counter3, adv. 1. in the reverse direction, in the wrong way, against the grain, against the current or tide, downstream; contrary, in opposition, against, versus.
-adj. 2. opposite, contrasting, different, another; reverse, return, second; oppositional, diametrically opposed, converse, inverse; contrary, antithetical, antithetic, polar, antipodal, oppositive, adversative.
-n. 3. rebuttal, retaliation, return, comeback, answer; opposition, disputation, argument, denial.
-v. 5. meet, answer, come back with, return, rebut, retaliate; oppose, controvert, offset; combat, contend with, dispute, argue against, deny,
counteract, v. 1. act against, go or act counter to, oppose, contravene; run counter to, traverse; cross, antagonize, thwart, obstruct, frustrate, impede, hinder, interfere with; check, repress, restrain; resist, Obs. militate against, withstand; clash with, conflict with, work at cross purposes.
2. counterbalance, offset, counterpoise, countervail; neutralize, destroy the effect of, undo; annul, nullify, cancel.
counteraction, n. 1. opposition, resistance, contravention, contradiction, contrariety, reaction; antagonism, obstruction, frustration, hindrance, interference, friction; check, repression, restraint; clash, conflict, collision.
2. counterbalance, counterpoise, neutralization; annulment, nullification, cancellation.
3. counterattack, counterblast, countermove, countermeasure; counterblow, counterpunch, counterthrust, counterstroke.
counterbalance, n. 1. balance, counterpoise, counterweight, equilibration.
-v. 2. balance, counterpoise, equilibrate; equalize, make up for, compensate.
3. offset, countervail; neutralize, destroy the effect of, undo.
counterfeit, adj. 1. forged, fraudulent, imitation, fake, Inf. phony; not genuine, bogus, spurious, supposititious, bastardly, Australian, bunyip.
2. pretended, feigned, simulated, make-believe, sham, flash; unreal, false, insincere, mock, ersatz, synthetic; artificial, factitious, contrived, fictitious; assumed, put-on, pseudo; specious, meretricious, theatrical.
-n. 3. imitation, reproduction, forgery, fake, Inf. phony, sham; falsification, fraud; Jewelry, paste; Masonry, scagliola; (of literary works) plagiarism.
4. pretense, deception, feigning, make-believe.
-v. 5. forge, Brit. Inf. coin; (all fraudulently) im
itate, copy, plagiarize, falsify, reproduce.
6. resemble, mirror, look like, favor; duplicate, replicate, match, echo.
7. simulate, assume, take on, affect, ape, mimic.
8. feign, dissemble, pretend, fake, act, put on, sham, malinger.
counterfeiter, n. 1. forger, Fr. faux-monnayeur, Brit. Inf. coiner.
2. falsifier, imitator, copier, plagiarist; pretender, feigner, malingerer; imposter, mountebank, charlatan, quack, empiric, Australian, bunyip.
countermand, v. 1. revoke, rescind, abrogate, reverse, repeal, abolish; annul, disannul, nullify, declare null and void, render null and void, void, avoid; quash, invalidate, vitiate, vacate, disenact, disestablish; cancel, discharge; supersede, set aside.
2. retract, recall, withdraw, take back; counterorder, override, overrule.