Synonyms Dictionary
3. bandstand, platform, structure, stage; newsstand, bookstall, stall. kipper, v. (of all fish) cure, smoke-cure, smoke, dry, salt, pickle, preserve, can, Chiefly Brit. tin. kismet, n. destiny, fate, predestination, preordination, foreordination, predetermination, what is to be or come, Sp. que sera sera, what is written in the stars, stars, planets, Class. Myth. Moira, what bodes or looms; portion, fortune, wheel of fortune, handwriting on the wall, lot, one's lot in life, cup, inevitability; end, doom; God's will, Providence, will of Allah, Islamic, insh'allah. kiss, v. 1. salute, greet, kiss the hand of; Inf. buss, Inf. smack, osculate; Inf. smooch, Inf. canoodle, Inf. make out, Inf. fool around, Inf. neck, bundle, Inf. spoon; blow a kiss.
2. touch gently, brush, brush lightly, graze, glance over, waft over, lick, contact gently, come into contact with.
-n. 3. accolade, salute, handkiss; Inf. buss, Inf. smack, Inf. smooch, osculation.
4. touch, light touch, taction, contact; glance, brush, feel, sensation. kit, n. 1. set, collection, parts; tools, equipment, apparatus, implements, utensils, gear, necessaries, tackle, rigging, trappings, appurtenances, accouterments, things, paraphernalia; supplies, fittings, provisions, furnishings.
2. uniform, livery, wardrobe, clothing, turnout, outfit, Inf. rig, dress.
3. case, fitted case, tool box, instrument case; knapsack, rucksack, haversack, Australian, tucker bag, duffel bag, sea bag, ditty bag or box, Inf. boodle bag, school bag. kitchen, n. 1. cookroom, cookhouse, cookery, bakehouse, bakery, galley, Brit, caboose; scullery, pantry, larder, Brit, stillroom.
2. culinary department, cuisine, table d'hote, ordinary, menu, meals, board.
-adj. 3. (all of speech) provincial, regional, local, colloquial, vernacular, informal, unliterary; inferior, substandard, mongrel, bastard. kite, n. 1. box kite, tetrahedral kite, dragon kite, eddy kite, Hargrave or cellular kite.
2. small hawk, bird of prey, black kite, swallowtailed kite, white-tailed kite, elanet.
-v. 3. Informal, ascend, mount, rise, arise, uprise, go up, get up, come up, rise up, start up; soar, sail, fly, hover, float, drift, glide, dip, swoop.
4. Commerce, write bad checks, counterfeit checks, Inf. boost checks, Inf. bounce checks, Inf. pass bad paper, Inf. paper, Inf. manufacture, forge, counterfeit securities. kitten, n. 1. young cat, young feline, kit, kitty, pussy, pussycat, puss, Archaic, catling.
-v. 2. bear kittens, deliver, bear, give birth, drop, spring, throw, bring forth young. kittenish, adj. 1. playful, playsome, full of play, playful as a kitten; sportive, funloving, frolicsome, frisky, Fr. folatre.
2. All Disparaging, cute, overly-cute, too cute, cutesy, Brit. Sl. twee; infantile, girlish; coquettish, coy, tricksy. klutz, n. Slang. 1. bungler, botcher, Inf. duffer, Sl. butcher, mismanager; fumbler, butterfingers, blunderer, stumbler, Inf bull in a china shop; lubber, looby, lummox, Sl. galoot, lout, oaf, Sl. shlemiel.
2. blockhead, dunce, dolt, dullard, ignoramus, Sl. yoyo, simpleton; lunkhead, bonehead, knucklehead, pinhead, Sl. bananahead, numskull.
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