. knock, Sl. badmouth; ridicule, mock, scorn, deride, make fun of, laugh at.
wrongdoer, n. malefactor, evildoer, transgressor, trespasser, sinner, offender, culprit; lawbreaker, Inf. scofflaw, criminal, delinquent, juvenile delinquent, Sl. JD, felon, larcener, larcenist, misdemeanant, Law. malfeasant, Law. misfeasor; convict, reprobate, recidivist,
Inf. chronic crook, Sl. jailbird; gangster, hoodlum, mobster, racketeer, mafioso, desperado, Sl. hood;